The journey became considerably easier. The lady knew where what was and we could use her knowledge for efficient traveling. Her cooking wasn't going to win prizes but it tasted delicious considering what we had, and honestly, that was enough.
However, the question still loomed: why was she helping me? Just out of pity or was there more?
Anyway, after crossing several shallow lakes, we finally reached some actual solid ground. This was where the real land of chaos began.
All the sources I'd ever read spoke of the Forbidden continent as a continent below water level. There was land here but it was all under the ocean. The water was too shallow for boats to cross. Sirens inhabited the outer premises and no one knew what was happening in the inner sections.
So far, all of that checked out. I couldn't expect ordinary people to survive the sirens or the island. And the few that somehow made it this far would probably never even dream about going through the same shit to escape.
"By nightfall tomorrow, we should reach the city of Thamers," Hilda said. "If her prediction was true, that is where you should reunite with your loved ones. Once I've confirmed your reunion, I will head back."
"I really don't know how I could ever thank you for this-"
"You don't have to. I'm only doing this to satisfy my own feelings. You don't have to do anything."
It was midnight. The sky was littered with stars, not a speck of cloud. Very reminiscent of the bygone days.
Very reminiscent of both my lives.
These days I remembered my home more than before. I wasn't necessarily missing my life on earth but… but I remembered it more than I liked. I suppose life wasn't as bad as I'd made it to be. I just had to change and adapt and speak up my mind a bit more.
Not like I can ever go back to that time.
I was already dead.
I died.
No, murdered. And now I was reborn. In another world. I had a new family. And I was going to find them. I was going to… be happy.
The next day we set out, crossed some shallow green marshes and caught trout. They were delicious.
Afterwards we kept walking through the fields, through the forests, through the band of crickets following us like rats following that guy from hamlet. By evening, I was really starting to doubt whether we'd actually reach the said place. We'd been walking nearly all day and yet I didn't see a speck of civilization or another person.
Usually, the closer you got to a city, the more villages or rogue houses you'd see. Heck, at least you'll see a guy or two chopping wood. But nope, nothing. Just fields of grass. And I didn't see any neck breaking monster either. I thought this continent was full of stuff that would kill me but so far, I saw nothing. Why the fuck was this place so peaceful? Like what the fuck!?
At one point, I considered the possibility of being drugged. Maybe the lady was evil and she was drugging me slowly, robbing me of my senses so she could eat me-
"Is that a light?" I asked.
"Yes, that's the temple's light. It's the brightest but we'll see more as we get closer."
And so, we kept getting closer and closer and after crossing about a kilometer worth of fields, I finally saw it. A city. It was carved within a mountain and was littered with lights everywhere. But we or rather I couldn't see any houses on this side. Just a tall wall.
"I don't see an entrance to the city though," I said.
"There isn't one. We'll have to camp out here for tonight and they'll come get us in the morning."
"We can't enter the city unless it's day time."
"But it's evening! The sun hasn't fully set yet!"
I mean, it did but I could still see some remnant red in the sky.
So, what the fuck was going on?
"Relax," she said. "We're still two days too early. It'll be fine."
But we were so close… I didn't want to just relax. So close… yet so far away.
She was right. We were early. And we could always just start tomorrow. Heck, if the people of this land didn't come get us in the morning, we could just scale up the mountain. Of course, that was going to be hard considering it was so steep, but yeah, I didn't want a damn mountain to stop me from my goals.
We set camp, ate our meals, and turned it for the night. There was a problem though, I couldn't sleep. My eyes were droopy, I was tried, but all the heavy thoughts were making a solid comeback and I couldn't sleep at all.
So, after a few hours of restless tossing, I went out and sat by the fire. Hilda was looking out. "Aren't we safe here?" I asked.
"Relatively," she said. "But it's always prudent to keep your guard. Who knows, what'll be after your life the moment you close your eyes."
We didn't have much to talk about. I wanted to know more of the world or just talk, but Hilda was rather guarded. She did talk, we made small talk all the time but it was nothing significant. She didn't talk about herself or the centaurs or even the people of Halfat, whom I got the impression she hated.
Regardless, our journey was nearly at an end. Kind of why I couldn't help but ask- "Why are you helping me? You said to satisfy your feelings, but what does that mean?"
"You shouldn't ask questions you're better off not knowing," she said, paused. "I had a brother once. We ran away together. He wasn't happy with the forest life. He set out for this place on his own. He died."
"Do I remind you of him?"
"No. He was taller than you and more mischievous. Unlike you he had a… childish…" she sighed. "Which does make me wonder, how come you're so mature for your age. I understand your life was in threat and you had to figure out ways to live but… why does it feel like I'm talking to an adult?"
I used to have a response ready. "Survival of the fittest." But these days I wasn't so sure anymore.
Was I fit? Was I fit in the very least? Or was I pretending to be? Often times I got the impression that I was only alive thanks to the sacrifice Den and Mom did and it had nothing to do with my hard work. Kind of made me think, why the hell was I trying so hard then? What was the point?
Aren't I just a fucking child who never grew up?
"I see. Rest well."
"I can't. You can go ahead and sleep. I'll keep watch."
"In that case, I will help myself."
It was so quiet.
Even though we were so close to a city, I didn't hear the laughter. I didn't hear the chatter. Just silence.
As though we were in another dimension, separated from all the people. Yet the thought of maybe I could meet her again, maybe I could meet Mom and Den again… kept me warm.