Chop chop…Flighters, soldiers, move, on the double!, Jax shouting and advising the flighters to run to the lounge as soon as possible. The DOGS academy lounge which is about a half size of a football field was covered with students and the DOGS Flighters who are about fifty of them who are still on the verge of being terminated were lined up front to receive orders from the head master.
Aahhhh….Helllppp, me! A monster is after me!, one by one men, women and children are appearing from the district where some creatures are already out in one of DG1 virus facility. The people are running away from the border since some creatures are lurking their way to smash, bite or eat the humans who they don't really hate but needed to devour due their need for survival.
Menace already fired an average size missile which is about the size of a soda liter towards the middle of the monsters. A serum that will make the creatures sleep so the DOGS would be able to capture every one of them for study or if not for termination. Jax, Lloyd and the other DOGS with Miles, Ericka, Ren, etc. followed after the hit penetrated the viruses and sort of fell into a trance. The people who are running looked at us and stared to see what we are going to do to whom they call monsters.
Then an imaginable earthquake happened shaking the ground and breaking the bridge paving the way to the virus facility. DG1-BTS/VRS are always secured, it is unfortunate that accidents happen and when it does, it always follows or if not starts with natural calamities of earthquakes, forest fires, hails, storms, tornadoes or tsunamis, volcanic eruptions or plagues, etc.
The crack on the bridge made it impossible to rescue some citizens of DG1 district. So, Jax called for emergency assistance and the Universal Health Organization (UHO) along with ASEAN and UN came with helicopters and jumbo planes for relief and saving of citizens trapped in the bridge. Then, some DOGS helped in giving first aids to the wounded or rescued back at th border. Three helijets took the mildly wounded citizens and some chidren along with their parents or families. The jumbo plane took several DOGS who got hurt while fighting the viruses and bacteriums.
Ericka, Miles and Ren teamed up to scout for more wounded villagers and found some in the border of the Wet Lands. Lloyd and Menace are firing their missiles to use the serum to their advantage since they can out any creature to sleep using those. Jax ordered the other DOGS who are just newbies to secure the perimeters of the Virus Facility who we now know as BTS & VRS main unit. It is impossible to fight or win against the slimy, flesh eating, sucking monsters by plain gun or sword play. The bacteriums or viruses can still survive bullets and regenerates after being sliced in half or cut into smaller parts. These creatures are definitely adaptive and can recover fast when hit or hurt. Unlike us humans, we take time to heal and recover from wounds or pains so we need to really be careful and wise in handling, defeating these smart creatures.
Weeewh!, that's that! They are so ugly and yucky that I couldn't even describe how they feel or smell! Haaa….., Ren said while walking side by side with Ericka who are both covered with green and grey slime, dirt and sort of like fungi, trying to wipe it our of their gears and RoboSkims. Haha! That is definitely awesome!, Haha, Ericka, shouted and hugged dirty Ren who immediately cracked out of her senses when she realized that she is dirty and smelly.
Hey you guys! So how was your first fight! Wonderful huh!, Miles said teasing and partly annoying Ren for he knows that she hates strange and yucky stuff.
Yup, Miles, it was awesome! Haaaaa….., Ericka said with her eyes as if twinkling when she stared at her laughing best guy friend.