Chapter 120 - Choices

When Mher died I was so devastated since he was my best friend. He was not just a buddy or pal but like a brother to me. Cecil must have felt lonely when she was transferring to DOGS Academy as an exchange student since one of our top notch flyer and officer who was Mher was diagnosed with a rare and terminal disease, Cecil was the replacement. Leaving G-Force Police was hard for her to do since she grew up with us and her dad fighting bad criminals and sentinels for years. When Mher got sicker and his condition worsened, we don't have any choice but to fill in for the position and Cecil was the first choice of the organization. The Elite division of the academy knew she was young and strong. The council believes in Cecil's potential to dominate and fight like a professional fearless to do what she is ordered to meant to do especially as a Flighter. For when she was a G-Force Officer she made sure that laws are followed and upheld without conditions, prejudices and compromises. Virtual of Fire bout was originally called Victor of Fire which is a virtual rink where the best soldiers, fighters or flighters battle against other champions either from elite universities or chosen organizations. Many call it Virtual Rink of Fire but in truth, we designed it to be called Victor of Fire for we believe in G-Force Police that as a champion, the victor is the sole winner and carrier of the torch of light or truth, justice and strength. G-Force Academy was the champion of the said competition and we remained supreme for two years now.

I came from very humble beginnings and you can call me Emil. Born and raised in the lower part of Ground Level. You can consider me a Ground Zero citizen since our type of ranking is the lowest or poorest of the poor in our current era. Though civilizations in 30.000 A.D.E. are commonly high, mighty and advanced, we are still on the average life style, using mega byte internet, driving electric cars and mobiles or buying food from stree vendors and wear clothings bought from 'ukay-ukay' or second hand stores which are still very popular until today. Our supreme leader 1 Violet D'Mundo thought her government have eradicated the poor but not really. They just gave them aid, and supported them to study and fend for themselves but in truth there are still those who live inside sewerage systems, under bridges, abandoned buildings or broken down homes or villages which were either left by citizens a long time ago. That were called ghost towns or places, cities that were demanding high real state taxes and were abandoned by the owners and left to other cities or countries or better yet, planets and galaxies for better home, medical, education and economic stability or security.

It's crazy to think that I can be somebody. To dream and make it a reality but in fact it will never happen when what ic an only do now is pray and work in my sh*ty 8-5 job and persistently endure the complains and nagging of my fat ass lady boss. When I was working my brows off in a digital phone factory, Mher was the only one who encouraged me to leave my job and enter the G-Force Police with him. I did that with his insistent persuation and that he promised to be there for me every step of the way. We made it to G-Force as scholars and paid for our tuition while working as part-timers in the factory we learned to love since it pays for our schooling. As electrical and geo technical engineers we are pretty good at our course, subject that G-force Police made us officers in our second year at the academy along with Cecil. It was the best day of our lives when we made it that far and our families were really proud of us earning the title, Officers. I thought I will just work at the factory or construction firms all my life but never have I dreamed to become a police officer and now a fighter for Victor of Fire. The virtual ring or bout rink of a game most coveted in our millennia today. Here the greatest and strongest fighter will battle against other fighters for prestige becoming the best of the best in flighting as a fligher. It feels all surreal but with Mher on my side, watching over me from above, I know I will conquer and have the confidence to win the bout not just for me or my academy but for the world.

Dreams do come true but with smart work and persistence all will come together. I worked tirelessly to make my dream as an officer a reality. I used the bad and good things that happened to me for my advantage and now it finally paid off!, Mher thought.

I was in the states then as an intern for a scientific research on geo technology and engineering. I only had a on way ticket to go to California as a trainee for Universal Flyers International Academy. I heard about Hayaka and she has been undefeated for several years. Since she joined G-Force Police that school and organization have become popular. Though DOGS have been in the forefront of many things especially in mastery of flying and fighting moreover on scrimages, still they could not get over the fact that a G-Force student by the name Hayaka defeated their champion Jax. Lt. Jax is a graceful and splendid champion and for five years she held the title that no university or organization or company can match. However, it was rumored that during the time Jax was hit hard on the shoulder she was already suffering from a terrible injury that happened when she went skiing in the U.S. with fellow flighters and had an accident falling off a cliff for some reason. It was the end of her career but I heard she is still at DOGS academy as an instructor and a powerful exterminator of VCs and BTs.