Chapter 88 - Ships.

"You don't need to worry about him Alex, he ain't a bad guy, he is just stuck in the old ways since his younger self." Paula came close to Alex's hunchback one more time and said this with a sigh.

"Since the death of his daughter, he has been in many wars, she died in one of them, and the reason was because one of his subordinates didn't abide by the order, her daughter sacrificed her life to protect that guy, she was a brave girl, her lose gave us big disadvantage in the war," Paula said this in a face of remembering.

"I see... not an evil huh?" Alex said this and smiled, he went back.

"Please lead me to the ship Paula, and tell me where can i get some resources." He said this.

"Yes, come follow me." Paula nodded and asked Alex.

Alex followed him.


They reached the shore of the beach, and there stood a magnificent little boat, big enough to carry multiple people and strong enough to withstand the crushing waves, the ship's design was very normal, with sailcloth up in the sky and one cabin that extended downwards to the rowing room, there it was about 30 meters in diameter and 35 meters horizontally.

On its front, there was a design of two wooden lions on the sides.

"Woho... this is a beautiful boat," Alex muttered, he was very impressed by the craftsmanship of this boat, it was masterfully made to his standards.

On the ground, you could see a few planks of wood just staying there.

"I knew you would want to add things and made people bring this here already, you have 1 day Alex, don't waste it," Paula said and went away.

Alex just stood there watching the waves hit the boat, he sighed and looked up, the day was a perfect, perfect blue sky with some white clouds, wind-breaking the leaves of the trees, it was a perfect day too.

"Work, man, this gives me flashbacks of how i reinvented battleship Yamato, that thing became an absolute beast... one of my proudest works... now let's get to work on her..." Alex smiled mischievously and went towards the planks.

He would turn this thing into a powerful battleship in a mere second.


On the ship.

Alex looked around and smelled the fresh wood, looks like this boat was newly made by someone.

"Alright, let's strengthen the keel." Alex jumped down and looked at the keel, it was made of iron or metal, Alex honestly didn't know this, but it didn't matter anyways.

Alex took a look at what he had right now, he had very strong-looking planks of wood, some iron bars, and...

"What the hell is this." He took out something that could only be described as magical, it looked like a purple stone you would mine as a legendary resource in the video games.

"Why did Paula bring this here, i can't melt this," Alex said but then he looked over.

Just at the side of a cliff that had forest, there was a tower there with off top, it was a basic Greek melt people used in olden times, you put some coal in the ground, blow it with a fan, and fire would be produced.

"Well, i guess that will work." Alex put the fire in the smelt, he put the coal as well and waited before it became extremely hot, on the top, he put the iron nugget on a steel-looking bowl and waited.

As time went on the iron fully disintegrated leaving behind hot lava-looking liquid, Alex took the liquid and poured it into a clay shape he was making before the iron melted.

He made supports for the keel, it was a simple way to strengthen the keel, it was similar to little sticks that would be put on the keel in different places not too far from each other, Alex wanted to fully coat the keel, but it would be made the ship too heavy and he didn't have much time, this way, it took less time and he even had time to relax and rest.

This took a lot of time, almost the whole day, it was already night.

He designed the cannons and gave them more power, he reinforced the mounts, and increased the size of the cannons with some iron., he put handles on the cannons, and made them more ergonomic, so now you would be able to use them like a land machinegun. 

He then took out the wheel and made it better designed.

Alex, with his newfound strength, worked extremely fast, he was surprised at how much progress he made in just a few hours.

It was already midnight, he took the planks of wood from the deck and replaced some of them with better planks he shaved off before, Paula gave him everything he would ever need, everything shipwright would ever need.

He then looked inside the cabin, he took out the hammock beds, and designed a cotton-filled comfortable bed with extremely modern-looking, almost waxed type of planks on the ground.

He made Paula bring him some cotton to do this, and with some iron wires, he made a chainmail-looking bed and put the cotton inside of a sowed bag, making it shaped like a bed.

"Finally, now the last thing." Alex looked over in the sky and took out something from the bag he was holding.

This bag had many different things, it was the bag he made from the parachute before, and he still had this.

"Let's use this." Alex looked inside and saw an enormous amount of strings, almost invisible strings he took them out from the parachute.

He designed a fish net from this, and he made sure it would be incredibly made, it wasn't big, just a few meters long, but it would help them when they needed to fish.

He of course took the part of the parashute and pulled out some strings making it look like a fishnet.

As the day came Alex came out, he looked over the newly designed boat and felt proud.

This wasn't the first time he made something like this, in the past he tried to make a boat from scratch but it didn't work, this was the reason why he didn't suggest building one.

"It's about 80 % strengthened and more comfortable at that..." Alex said.

He didn't have to fully design every little thing here, Alex mainly concentrated on strengthening the stability and durability of the ship, he also concentrated on the comfortability of it, with the newly made beds, every crewmate would feel like they were sleeping in the clouds itself.

With modern-looking bars at the body of the ship, even people rowing for a speed would not feel tired.

It was perfect for a long journey.

"Alright... now let's think... what is this..." Alex looked down on that weird nugget he saw...

There was something weird here... because no matter the heat he produced... this thing just refused to melt.

"Damn... i wish i had telescope..." Alex sighed.

End Of Chapter.