" This is the first batch, so it looks a bit murky." Minmin showed a vat of viscous gel like liquid. Jia Hao could see some impurities floating on it.
The second vat was more clear and looked more like a colorless shampoo.
" If you just add a bit more emulsifier, it will become shampoo. And if you dry it out, you can make soap from it." Jia Hao nodded.
" Ask the servants to dry flower petals and lime leaves. After you dry them, crush them and sprinkle them inside these vats. They will enhance the look and smell."
" Besides, we can say that the fragrance comes from the crushed flower, not our mysterious floral essence."
" Haha, Young Lord, you are really a genius, huh?" Minmin couldn't help but laugh.
" Even if some other people try to recreate our products, they wouldn't be able to get such fragrance by normal flowers and herbs."