Chapter 107 - Retribution

Yuri's eyes widened and when the men, women, trans people came to him, he yelled so loud but no one could hear him since his mouth is sealed with tape. He peed on the bed from fear but no one is there to help him now. He felt sorry for himself and the people he killed but now it's too late, it's just too late!

 Okay, you're not doing this just to take advantage or have sex with me, right?, Violet said when Belen stopped kissing her all of a sudden. Nope, not really! No matter what people y or how they see me as womanizer or a playgirl! I am not what you think I am! I love my Tasha and always want her inspite of other women clinging or throwing themselves at me!, Belen replied now pulling a tobacco and lighting it in front of Violet then sat on the floor to breathe.

Haa… I knew it. Was this the thing you talked about with Red then?, Violet added and sat on the bed.

Yes, she is with Yuri now and I don't know if he will survive the painful punishment but he will live I'm sure of it!, Belen said smiling at me.

Okay, then what will we do now that we are here on your suite?, Violet added. Well, of you like, we can continue with the sex and do it anyway hehe!, Belen cried laughing.

Not a chance governor, not a chance!, Violet smiled. Then, maybe I can ease your pains and do this, Belen replied and moved closer to Violet and held the woman's back on the bed, unbuttoned her blouse and took off her bra.

What the …what are you going to do!? Governor, stop!!!, Violet yelled stopping the woman. You are crazy!

Wait, I will make you feel good, I promise, this isn't about sex but..this!, Belen uttered pulling bottle of lotion and oil.

What are those?, Violet said and took the bottles off the governor's grip. Ahh….massaging lotion and liniment oil with eucalyptus.

Aha….so…, Violet cried and laughed positioning herself to let the woman massage her instead of having sex with her.

That's better…wooah! Ahhh….that;s so nice…!, Violet groaning while the governor is pressing her hands on to her back and swirling touches ease the pains and stresses of her body. It aches but is so soothing. Dunea and Ericka are standing at the the governor's front door. Michelin got them food and drinks but the girls are still waiting outside to confirm what really is happening with the women inside the suite.

Haa….aahhhh…, Violet is now moaning endelessly. Dunea and Ericka giggled when they heard of the sound. Ericka held Dunea's ears so as not to hear the awful and embarrassing noise her mother is making at the moment. What…she's so like you, babe! Wow, that would really make the governor's day alright! Hihi!, Dunea said whispering to Ericka's ear. Stop it!, Ericka said angrily.

You want to do it here too babe?, Dunea asked teasing the girl who is clearly so embarrassed about what's happening between the governor and her mom inside the room.

No, and stop it! Mom, what are you up to this time?, Ericka said and when the door opened. Violet's blouse is crooked and her hair disheveled. However, Governor Belen's outfit is still pressed and clean like she wasn't affected at all. Her suit seems crised but she's fine unlike Violet who is all red and flustered. Haa..that was heavenly, governor! Thanks, see you next time we meet!, Violet uttered so elated.

Yep, my lady! The pleasure is all mine!, Belen said and kissed Violet's hand tehn bowed as a gentleman before Dunea and Ericka. Tata! Girls…

That was governor Belen for you. A real macho and lady's woman…ahhh…wowowowow!!, Dunea and Ericka reacted.

Mom??? What the f*ck!?, Ericka said. Violet held a grin, what she gave me a good massage, that's all!

Massage huh! Do you think I'd fall for that!?, Ericka added and smiling. Hmph!

Yuri's birthday party was a success and all guests had fun. They were just wondering what happened to Yuri after that great entrance. His assistant apologized for the inconvenience since Lord Yuri felt sick and needed to rest in his room. Captain Red and her mates gathered round on their meeting room at the ship. Yuri is now at his mansion resting and after that ordeal with the guys he won't be able to pee nor poop in a while. The money was wire transferred to Red by Governor Belen's assistant Roy and the pirates are so glad they did a good job but didn't kill anyone today. Red gave money to the guys, transgenders and women who helped them to make everything happen. She thanked them and made a promise that if they need her help they can just contact her anytime.

Yuri is in his room and gasping for air. He called his assistant to make a bath for him and asked for his doctor. He really needs a pain killer and anti biotics for his body aches and insides grumbling like he wanted to puke and get sterilized. He felt so dirty and agry. But it's useless and he can only wish that he could have died with the people he ordered to die ten years ago. He wanted to have peace and joy in the world and universe but why did things end up this way. Why?

Is the party over already? That's too bad!, Eco said while Ava is looking for someone and when found him she ran up to the guy and hugged him. So you must be the ever famous Eco Amber?, a guy familiar to Ava cried while holding the queen general to her waist.

Ahh…General Absalom! It's nice to meet you, finally, we have met face to face!, Eco added.

Yes, I am glad that you have taken good care of my WIFE…!, Abasalom said with a serious tone.

Of course I still love her and she is my precious explorer-physicist after all!, Eco added. Suddenly there is an akward silence, the two men are now intensely looking at each other's eyes. Ava felt the urge to stop them and held Absalom in her arm to oull him to the side. Honey, stop this! This is not what we came here for! I know you hate him but be civil, alright!, Ava cried and Absalom smiled then kissed the woman on the lips while Eco is looking at both of them with jealousy. I'm sensing that he is still in love with you. Are you still in love with him, Ava, huh!?, Absalom asked while holding the queen's cheek. Ava looked at Absalom straight into the eyes and she didn't need to tell him but in her gaze he knew that she can't deny what her heart is beating for. Haa…I was so persistent. I'm sorry dear, I can change and be the man you want me to be!, Absalom seriously added.