Chapter 78 - Exellion

Fight!, all replied.

MS 1-Julietta on, taking off!, Dunea said.

MS-2- Rome on, moving out!, Ericka said.

MS-3-Miles, leaping out!

MS-4-Akhmed, MS-5-Hayley, MS-6-Yogi, on our way!

Cecilia and Ren, both of you are our sub-flighters that if one of the DOGS have issues and is injured, you immediately take his or her place. Got it!, Slash added and both girls nodded.

Flighters…let's move out and check on aerospace perimeters. This ship is near the loop but heading towards the battle front. Carpathia can't detect where it is really headed so let's surprise it and see if it'll make itself visible!, Slash said and the team agreed. Take care!

Yes, sir!, the flighters said.

Dunea, Ericka, go to that side, Hayley and Akhmed, fly to the middle and check it. Yogi, come with me to navigate this area, DOGS space center sent a data that the ship uses warp time lapse and it disappears and appears at the same time just to protect itself from being detected. Let's go!, Miles said and all flighters moved quickly to the spots they were assigned to check.

Miles, we see a black hole an it's sucking a nearly dying star, will we continue searching on tis spot?, Hayley said. She and Akhmed tried to be careful not to move fast where the black hole is present. Both flighters feel scared since the hole is like a monster that is literally eating a star whole and it's fascinating but cruel at th same time. We feel the magnetic field sucking us too…

Roger that Hayley, right, just stay out of its way and check on the ones that is far off the black hole. Alright take care!, Miles said.

Cool, let's go to this side!, Hayley added and Akhmed followed the girl away from the hole and near a meteor with a size of ten football fields I think. It's crushing it self into small pieces that Akhmed and I are avoiding the rocks as we swerve from left to right now.

Dunea and Ericka are both flying towards the loop, when blue girl saw something moving of it at a slow speed. Ericka, I think we found the ship! Look!, Dunea said on the digiradio and Ericka moved along side he girl to check it out. Ow, alright, I thought what I am sensing is wrong, but since you confirmed that it is the ship. Let's tell others!

Miles, we have seen the ship. It went out of the loop and now moving towards us!, Ericka said and Dunea is moving nearer and nearer the ship.

Roger, Ericka! Okay, we will come there!, Miles said and the flighters from all sides agreed to meet at the center of the loop, about a couple os miles from Carpathia and near the War Zone.

Stop, wait, Ericka, it's a fall alarm! I thought I saw a ship…but….Ahh!!!!, Dunea groaned in pain.

Dunea, Ericka shouted when the ship suddenly appeared in front of us and the wing hit Julietta and was pushed away. Ericka hit the ship with her ammunition and was about to fire her missile when the ships hatch opened and the hangar appeared.

Dunea woke up and checked Julietta. Her system already regenerated before she could even say so. So now she is fully equipped an repaired thus standing beside Rome now. Thank God you're alright! Let's move out of its way and check there while waiting for the others!, Ericka said while Dunea agreed to fly out of the ships way and use an exo=planet to hide for a while waiting if the ship would fire out sentinels or whatever it has which they don't have any idea what it really wants just now. The exo-planet is as tiny as mercury but we can only move to its side since the planet's biosphere is hot that whenever we try to enter the heat is so enormous it would fry MS and its systems so much it's hard to breathe inside it.

 Ooopss! Miles, we're here seeing the ship, it's now letting off sentinels and like their also pulling in stuff, we don't really know what those things are!, Ericka reported. We are about a couple of miles away, hang on, Alright, copy that!, Miles replied. Let's move near the loop, guys!

Hey, Ericka, look they have human pilots too!, Dunea said when both of us decided to move a little bit closer to check on the ship and its loaders. Aha, the ship's name is …Exellion?, Dunea it's…

Exellion? Why on earth would my dad's fleet come here? Ah….f*ck. Let me intercept their digital radio systems. Commander Dunea on MS 1-Julietta, to General Absalom, I'd like to speak with the general, please!, Dunea said and the receiver answered that they can enter ship's parameters and land on the hangar.

Dunea, it's been a long time! How are you my darling?, Absalom replied and Dunea smield. Dad!

Dad!????, Miles and the other flighters anwered. Slash heard the monitor and adviced DOGS Space Center, Gateway Laboratory, USN and UASA, NASA about the incident. False alarm, the ship that entered infinity loop is Exellion and General Absalom is piloting it. He is apologizing since there have been troubles in sending signals for right of passage but since Dunea was able to trace it and confirmed it is safe or the ship is an ally not an enemy. You are clear to enter aerospace, Carpathia aerospace responsibility, Slash's assistant said. Slash agreed and sent the details to space center and USN confirmed and agreed on the ship's decision to enter loop scale.

Dunea, and the other flighters including Ericka landed their MS robots on the hangar and placed them inside Exellion Ship. The fleet is headed by General Absalom and all are elated to see such magnificent and enormously huge ship. Wow!!!!

Dad!!!, Dunea shouted as she pulled herself out of Julietta, then ran to hug her father, King of Aurea.

Dad, oh I see!, Miles and the other said smiling all together. We apologize earlier since we thought you are an enemy ship ought to invade Earth or something!

It's alright, we are trying to send a signal and asking for permission to pass the loop but I think data storms are quite rampant that communications has been intercepted or connecting signals have been poor lately!, Absalom added and still hugging Dunea who is already all over her dad like a baby who doesn't want to let go of a parent. Honey! You are a big girl now and…

Papa, I won't let go. It's been months since I last saw you so I really miss you, so much I want you to carry me on your big and sturdy shoulders!, Dunea said literally being a baby now.

Ah, honey, Duneaaaa!, Absalom replied looking embarrassed with his daughter who is like a child standing at 5'7" to a 6'5" tall and muscular soldier but Dunea kept on hanging on to her dad's back like wanting a piggy back ride right that minute.