Chapter 76 - Real Thing

Not yet, crazy! Hot stuff huh, sexy or not, we need to get information about that ship!, Lena cried worriedly then kissed Dan back and pushed him aside.

 Yeah, I understand! I haven't deciphered the data yet maybe you can help me navigate the ship's location. Here!, Dan moved to his elongated desk like a television sizing at about 50 inches or more and touched the screen to hold one line against the other like connecting dots and lines to project where the ship is located and where it really is headed. Lena then interfeared and moved her hands along with her fingers from the right to left, up and down to size and see the whole picture or the distance of parameters and walla!, she deciphered the location and the exact point to where the ship is headed.

There, the ship is headed to the War Front. Oh, my God! We don't have enough soliders to protect it, Dan!???, Lena said now stressed out.

Yes, I hear you!, Dan replied and immediately connect a call to Eco and Ava is listening to the call while the man explained about the ship to dock the aerospace in the middle of infinity loop almost near the war front. Ava knew that this is serious and maybe there is a chance of war and it's unexpected.

 The DOGS flighters are about to enter aerospace and Carpathia is just minutes away. They aboard CRAWL.with MS 1, MS 2 and six more Mobile Skim robots at the ground level of the lift. Slash is now the acting captain of the lift when he received a universal call from DOGS space center via Gateway laboratory. Slash, we have a big problem!, Dan said while his connection is choppy and screeching. Oh, hell, a war ship from Axiom? Ahh…those bullies are still alive, aye? I heard they are immortal maybe fighting like dangling bones by now, I bet, Hahah!...

Slash, this is serious, they are using warps and it's zooming in fast. Be careful! May the God be with you and give you what you're destined for and more!, Dan said.

Got yah boss! Amen!, Slash told Dan. Change of plans kiddos! Go and wear your Mobile Skims now! We are gong to hit infinity loop and about to face a war ship that has maybe 50 or more Sentinels. Sentinels are robots aging from of old that are believed to be immortal yet can only die and get destroyed by slashing their heads off. I'll guide you through the way but you need move, so moveeee!, Slash shouted and the flighters ran towards the ground level using an elevator down to wear their respective Mobile Skim robots.

Man, talk about training, this is not what I signed up for? Yogi said nervous. Well, we have to fight monsters or aliens one way or another, it's just that this time it's now!, Hayley added smirking. Yup and we will kill them all, Akhmed seconded. Right? Ericka, Dunea, Ren?, the three nodded but still not talking to each other. Aha, still on danger zone of that love triangle paradise?, hihi!, Miles said laughing. Miles!....grrr…., Ericka yelled that both Dunea and Ren giggled but when their eyes met each gave a hearty snob. Hmph!