Monday April 1st-
The KĹŤnisu private school was officially created in 1952 by the government to train geniuses capable of rebuilding Japan after World War II and the occupation by the United States. However, even after more than 70 years, the school still exists and its registration criteria are even toughened. To enter you must pass a written test out of 900, a physical and sports test out of 100 and an oral test out of 50.
2nd languages ​​/100
Mathematics /100
P.C /100
Philosophy /100
SVT /100
English /100
Japanese /100
History /100
Geography /100
EPS /100
Oral /50
Total /1050
And I managed to get in.
Even if it was barely.
??? : Good morning
A voice that seems to speak to me pulls me from my thoughts
Me : Uuuuu... Hello. You need something ?
??? : Yes I would like to know if...
I look around, noticing that the only seat left on the bus is the one next to mine.
Me : yes of course you can sit next to me.
The stranger seems surprised for a moment that he didn't need to ask his question for me to answer, but he recovers almost instantly before thanking me and sitting down next to Me.
??? : by the way what is your name?
Aron: Aron and you?
??? : My name is Haruki, nice to meet you.
He said, running his hand through his black hair and with a smile highlighting his blue eyes.
Haruki : You don't really look like a Japanese and Aron's first name isn't very Japanese either.
Me : yes it's normal I'm French *well it's not very French either actually*
Haruki : Oh good! But what are you doing in Japan?
Me : I came to study at this school.
Haruki: But why in this one in particular?
Me : Well...
I think for a moment before answering
Me : this school is without a doubt the most prestigious in Japan. And this even if almost all of the tests and exams that take place inside are unknown to the public. Don't you find that strange?
Haruki : Yes, that's true. But it is also so that other establishments cannot take inspiration and thus also become prestigious. You do not think ?
Me : Yes you are probably right but I have reason to think there is more.
Haruki: And I'd like to ask you a question.
Me : Is this about my eyes ?
Haruki seems embarrassed, understanding that if I can guess his question it's probably because I've been asked too many times for me to count.
Haruki : Ah... uh... sorry if it's indiscreet I...
I cut him off before he can even think about the rest of his sentence.
Me : It's natural.
Haruki : Really ? Well, it's not that I don't believe you, but it's just that a person with odd-eyes is rare. But a person with one yellow eye and the other purple, I've never seen that.
The bus speakers cut us off during our discussion
"We have arrived at our destination!"
"We arrived at KĹŤnisu High School"
Arriving at the High School I notice that there are several buses containing other students, and they are all heading towards the sign indicating admitted students.
Haruki : Let's see... I'm admitted! With the added bonus!
He turns towards me
Me : I am admitted too. But narrowly and with no mention.
As I had predicted earlier
Haruki : Let me see.
French 50/100
Mathematics 49/100
PC 60/100
Philosophy 100/100
SVT 52/100
English 29/100
Japanese 69/100
EPS 15/100
History 45/100
Geography 57/100
Oral 0/50
Total 526/1050
Haruki : Oh yes, you've come to a point. Wait, how could you get 0 orally !?
Me : I did not introduce myself orally.
Haruki : Normally those who do not present orally are directly excluded from admission.
Me : Unless you have the maximum mark in one of the written tests. And I got the maximum mark in philosophy.
??? : Hi guys
A female voice called out to us.
Haruki : Hi Naomi
Me : Hello
Naomi : Hello Haruki, nice to meet you Aron.
She said, holding out her hand to me.
I also give her my hand to greet her, then I wonder how she knows my name, before realizing that it is written on my results sheet that I am holding in my hand and that she looks carefully.
Haruki : Aron, let me introduce you to Naomi, she is a prodigious mathematician who solves complex equations in the blink of an eye. She is often consulted for mathematical problems considered insoluble.
For a surprise it's one, from the first day there are already two people who came to present it to me. I don't know if I should be happy, but one thing is certain. I find it very amusing.
Suddenly a voice distorted by the crackling of the speakers is heard throughout the building
"All students are asked to go to the gymnasium. Even those who have been refused"
Inside we all sat on chairs already prepared with our names. Strangely I was sitting next to Haruki and Naomi, maybe it was a coincidence but I don't really believe it. I think we were under surveillance from the moment we boarded the buses, maybe even from the moment we registered.
The principal gave a boring monologue about the values ​​of the school and the fact that we represent the future of our country that I didn't even listen to, or very little. Then suddenly he changed his tone as if everything he had said so far was just a formality and the real speech began now.
Director : All students who failed the admission test must follow Professor Ryota.
When the group of students had left he resumed
Director : Now you will take the real admission test.
A hubbub of discontent and incomprehension was heard in the room. But he continued as if he hadn't heard anything
Director : The other test was only to find out which team you will be in to participate in the real test. Now get into teams of 4.
Even though the students were all unhappy, they didn't really have any other choice if they wanted to be admitted to this high school, and not listening to the principal doesn't really help that.
Naomi : Aron, Haruki, let's get together.
Haruki : I'm willing, but who will be the 4th ?
Naomi : Everything in its time.
Me : And what do you say about him.
I showed him a boy who seemed to be having trouble finding a group.
Haruki : Why does everyone refuse him?
Me : The director said that the mock test was to form teams, so people put themselves with those who obtained the most points. He must have had a bad score. (like me)
Naomi: Hey! You ! Come here, we want you.
Haruki : What are you doing Naomi! You heard what Aron said, this boy has a bad score and you want to get with him.
Naomi : Aron also said he wanted him on our team and I'd rather listen to Aron than you.
Haruki : What! We've known him since elementary school and you prefer to listen to Aron.
No offense, Aron.
Me : Don't worry, I don't take it badly.
Haruki : Unless you're in love with him.
Naomi instantly blushed at these words, while trying to speak calmly.
Naomi : a-a-a anything! I...
??? : Hello my new teammates ! ! !
Fortunately the blonde arrives suddenly, which puts an end to this awkward moment.
Me : Show me your mock exam results.
He shows reluctance but ends up accepting anyway.
Me : I was right, it was even worse than me, he got exactly 525/1050. Fortunately the 100/100 in sports education raises the score.
Naomi : So why did you want him if he's that bad?
At these words the blond made a disappointed face.
Me : We don't know what this exam is. I observed the students this morning and saw that he was the physically strongest among them, so if part of the test requires physical abilities we will be at an advantage. And by the way, what's your name?
Hearing the praise I gave him, the blond raised his head.
??? : My name is Kenta Suzuki. Pleased to meet you.
We introduced ourselves and began to discuss to get to know him when suddenly the director spoke again.
Director : The test is about to begin. Give us your phones, we will provide you with others which will now be your official phones when you are in the entire establishment and even outside during outings supervised by management.
At these words, people covered in the same white outfit entered the room to collect our phones and give us new ones. After that they will leave.
Director: The rules and details of the examination will be clarified on your phone provided earlier. You have 10 minutes to read and understand everything, after which the exam will automatically begin.