Chereads / The Demon's Fated Bride / Chapter 17 - Can not be denied

Chapter 17 - Can not be denied

"Lilian," Eliana called as she walked into the dining room. Lilian appeared to be doing just fine, and nothing seemed to bother her. "Care if I join you?"

"Mhm," she hummed without looking at her.

"Is Something wrong?" She looked alright but was acting abnormally. Lilian wouldn't be silent after what happened and being left alone for long unless she was mad at her ir sometbing had happeined.

"There is nothing wrong, Elia. I have just come to realize how useless I am." She said while absentmindedly stirring the soup in the bowl in front of her. "You and I have known each other since childhood, and all I do is leach on you or drag you into some troublesome situations. Even now, here I am, and it's all because of you. I have nothing to call my own, not even boyfriend to begin with."

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