The white mannequin looked at the boy. "So, young man, your decision?"
Aegon grinned. "Bring it on, you ugly bastard!"
"Haha, that's the spirit!" George laughed and cheered him on.
The next moment, with George, the chubby middle-aged man leading the way, Aegon followed as they picked one each of the 5 weapons that formed the Blade Manipulator's unique fighting style.
And again, George was the teacher while Aegon was the pupil.
"A Dagger, a Katana, a Machete, a Hammer, and a heavy Axe". He looked at the boy. "There's nothing complicated about them, you can simply decide to take them as a heavier version of your sickles".
"Manipulating the Dagger should be fairly easy for you, the same for the Katana. I think the problem should be the Machete, Hammer, and the heavy Axe".
"The problem is almost the same problem when trying to learn Telekinesis".
"A Machete, Hammer, and an Axe are heavy weapons".