Chereads / another lifetime (MVManalo) / Chapter 87 - Priscilla (Captain Red of Skull Fleet)

Chapter 87 - Priscilla (Captain Red of Skull Fleet)

Yes, I love it here. Actually my father is part owner or Carpathia, since his company and corroborators are merchants from Axiom, they really specialize in building architectures or machine operated cities such as this. Cool huh?, Ren explained so proud of her dad and his achievements. Yes, wow, really! That is really awesome!, I replied admiring the water fall with it's clear waters and greeneries, flowers growing on its sides. The park has real live trees and flowers that seem to only bloom in space, Rosettas and Tulips, maybe, I'm not really sure now.

I slept with Hayley and I think I want to try having a relationship with her, Ren blurted still gazing at the falls. Oh, I said since I was not prepared to hear it or maybe I never realized Ren to disclose about her life like this but I'mglad she did. Then, I'm happy for you and Hayley. I hoep you and her will find….., I happily said but Ren isn't. Maybe she thought I'd be jealous or worried or whatever she wants me to feel. But when I was longing for her she always seemed cold and heartless but now that the tables has turned, she seemed sad and angry all the time.

Ericka, do you hate me or it's just that you dislike me for some reason? Why are you doing this to me?, Ren said and held my arms towards her. I love you and I will do everything to have you back in my life!

Ren, I thought we have talked about this before. I love….,

Yes, you love Dunea and not me, even though I gave you everything and loved you whole heartedly, and tis is what you did to me? You bitch!, Ren added and slapped me. I…I'm sorry, Ericka, I didn't mean to hurt you!

I knew it is a bad idea coming with you! There is no sense talking with someone who is full of hate, selfishness and pride!, I added and left Ren with tears in her eyes. I ran back to my unit and found Dunea already there lying on the bed when I entered all sweaty and crying. What…

I rushed towards her and cried on her chest. She brushed my hair and understood everything. I didn't need to talk and she understood what was wrong and happening.We stayed like that the whole night. I slept after since grew tired of crying and Dunea kissed me goodnight.

Morning came and flighters need to train rigorously for the mock battle that is about to happen two weeks from now. Though DOGS and G-Force stundents need to pass the mock battle so they can graduate as professional Flighters for the academy, Carpathia is the best training ground for flighters and here famous soldiers and legends such as Lt. Jax, Menace, Lloyd, Slash, Purple Lady Master, Dorothea, Eco, Ava, Michelin and more. So looking back at history, these legends are the crème dela crème of DOGS. Only Eco, Ava, Violet and Lt. Jax know about Violet's secret as the fearless soldier flighter Purple Lady Master. Though Dan and Ava knows her ultimate secret as the Supreme Leader Chief of USN, Ericka has no idea of it all.

It is a shame that her daughter doesn't see her mother as a hero but an average broker from ground level. Huh…hahahaha…humans are so funny! How can we stir things up?, a woman's giggly voice said to a captain of the pirates league, this is a community of thieves and looters among Xerxians they are more ruthless than the Sentinels. They resort to all kinds of murders, kidnappings and rapes aside from their bad, dirty charactirestics and ugly features, they really are rotten to the core.

As you will, Madame Priscilla, the feared red head pirate from Dox planet. I kind of love the sound of that. So formal but I like it…no, loveee it, hihi!, Captain Red said excitedly.

Though she lived a sweet but simple life with her family back at a small, secluded but colorful world, Priscilla wanted more and since she never had formal education yet mastered driving a sky fleets (ship driven in the sky), she joined the Ku Klux Looters as a second mate. She learned the trade of gambling and bargaining inside and outside of pirate industry. Since merchants and business owners has schools for marketing and currencies, a pirate in space, galactic age has underground hubs or online courses to become the most competitive pirate in his or her craft on piracy.

Priscilla learned the rules of the game and mastered the trade by studying the ins and outs of piracy which pushed her to lead a band of thieves in her souoght after debut as captain a year ago. Captain 'Red' organized her mates and created her own fleet which she later then called Skull (Pirates of Fire). For almost five years she and her mates have been successful in their trade and loots but never joined in murderous or sexual businesses. She was hated and been critized by some looters and leading pirate fleets since they said Priscilla has as soft spot for women and young girls that they don't rape or sexually assault their kidnap victims. Her mates often ask her about the rumors but she always say that she is a woman too so she wants to respect and keep the young girls safe in a way. After they ask for ramsoms and get the loot, they leave the girls or kinapped victims on ports safe and sound.

Aha….she is indeed a pirate with a heart!, some citizens say and murmur across streets and sky lines until Priscilla or Captain Red became popular among the poor huerts and ospians who eat chisms for lunch and drink other people's blood for dinner.

Wow, me with a heart? Maybe but I wouldn't exchange peace of mind from gold or money! Haa…why did I end up in this type of trade? I could have gone for fields of medicine or engineering but I didn't have the money nor the privilege to pay for expensive careers. My mother and father are farmers and since the government provides for fields to till and all, we finally earned sum of money for decent meals and home, clothes and education. Yet, it is still up to the mayors of districts on how they will distribute a city's earnings in Majarlica. I can't say for a fact that each planet or world have different rules or guideline they follow for poor folks or families in the new age. But we were never really that poor nor uneducated. I graduated high school and studied piracy on a hub that helped me master it and I was happy I chose that course.