The next year filled the Manor with activity. People rushed about redoing the entire Manor. I left the stonework alone. Same with the wood. Although I had the wood in the master rooms stained darker. Turns out I actually liked them. I had the rooms overhauled with rich blues and blacks. A few purples for accented color.
I left most of the rooms be. They looked nice enough and since I wasn't staying in them I didn't care.
The ballroom though. That I completely overhauled. The ballroom was so beautifully dark now. Dark lace and silk draped from the ceiling and around the columns. The curtains, the furniture, everything was beautifully dark.
Although I was in love it made me hesitant to invite anyone.
It did not however stop me from going to dances. My life was filled with social gatherings now. Tea parties, dinners, and dances. I never passed up a dance.
My first year in the public eye could have been considered highly successful and it was all thanks to Jasper.
It didn't take long before everyone figured out inviting me was the same as inviting him. Since I was Mistress, Jasper was practically glued to my side. Him and a whole squad of other Pures. My protection detail.
Any event I agree to go to mean the others came just to get a look at them. Mainly Jasper.
The God's Son wasn't exactly fond of events but he went. I had told him multiple times he could stay home. He always came. It was my first taste at freedom and he was there for all of it.
After that first year I had slowed down. Instead I turned my attention to other things. My lessons. The Pures oversaw most of them. They taught me skills with weapons and strategy. That on top of feeding me had made me grow even faster.
Even so they weren't all that good with etiquette. So we had to hire someone to help me learn.
Today I had no classes.
"They are arriving," Jasper told me as he pushed open the door.
I turned to look at him as I placed the last pin in my hair. My dress was form fitting on the top. It was one of my few light colored dresses. A light blue with black lace. As I walked toward him the slit in the side rose to reveal my right leg. It was one of my favorite styles and one I could get away with on account of being the Mistress of Nefer. He wasn't exactly known for staying within social norms.
I took Jasper's arm and let him walk me downstairs to the entry way. Social standards required that I wait for my family to be inside the manor before I greeted them.
"Your heels are taller today," he noted.
"When will I grow?" I found myself asking him. I was sixteen this week yet I looked much the same as I had when I had changed. I had only grown by a few inches since I left home.
"You have five more years of growing ahead of you," he soothed me.
"I'm the shortest person my age."
Von laughed as he stepped out of the shadows, "You're due for a growth spurt. Given the way you have been feeding from all of us."
I lifted an eyebrow at him, "Is that a complaint I hear?"
Von shrugged at me. Jasper leveled a look on Von, "We would never complain. It is an honor to feed our Mistress. Your Hunger is a sign of how close you are to our God and how far you can grow."
I turned my attention toward the door as it opened. I smiled as soon as I saw them. Only to feel my joy wither like ash on my tongue when I saw my brothers. My smile stayed firmly in place as I caught sight of the two women hanging from their arms. They had taken positions of power and pride in much the same way as I had. One of them hung from each of my brothers while I hung off Jasper.
"There's my little girl!" Papa exclaimed. His smile was large as he stepped toward me. Von placed himself between us.
"I must ask that you keep a certain distance from our Mistress."
"Mistress?" Dad looked from Von to me.
I placed my other hand on Jasper's arm. He laid his hand over mine. I thought they knew. It had been over a year since I was named Mistress of Nefer so surely news would have traveled to them by know. Apparently not.
"Aurora is the Mistress of Nefer now," Jasper told them. "She has been since before the Gods saw fit to break her Beloved tie with Alaric. I welcome you to her home."
"And who are you?" Dad questioned.
"I am Jasper, third son of Nefer. I serve the Mistress."
"Shouldn't your brother's be here as well then?" Papa asked.
"They are away." I had never thought to ask about the other two. I had assumed Jasper was the only one still alive. Children of a war God must have fought a lot so it figured that something or another had killed them off.
"It's good to see you again, Papa, Dad." I turned my attention back to my brothers and the women they had brought. "Aiden, Kaden, you brought guests."
Aiden smiled as he brought her forward, "This is Maria. We're engaged."
"Aiden," she hit his arm as she chastised him. "She is a God's Mistress you must be proper."
"He does not," I snapped. "He is my brother. There is no need for him to be proper with me."
"But Nefer-" she went to say.
"Is not his God nor does he care about being proper." Jasper rubbed his chin into the top of my head. I swatted at him, "Stop that or we'll wear the filly ones next time," I threatened him.
He just chuckled, "It is an honor to wear the clothes designed by my Mistress."
"You remember that when I put you in a skirt," I mumbled. He tensed and Von hid a chuckle behind a cough.
"Von," Jasper hissed, "You have feeding duty tonight."
My fangs dropped down as I smiled at him. "Don't worry Von, I'll be sure to stop after you pass out."
Instantly five other Pures appeared from seemingly thin air. "Feeding? Is she hungry again?"
"Should we request more from the temple?"
"Isn't it almost time to change feeding Pures anyway?"
"I see you are still a child," Kaden commented. "Your personality seems to influencing the Pures who live with you."
"I see you still have that stick up your ass," I mused. His face soured. "I'm surprised someone hasn't used it to beat you over the head yet. Be a good boy and introduce the woman beside you."
"This is Aia."
Maria seemed nice enough but Aia was a woman who liked power. It was clear from her dress. She was practically dripping in jewels. Her brown hair was clearly done with practiced precision.
Maria however seemed like a good fit. She was not hiding behind my brother. Her dress was thick but held less layers. There was little beading and her hair was done in a simple ponytail braid.
Papa sighed, "What happened since the last time we saw you? You always had such good control now we aren't even allowed close to you? What's this about Alaric? Did you two have a spat? You must be forgiving of warrior males Aura. And when will you and Kaden make up?"
"Let it go Papa. This is the way of things now. When did the boys get engaged and when were you going to tell me?"
"Perhaps we should sit?" Jasper offered. I guess he had a point.