Chereads / The Humble Beginning of a Fake Fake Cultist / Chapter 99 - Rexy: On Demand

Chapter 99 - Rexy: On Demand

"What's your name?" I said, lying down on my bed, holding the lizard like a cat.

She looked and behaved cutely but she was scary as fuck. Especially considering she was Rexen's kid and could probably breathe fire.

Poor thing waved her head and purred. When did lizards purr? A second later it sneezed breathing a gust of smoke out. Cute…. "Guess I'll name you Rexy."

I had no idea if she liked it or hated it but when she tilted her head like that and looked at me with those big round eyes… damn, this one was a looker. She was going to grow up way prettier than Rexen.

Was Rexen a guy or a girl though? I tried remembering more about the lizard and that smiling face and… definitely a guy.

"Those things are really rare you know," Gerar said, peering through the window. As usual, he was always indoors.

"The instructor said the same. Really cute though," I said.

"Yeah, until it burns your hair or something."

"I'm sure she won't do that." I played with her tail; she was chill about it.

"She huh? Hmm…"


"Nothing, I once heard a rumor about someone's lizard turning into a human and-"

"Wait, for real?"

"Nah, I'm just pulling your leg," Gerar laughed a lot. "Oh, and congratulations on becoming a Baron. Guess now you're even higher on the hierarchy now."

I shrugged. "Not really into these things. I just got dragged into politics by actual nobles."

He snickered. "Funny. You don't want it, you got it. I want it, but can't."

"You'll get it, eventually."

"Nope," he sighed. "I've got brothers; talented bunch. They'll take everything. I'll have nothing…" He sighed again, kind of melancholic. He got over it though. "You actually had two visitors," he said. "I think her name was Rin? I told her you'd be back this week. The other one was a black cat; the black cat and she mugged your room for food."

"Too bad I have noth-" No wait, I had some biscuits which were gone. But since when could cats open jars and take biscuits out? For some reason I didn't believe it was a cat that ate the biscuits. "Well, did she say why she wanted to see me?"


"Okay, thanks."

"Oh wait, wait, a Baron came visiting too. I think Borges?"

"Anya Borges."

"That's right!"

"Guess, I'll pay her a visit," I mumbled to myself. "Thanks dude." He chuckled and went back to whatever the hell he was doing.


Rexy almost always stayed on my shoulder. Sometimes she'd climb up in my hair. Felt weird, really weird and I often jumped when her soft cold skin touched mine. But I calmed myself somewhat. But it was really going to take a lot for me to get used to this.

A lot of people were freaking out when they saw a white tail swaying like clockwork on my head. They freaked out even more when they realized it was a frigging lizard. The teachers all praised me though. Some upper classmen too.

Apparently, Evil fiends like Rexen and Drakes (lesser dragons) both had kids that looked like small lizards. That was fine and all but once this bad boy- ahem, girl grew up, wouldn't I be screwed?

We'll cross the bridge when we get there.

I didn't have much else to do, so I figured I'd visit Anya. But grabbing lunch first was a good idea so I did that, or would have if there was any space left. Packed!

Hopefully Anya has something to eat.


She didn't…

Absolutely nothing. Apparently, she ran out of all edible material just this morning and had lunch in a restaurant. I'll have to do the same.

"So, what did you need me for?"

She eyed the lizard on my head for a couple of minutes. "So, I have good news and bad news."

"Well, this can't be good."

"Good news is, the trees are all alive."

"Bad news?"

"They literally have not grown at all."

She took me to the potted plants. They all had eight true leaves and that was about it. Our orange kitty cat Lucas was sleeping peacefully near the pots.

"As you can see, we did try."

"True," I said, placing Rexy on one pot. "She's technically from the woods," I said. "I ended up summoning her."

"I didn't know there were drakes in the woods," she mumbled. "You sure she's not a fiend?"

Huh…everyone just randomly assumed Rexy was a drake, so I never even thought about the responses I'd give in case someone suspected the otherwise. "I'm sure."

"If you say so," she shrugged and we watched Rexy play with the leaves. She didn't really do much. She was small enough to just sway the leaves and do nothing; I couldn't tell if she was having fun. She did it with all the pots and-

"MRAW!!!" Lucas woke up and chose violence, almost clawing the lizard. But the lizard dodged like a boxer.

"Hiss!" Rexy blew smoke out of her face, not backing down even for a second.

"Enough kids," I said, grabbing them both. I placed Rexy on my shoulders while I bagged the kitty like a baby and patted its head. It purred but it kept an eye on the lizard. Yeah, I'm sure it had already figured out. This guy's smart as hell.

"He's usually not like that," Anya took her cat. "Do be careful," she hinted.

So, she suspected something too. I nodded. "Right."

If Rexy or Rexen for that matter really wanted to harm me though, I wouldn't be alive. A lot of my problems were the result of meeting them but some things couldn't be helped no matter what, I suppose.

Anyway, I raced out of that place and located a restaurant. My stomach grumbled like there was no tomorrow. But no, I couldn't just go in there. It's a damn fancy restaurant, you dolt!

Argh, why did all the damn high nobles live in this place!

I ran a little and when I reached the general rich merchant section, I went into a restaurant. It was still one of those fancy ones but at least they wouldn't charge me an arm and a leg, hopefully. I had some leftover money so I could indulge a little. But that wasn't the problem. The real problem was that I didn't want to spend money in the first place.


"One steak, a bowl or rice and… I'll have a poached egg too."

Rexy dropped on the menu and hung over one spot. Soft boiled egg. "Guess a soft-boiled egg for the drake."

"Oh, a drake," the waiter seemed relieved. "Right away sir."

The church wanted my head just for being contracted with a lizard. What would they do when they find out I can summon them on demand?

I did not like that thought one bit. I did like the food though. A little pricy but good! Rexy liked hers too!