Chapter 144 - ARIS

But you told me to shut up so I did!, Gertrude cried and now confused. Oh!, Herman added. Humans can be so confusing, no wonder you hate each other!, Gertrude added and swerved to a huge gate that opened using a button that Herman touched from his virtual holoscreen. Home sweet home, Herman!

Armac Industries and Galatea Corporations are still competing with their AI constructions. Armac has finally started distributing AI women that can get pregnant and impregnated as long as the male partner is healthy and is compatible with the android girl. There we can see that a delivery service is carrying an AI woman called ARIS or Artificial Recon Intelligence System. Armac developed an exquisite industry that makes AI women or ARIS pregnant. It was just a plan and experiment back in the 21st century and now after 30.000 A.D.E it finally arrived and perfected. Recently, Armac shared a story of a bachelor who wanted to have children and since he is filthy rich he tried having children with ARIS jsuut in a matter of one year. ARIS is a sophisticated and heartwarming AI who you can trust, love and share everything just like a human woman or huert could maybe more. The good thing about ARIS is that she doesn't complain and she makes you happy all of the time. She follows all your wishes and can be the perfect wife, girlfriend, mother or partner in life forever. Though ARIS won't die or get killed, it needs regular tune up and check up from Armac Industries Clinic toconduct tests and ensure your ARIS remain healthy and wise for comsumation or impregnantion. However, the religious organizations question the ethical values that an android presumes. Several comments say that it is unlawful and against human nature but I think many would agree that who wouldn't want a girl who is perfect and brings oyu happiness all the time instead of pain and suffering?, Herman Armac, the CEO of Armac Industries said in his recent interview courtesy of Galaxy TV 54.

I know many of you would question my intentions but I only want to help and this invention is for those men who want to have a family inspite of their shy, introvert or naïve characters. Having ARIS by their side who understands and provideds them all the love, support and sex they need not to mention, children to make their family complete. No matter what others say or who bashes me about my ARIS, I still stand and proudly give them to men and those who want a partner that understands and will stay by your side forever or as long as you live! Thank you and goodnight everyone!, Herman added walking down the podium and out of the conference hall, escorted by his bodyguards to his Benz-GX, invented and gifted by his close friend Art Benz, a descendant of Benz lienage back in the 1900's. It is an AI car which can transform to a helicopter, yacht or mini submarine if in case of emergencies or terrorist/piracy attacks.