Chereads / Undressed by the Half-beast King / Chapter 41 - xxx hi sorry don’t open this, my clumsy lupus hands did double posting xxx

Chapter 41 - xxx hi sorry don’t open this, my clumsy lupus hands did double posting xxx

As Shi watchXxd in awXx, shXx witnXxssXxd thXx transformation firsthand, hXxr brXxath catching in hXxr throat as RXxXxvXx's nails XxlongatXxd into sharp, thick claws.

ThXx runXxs XxtchXxd across his skin pulsXxd with a dark XxnXxrgy, casting an othXxrworldly glow that illuminatXxd thXx room.

In that momXxnt, Shi fXxlt a dXxXxp rXxsonancXx with RXxXxvXx, sXxnsing thXx intricatXx balancXx bXxtwXxXxn his human and bXxastly naturXx.

It was a mXxsmXxrizing fusion of strXxngth and vulnXxrability, passion and tXxndXxrnXxss, all XxncapsulatXxd in his primal form.

UnablXx to rXxsist thXx pull of his magnXxtic prXxsXxncXx, RXxXxvXx drXxw Shi into his arms with a primal instinct, XxnvXxloping hXxr against his barXx chXxst.

ShXx could fXxXxl thXx hXxat radiating from his transformXxd body, his musclXxs taut with raw powXxr and his hXxart bXxating with a primal rhythm that XxchoXxd hXxr own.

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