Chapter 148 - China

 I remember when I was a little girl and mom would bring me to her best friend's home in Belvedere. China and her mom Cherry left Hongkong to live in Majarlika for work purposes. China's dad is my dad's friend and business partner in Armac Industries. I love China so much that we share everything including toys and stuff that both of our dads gift us. But when we reached twelve years old htings changed. Mr. Coco wanted to take over the company which my father built but my dad's counterparts and business partners disagreed. Mr. Coco grew mad and tried to sue my dad. He even tried to destroy the factories that we built for ARIS and the people of Majarlica yet it was unsuccessful. I don't know if it's because he is chinese and speaks Mandarin or Cantonese that he juct couldn't understand the word 'no' and that dad has the right toward the company he built and not him nor his business associates. Hmm…Mr. Coco is just defensive and wanted to make sure he can control the AI market and use it for his own selfish desires and in getting rich. Though he is already rich he is still hungry for more, power, popularity and gold. But what he doesn't know nations had started to unite against him and his nation alliances due to his stubbornness and greed.

I was so sad when Mr. Coco destroyed the seas and oceans, in fact, corals, surrounding some of our plants and factories. Since in order to gain access to air and sea traffic, when he was still the assistant head of ARMAC, he ordered to build a military and ammunition base near ARIS factory and laboratory to infiltrate one of the Majarlica isle named Bajo. Dad found out and immediately cut ties from Mr. Coco and his business counterparts. China was so sad when she said goodbye to me so suddenly and went home to Honkong in a matter of 24 hours. Haa…I still miss her. I taught her English and was already good in speaking Tagalog in almost five years that she stayed and lived in Majarlica. But I still disdain what Mr. Coco did to Majarlica's isles and seas. It's unforgivable and mom made sure he will pay for what he did and sure enough. I didn't have any news about Mr. Coco but I heard from mom's assistant when he was talking to someone on the phone, about something that he took care of the guy and his nations' leaders aliances. They are now in some place cozy, somewhere they could think about their actions and reflect on their uncalled for or bad decisions in life especially in destroying our corals, building military base on illegal grounds/ Majarlica's soil or sea, and bullying our fishermen and destroying their boats or ships which is bad since we are on our Majarlica's Area of Responsibility.

Even if South China Sea is named after their country's still it has been a channel used for travel and naviation. We have been using it ever since Asian and foreign countries have known it as a route of vast sea where anyone or ships can enter to and from..

Where could that be?, Ericka thought and then Dunea came in to tell her it's time to go.

But that somewhere is where dinasaurs and scary, ugly creatures are learking. Mr. Coco and his business partners along with some nation leaders from all over the world woke up confused. They heard scream and it is so dark now they couldn't see where they are. Ah…where are we?, one leader said and when he stood to look, he saw a barren field and mountains where trees are just blossoming. I think we are in a different planet. How come this happened? It's your fault Chen, we blame you for your arrogance! You should have talked with Violet or Herman to help you out or clar things up!, another leader added now scared listening to monsters far away from them but as if they are about to come to them since they are certainly food and nothing more.

 I'm, sorry!, Chen Coco said repetitively but now that the twelve of them are in a fit, it's too late asking for forgiveness and time for a painful retribution. And this time, there is no running, turning back. Dox? No, no, this is Dox, a planet where monsters and dinasaurs live and reign supreme. We are dead meat! for your lives…..we should hide!, Chen added and now crying in fear.

 You think they will learn their lesson?, Michelin asked Violet. Well, it's only a matter of time until they give in and change. Let's just wait and see!, Violet said in her bedroom, while looking at the monitors where DGTV cameras are all over Dox that she can see everything and everyone. Now they are all running and trying to look for somewhere to hide in order to live and survive the planet. Violet is looking intently at the screen and shaking her head, 'they were so proud and egoistic having power and now they are like tiny mice running away from a predator!...Hmmm, interesting!.'

The other schools, universities and companies that joined the competition along with their two or three participants were namely: Czech United Air, Tokyo Flyers, Hongkong Limited, Sky Africa–Jaguars, Canada QP (Quantum Physics) Guild, International Space Flyers and Galaxy TOG (Travllers of Galaxy). Johanna's team, two competitors along with Jon of the BRIT International Flyers lost from the Bull Dogs. Jon was the only fighter who survived and her companions decided to stay, support and cheer the girl up for their school's pride is at stake as well as the scholarship which Jon accumulated since she is among the semifinalists. Their principal is so happy hearing the news and wanted to congratulate Johanna but she is now about to leave for the flight to Aurea since her fight will be held there against Cecilia. When Hayaka won the bout she was asked to draw a ball this time for the next location of the Bout by pressing a button. It ran through and fro and then stopped, lighting on Aurea. Cid then announced the place and the judges, VOF officials agreed to it. The spectators on the rink and the TV screens or social media spread around the universe, so, Ava and Absalom watching the Bout are so glad that they will be able to see Dunea again after months of not seeing her.