Chapter 111 - Lucy

Lucy looked at me and nodded!

Ah, the f*ck…sorry! I just need some fresh air. Be back in a bit!, I cried and asked to be excused. I left the room and tried to catch my breath. I felt that I'm going to suffocate since Lucy knew what I was thinking and that I like, like her in a sexual way. Man!, this is so awkward!

I wanted to apologize to Lucy so I brought her a slice of egg pie and hot chocolate. I ate with Kaori at the lounge so I was full when I came back to talk to Lucy who is already cleaned herself and the room smelled so nice, like vanilla and pomegranate. Hmm!!! Hi, I see that you are well now! How do you feel?, I asked and when her medical doctor visited earlier, she told that she feels great and that I was the one who made her feel better than the others who just bothered her with questions and never tried to listen to what she ahs to say.

Thanks, ah. Lucy, I'm sorry about the thoughts. I hope I didn't inconvenienced you or something?, I said sitting beside her bed.

No, not at all, Aoi. I always get that feeling and thoughts! Though I was born with the special ability I not only have this gift but also this!, Lucy cried and then the lights from the room turned off. Lucy elevating herself that her own light shone so bright, she suddenly transformed into a seven foot tall beast with sharp teeth and long nails. Her skin color is purple and her curves so detailed that she is like a woman wolverine. Yet, she is so pretty and sexy now I'm really falling deeply in love with her and her awesome new form. I have never seen a beast so perfectly carved and she is reamarkably amazing to me.

Ahh….beautiful!, the only words I uttered and Lucy came up to me, kissed my lips and devoured me like I am her prey. A prey, who is willing to be killed for love. Hihi! No, just kidding! Lucy was so gentle that even in her beast transformation she can hold me in her arms and be kissed with gentle and sweet kisses that I repayed back with hugs and unsurmountable lip service in the literal sense of the word.

Where were you when I was lost and looking for someone that I could cling to?, Lucy said still kissing me. The lights are still turned off and I wanted to see her but my soul clearly sees her as my own piece of heaven.

I am here now so trust me that I will help you even if it's the last thing I'd ever do for I am sure that I'm falling in love with you and I can't stop myuself from it now!, I added and we made love that night.

The military marshals sent by Majarlica were on break, so G-Force police officers scouted the area and the hospital is always protected so as no huert, ospian, alien or enemy's of state, galaxy or universe will be able to get in Universal Allied Hospital. Lucy and I held each other's bodies on her bed which is quite small for her so that urged her to change back to her normal human form. I was so delighted to see her hot body, I couldn't help but touch and kiss every inch of her that made her groan in silence. We kept our moans and groans quiet so as not to disturb or alert the officers out at the front door. Lucy and I were both giggling at each other's naughtiness. We talked for hours and there I found almost everything that I needed to know about her.

Bingo! I really enjoyed the sex and I know I love her deep inside but I was only doing my job as a scientist and USN informant. I think Lucy knows it too but she felt the same way I do, we are in the same boat following orders and simply enjoying our time together at the moment. And that was just it, but was it really just for the job? Or something more, like falling for someone you just met or maybe giving affection a chance in our complicated and changing worlds? Maybe we can or can't, but for now, we will make the best out of us and this time we are willing to take that risk.

Lucy and I made love again and again, and again…..The hell with Lena…, Aoi thought. I don't care what Xerxian says…., Lucy said to herself. Both kissed and drowned themselves on each other's fantacies, fulfilling their own desires, quenching their thirst, their need, to feel, maybe not for love or being loved but just to be seen in someone's eyes as desirable, beautiful. Nothing matters anymore but their feelings for each other, it's now or not at all!

Ahhhh….huh..huh..haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, helpppp, please, oww…it hurts…ahhhh, Lucy! Help!...

Haaaaaa….huh, huh! Haa…, just a dream!, Lucy said and Aoi woke to console the woman sleeping beside her. What's the matter, having bad dreams?

Yes, another one!, Lucy added. Aoi stood up to get Lucy a glass of water. Here take this and feel better! What is it this time?

It si the same with me…and Barbs, she is like calling my name over and over again. And there I am outside the black hole's edge seeing her body being spaghettified…haaa…it's so horrifying I couldn't think straight after that. My practice as a geo physicist engineer has gotten me award after awards but didn't do me any good not even saving my own girlfriend. Hu…hu..Hu…hu!!!, Lucy now sobbing in front of me. I went ot her side and hugged her tight. It will be alright, babe! This time, we will find a way to save those who fall into the same scenario as when you and your old girlfriend experienced. We will make sure this won't happen again!, Aoi cried and kissed Lucy on the mouth. Lucy was discharged and Aoi helped her settle in her own apartment to live together for the mean time.