Chapter 94 - Weird

Wind spiraled fiercely into a mini tornado sucking in everyone close to it. It however quickly dispersed as one of the assailants did something with his wand. "Stay out of this, kid!" He yelled, and quickly aimed at the duke- a fire ball formed over the wand.

I took a deep breath. If the Duke and Nisa went out, so did my plans and even my insurance. Everything would have been for naught.

Now or never Sol, now or never!

This place was big, and unlike the carriage, I didn't have fine control. However, I had way more mana to work with right now; ah, the good tingly feeling. Precisely why-

I sucked all the blue particles away and within a few seconds all three assailants crumbled to the ground. "What did you-" He couldn't even talk properly.

Suffocating they were.

"Well done my lord," the butler mysteriously appeared. He walked closer and closer-

"Someone get him!" I yelled. "He's one of them!"

"I got this," a big guy, who I'd met before stood in our way and he body slammed the old butler. The man flung across the room, straight into the wall.

Oh yeah, that was going to hurt.

Meanwhile, the assailants had passed out. Anymore and they were going to die, so I released the oxygen. "Tie them up," I said.

Wasn't that… too easy? No one moved. But I had to stay vigilant.

"Right," the big man said.

Meanwhile, the others hadn't even moved. Some of them were clearly displeased of the situation while others couldn't care less.

Your host could have died yet you lot don't even care. Talk about ingratitude. Phew, I let loose the first few buttons of my suit and breathed. However, that was for show, I hadn't let my guard down one bit.

"Now they owe you even more," Shia stood next to me, nonchalant as ever.

"What the fuck were they even trying to pull?" I said.

They knocked out security, so they could have easily knocked us out too but they didn't. They were so close, yet they didn't even try firing the spell.

"I have no idea," she said. "Maybe they were hired by someone close. All their guards are kissing the floor anyway; an outsider couldn't have done it." She was speaking louder than usual.

The butler groaned and stood up. But by then, he was already tied up like the rest of his people.

Having regained his composure, the Duke called me to his side and congratulated me. The people clapped and he even announced her official engagement. Our engagement.

That was fine and all but then he started blabbering. "Such mighty wind magic, and such fine control, surely he is worthy to be the next Paladin of the high Church of Askavan!"

Whispers, raging whispers. Some even agreed. What the fuck! Hey, I wanted to crush that damn thing, not join their fucking ranks!

"However, having said that, Soler is still young," the duke continued. "And inheriting the title of Paladin requires royal blood. I may not possess such, but my daughter does indeed. In the future, when they unite, Soler would have the right to claim the title of paladin. Therefore, in preparation and in recognition of his grand display of power, I grant him… Soler Barack, the noble title of Baron!

"With no land," he mumbled under a breath.

The who with the what? Now, hold on a second? What the fuck did you even say just now? It was like he was speaking Chinese to me. And I understood Mandarin for fuck's sake!

My jaw almost hung and my nose got a little wet. But I pretended like nothing was amiss. Nothing at all. Absolutely nothing at all!

Shia was smirking like crazy while everyone else clapped and congratulated me. With a nod from the Duke, they all drank and the tea party began. It was a tea party, but I hardly saw anyone drink tea. They were too busy with wine and Champagne.

Barely making my way to the nearest seat, I plumped my bottom on the hard chair and took long breaths. Let's calm down and digest what just happened. The duke was attacked, you saved him, he named you a Baron and spoke shit about Paladins and stuff. I didn't know why but it felt awfully choreographed in a way. And it happened so damn fast too.

"Amazing performance," the man said.

Red hair, buff man, fancy suit. Mike's dad.

"Oh, thank you," I said. "Releasing magic so fast always drains me though."

Not to mention I was craving fishbones now; the tingly feeling was too tingly to let go. I could really get addicted to this.

He laughed. "I wasn't talking about your magic but amazing on that front as well. I haven't seen someone knock someone else out with air like that in a long while."

Long while? So, someone else could also isolate oxygen? No, they had to know about oxygen in that case. The food, the pastries, the names… I knew there were plenty of reincarnated kids in this world and all of them were originally from this world. But maybe I wasn't the only one from my world. I mean, that would the obvious conclusion but I hadn't met any yet. Then again, they wouldn't just come out to me and tell me, 'Hey I'm from another world, nice to meet you man.'

 "Pretty complicated, so I wouldn't be surprised."

"Alzania's acting could have been a bit better though," he snorted.

Oh, that's what you meant. Apparently, he was suggesting the whole thing was a set up from the start. I did suspect that but, in that case, wouldn't Shia and the butler and… wasn't it Shia who said the butler was being suspicious?

Hmm… ah, poor old man….

"Oh?" The duke stared at my face. He snorted again. "I don't dislike innocent brats like you," he proceeded to gulp down a big mug of beer. "But don't drag my brat into your shenanigans. Otherwise, who knows, the newly appointed Baron might not be able to go to his honeymoon due to a missing head."


Woah, scary dude.

After threatening me for a few minutes, the duke left and Nisa came to congratulate me. Shia followed her. And Nisa's two brothers followed Shia.


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