"So, the only thing i can understand from this, i ate a mysterious meat that suddenly healed me, i have heard of different herbs that have healing properties but this just straight up made my bones complete, healed my battle scars, and made me feel like i have trained for 150 years... yeah, this is completely in one bite, and of course how could i forget the pain i felt, i have been many times worked as a minor spy and got captured, the torture wasn't much as they didn't go all out but this one... well... let's just say it was painful." Alex wrote everything in his logbook.
He was still unclothed as he needed to take a shower once again, he was writing everything because he didn't know if He would go on a journey to the forest and build a shack there, he hadn't decided that yet.
And if he did he would leave the logbook attached to a Camp here for people to find it.
"Man... i wonder if i am still on earth..." Alex put his hand on his chin and observed the chicken meat closely, he of course didn't eat it anymore, he didn't want to turn into the chicken, this was what his mind came up with.
"Magicical chicken Ain't this funny..." Alex shook his head and went towards his clothes.
He put on his clothes and took a deep breath, having two arms was relief, it was a great feeling to row the waters.
"Alright, no reason to worry about anything. ah, wait... was that Bear also magical..." Unknownst actually to him he accepted the Magic so quickly.
Of course, Alex still didn't think it was magic, ridiculous, he, Alex was a scientist, someone who believed in science, and he would never admit something supernatural.
"It's time to fully explore the Forest... i am going to go very deep this time." Alex said this and his eyes glistened, he almost forgot he died after he got his arms back, he was a little prideful now, Alex felt like if he could withstand the pain Alex could do anything in this world.
Alex slapped himself and took himself out of the vigor.
"OUUCHH!!! that was really hurt man... and what am i even thinking about right now, i almost died just by going into the forest a few santimeters more than i was before... i am planning to explore it. Damn mind..." Alex put his hand on his cheek, he felt like someone hit him with a Tennis.
"Damn, i hit myself with all of my strength," Alex said this and went towards the sword...
3 Days Later.
Nothing much had happened, Alex looked up to see it was the day, the sun was at the zenith of the Sky.
"Looks like hot seasons have come. Time passes a lot faster when you are trying to survive." Alex said this said this said this.
He pulled his sword up, he had been refining the design for the past days and managed to make it look quite like a sword, it had a wooden center and a stone blade but now he used broken stone fragments to make it look like a sword.
"I am still shocked i can wield this." Alex pulled the sword and it felt like a perfect weight for his arm.
"It's quite weird, i feel like my physique has improved since i have come to this place, well i mean i never really wanted to live in the wild but looks like i am more suitable to be a Maugli than a Reed from the comics," Alex smirked and went towards the backpack, the parachute openeer he remade to be a backpack.
He passed a tree he cut off.
On it, there were several components of the Altimeter.
He was an Engineer but Magnetology was not his thing, he knew a few things about the subject and was sure he would be able to learn it when he saw it work in practice but he was quite an amateur.
"Let's leave those here, i will finish assembling the Compass later," Alex said this like he already did this, he knew much of nothing and was just playing with the Components, he would learn it.
Alex was packed.
"I remember when i ran from the Boar my sword was behind my back, it was put in the little string very well it didn't fall off, i hope this works again, the little strings from the Parashute make a lot of sturdy things." Alex said this with a smile.
He looked infront of him where the Forest lied and took a deep breath, this was the Main quest.
And he was about to finish it.
"Lets start play." Alex went in.
Wind blew to the trees making them shake.
As alwyas this place was bordering on being creepy it was so beautiful.
Alex didn't know how could this place be untouched, he didn't even meet one sign of human civilization as his time here.
"Its facinating how no Seismic Activity Monitoring managed to see this island, its quite big, i can even see dormant or maybe not volcano quite close here, i wonder if they will be able to explore it in when they find me." Alex questioned the surroundings as he went on a Best way he could think of.
Eastern side.
"I hope i don't meet a dragon or something." Alex chuckled, he was very nervous after sensing Boar.
He walked few hours in the Forest, this was his third longest journey in the Forest.
Before this he spent more here, of course he only explored this kind of way 3 times, so he was catching up to surpass his time record.
"Aghhgghh..." Alex felt a wind behind his back and he jumped like a little girl.
He felt like someone touched his back, it was just a wind and he sighed in relief.
"Why am i getting so scared here, only wild animals can be here and if i don't do anything they will not do anything..." Alex calmed himself down and looked in the sky, the sky was already shining different color than when he came.
"Well... i guess i am spending rest of the time here."
End Of Chapter.