Chereads / The Demon's Fated Bride / Chapter 6 - Mr. Sloan 2

Chapter 6 - Mr. Sloan 2

"Mr. Sloan is…" Charles spoke but he was interrupted by another voice, a familiar voice. One that had become familiar even to Eliana.

"Right here."

Their heads whipped in the direction in which it came and found its source. Eliana stared at him, unable to believe that the man whom she sought was right before her eyes and she was in his home. Seeing him now, the memories of him became vivid. She remembered Lilian's words and wondered if the two were truly the same person. He was beautiful and had a certain dark and menacing aura about him, just like what she had often remembered.

"Master," Charles uttered, with a bow of his head. His voice, snapping Eliana out of her thoughts.

"Leave us," Helios ordered. He walked to where Eliana stood while she stepped back. "How do you feel?" He asked, reaching his hand to touch her forehead but stopping and withdrawing it to his side upon seeing how guarded she was against him.

"I feel better. Thank you for helping me, Mr. Sloan," Eliana replied. He nodded and hummed and then walked past her into the room and Eliana became puzzled.

"You have questions you would like to ask, right?" He sat down on the U-shaped sofa in a relaxed manner. Eliana followed him and sat across from him.

"I do," Eliana replied. "Would you give the answers?"

"I have a few questions I would like you to answer, Miss Kim, as long as you promise to answer mine, I will answer yours," Helios replied. Eliana's brows pulled together wondering what his questions might be. "Well… what will it be?" He asked.

"As long as I have the answers, I will," Eliana replied. This was her chance to get some answers. He might be the only one that could lead her to unlock the mysteries in her life.

"Very well then, ladies first," Helios agreed.

Eliana was silent for a while as she thought about what to ask first. There were too many questions running around her mind that were unanswered and they were all very important, yet puzzling to her. Making up her mind she stared into his eyes and asked, "Why did you help me?"

Eliana decided to start with something simple, perhaps their conversation would have them going deeper and she would have many more questions answered.

"You needed help," he replied while looking at her, silently asking if it was not obvious.

"That can't be the only reason why you helped me, I can tell but I do not know what it is," Eliana stated. "Mr. Sloan, I would like to know why you saved me."

"Here is a question for you," he sat up, which also had her adjuatngbin her seat. "Do you know what happened to you last night?"

"I remember being fed a pill which could have triggered what happened, besides that, I do not know. But you on the other hand seem to know," Eliana replied.

"I do," he replied and her face brightened. He couldn't help staring at her. The change and display of emotions was something that he found fascinating.

"What happened to me?" Eliana inquired. She knew the pill was not good. The conversation between the cops proved that already but she didn't think she would have to go through something like that. It was weird.

"It means you are different from the humans," he replied. He was yet to determine what she was. Throughout the night while she slept, he tried many times to find out what she was but it was as if being in an unconscious state made her more human than awake.

"You are saying I am not a normal person?" Elaine frowned. She was a bit different from the people, but she wouldn't say she was not normal. As far as she was concerned, she was normal enough.

"For a human, you are not." He replied. When her frown deepened, he wondered if his replies were too straightforward. "Don't get me wrong, Little One, you might not be normal for a human, but…" he started to think how to say so he does not sound insulting. Humans didn't take it lightly when they were being referred to as a different creature or being and Eliana had lived all her life believing she was a normal human. Her character and behavior are the same as the humans around them.

"I am something else, is that it?" Eliana asked, quickly catching up on what he was trying to say. Somehow, that did not sound strange to her. It was as if deep down within her, she already knew that she was not a human. "Then what am I?"

Hearing her question, Helios raised a brow in amusement, never expecting her to accept it that quickly, but then again, she was yet to know what she was, and neither did he. She might not be as calm as she is now once she finds out what she is.

"I do not know, I was hoping you would tell me," he replied. Eliana's expression fell at his reply and he felt the desire to cheer her but he didn't know what to do.

Comforting people was something that he had never done before and never thought he would ever do. Realizing this, he shook his head inwardly and leaned back into the seat with his hand over his face. He didn't know what had come over him to have him wanting to cheer her. She might not even be the one he was looking for. He felt gratitude to the one who saved him, that was why he wanted to find her. Besides that, there was nothing else.

"Then how can I… how do I know what I am? What am I supposed to do?" Eliana asked. She was staring down at her hands and her mind running a marathon thinking of ways to determine her identity.

Helios sat up when he heard her question and a thought crossed his mind "I can help, but It wouldn't be free, I do not do charity. There will be strings attached," he stressed every word. Eliana blinked, looking at him to see if he was serious.

"You can?" All that she could hear was that he could help her. She was curious to know. He nodded and she beamed, once again leaving him staring at her in amazement.

"I said it isn't free," he recalled in case she had missed that part.

"What do I have to do? What are your conditions?" Eliana asked, her fingers crossed as she hoped it wouldn't be something that she could not afford.

"Be my woman," he said and silence fell.