Chereads / Master Of Horrors / Chapter 26 - Sanity

Chapter 26 - Sanity



The cloaked figure appeared almost amused, his demeanor easing as he spoke on.

"That's keeping your sanity sane? I don't understand. Isn't it supposed the other way around? If you stay, nothing will happen to you. Why throw yourself in chaos?"

Throw myself in chaos?

With a soft chuckle, I turned to face the individual, "You seemed to be misunderstanding something. I'm not joining the chaos; I'm inviting it. I've grown weary of playing the role of a helper; it simply doesn't suit me. In the first place, that role isn't fit for me. And the ones I've lost are asking me to annihilate everything."


I didn't just utter them as a joke. I fully meant it.

As of now, I'm realizing something changed within me. My mental state is in the worst state and the only one keeping me sane is my thirst for revenge.

I was lost.

Lost in everything with one thing in mind.

If I don't carry it out, I will lose myself even further.

That's what I meant.

The mere mention of that traitor Dune sends waves of fury coursing through my veins. His lackeys inspire vivid fantasies of how I'll turn their insides into outsides, leaving me consumed by thoughts of vengeance.

And especially the ones pulling the strings behind them… I will make sure to slaughter them all.

"What a spiteful human. Do you understand what you are trying to say?"

"I understand it more than anyone. The only thing I could do is bereave right now but as if that would help so please, just answer my question."

The figure was quiet only for a brief moment before continuing, "You are in the fifth area of what you humans call Dreaded Swamps. When I found you submerged in the river I made, it was only a few minutes since I came to the second area to see what transpired there."

He paused, "I grabbed your body and healed you using my Inner Soul Renewal, repairing your brain and removing the bullets from your body. Your loss of consciousness lasts a week." 

That… sounded absurd. You can even heal your brain and heart even though you've been shot by a gun? Well, with the discovery of soul maybe you can do it but… no!

Inner Soul Renewal? What the hell is that?! If there's such a thing, everyone can avoid the fatality that befallen them. There's little to no information regarding the soul aside from the fact that we use it to use techniques and abilities…


I began to view the cloaked individual in a different light, yet I refrained from lowering my guard. After a moment of contemplation, I decided to inquire further.

"Is there any reason why you saved me?"

"You look pitiful."

Ugh, that came so fast.

"Look," the figure remarked, "It wouldn't have made sense if you were really dead. Understand this, there's no reason to save you if you are dead at that time. The reason I did was because there's still life inside you. Your heart was beating and your brain was functioning but they were all fatal."

He continued, "Have you been exposed to something like smoke? Or is it because you are tenacious."

'A smoke?'

With my head tilted, I responded, "The time we fight the King of Familiars, Lupire. That black smoke, I guess."

"Oh, so you've been exposed to something like that, huh? Well, that dumb Horror probably wasn't aware of how his abilities are or you're incredibly lucky… Or maybe a third party is involved for you to survive that… Well, in our world, it's easy to renew your brain or heart. but I don't know really…"


Speaking of luck, not minding any of his words for now, I started calling out the two abilities given to me by the grimoire.

As if it understood what I was doing, the figure advised.

"Don't use your soul recklessly. Do you know how much drained it is? You aren't even meditating and replenishing your soul manually which is why the intake of your soul is low. Wait, do you even know how to replenish or meditate?"

Replenish and meditate?

"What's that? I thought the intake of the soul came naturally. I mean, the soul is soul right?"

"Huh!? Are you dumb!"

Kuhh— just say everything to me and not that!

"D-dumb!? Ask me anything then, I'll answer all of it!"

The cloaked individual paused for a moment as if up for the challenge before saying, "Then, what is Essence? How do you form Soul Cores? What do you do inside your Subconsciousness? And to achieve Inner Soul Renewal, what do you have to do first?"

'Essence? Two Cores? Subconsciousness is related to the brain right but… I think he isn't asking that. And Inner Soul Renewal… that's the thing that saved me.'

O-oy, I couldn't understand a single thing he had said!

Thinking about them makes my pride hurt for being a top student academy-wise!

"You poor thing, it's all related to soul."

"There's a deeper meaning to it?"

As if dumbfounded, the cloak slightly stepped back before shaking his head, "Of course. Just like us, we also have our distinctive qualities. And we use soul as well but since we get the general knowledge, we can adapt and learn on ourselves."


'He mentions 'we' again but that didn't seem to involve humans.'

Needing a confirmation that keep bugging my mind, I stated.

"Erm, you're a Horror, right?"

"Yes, isn't that obvious?"

"Then…! Why rescue a human like me? Doesn't Horror just kill humans?"

"What do you humans regard us for…"

The cloaked figure shook his head once more as if the notion of my Horrors being attributed to them was simply incorrect.

"Listen up, don't lump me with those unintelligent Horrors that still didn't develop their soul. Second, yes, most of the Horrors are hostile but some few can be said docile. Isn't that the reason why some Horror make a contract with you?"

Wait, they are!? I thought they were taken into custody and forced to do a contract with us. That's strange… does that mean some people knew it but remain silent so that they can benefit on their own?

'Fucking corrupted humans.'

As if he had forgotten something, the cloaked figure jolted and stood up.

"I almost forgot. Damn humans, did they really teach you anything?"


The figure moved towards his bed and grabbed something underneath. Once the item was revealed, he dragged it down towards me.

'A chest?'

He opened it and revealed two items.

One is a black star with only four points. It was emitting a dangerous aura but it seemed to have been suppressed. Next, is a black film… or more like a tape or screen? Though, there's nothing to it. Just pure darkness.

Is this supposed to be something? 

"Now, enough for your questions. Do you know the reason why I was suspicious about you?"


"Nah, why though? 

The cloaked figure pointed his finger which had sharp nails on the chest and continued.

"These two are called [Upcoming Moment] and [Fortune Star Crossed], your abilities, right?"



"The power you hold seems so unbelievable to me that I was surprised myself. I thought you were a lackey of a very powerful Mystical Horror with ten cores, or… higher which has a goal to look for me, but it seems wrong.

"Now I was thinking about it, the third area started to become full of Horrors once again. I usually hunt my food in the fourth area for a few years and because of it, I switch from time to time and gather more ingredients than whatsoever. That power must've come there."

It matches Oliver's description regarding his claims. So, he indeed got that power there.

Observing the individual, devoid of any malicious intent towards me, I bowed my head to the ground once more as a sign of respect.

"Sir, you seem to know a lot and have a kind personality. I couldn't repay what you did but there's something I would like to ask again."

"Go on,"

I've been thinking about this when I fought with this Horror.

He exuded strength, perhaps even surpassing that of Lupire. Despite his lack of hostility towards humans, I couldn't afford to lower my guard solely based on that observation.

Even so… with the chance presented, I couldn't just give up on it.

"Please teach me about everything!"


I know I'm lacking a lot. There's also a burden placed on my shoulders. But if it's too much to ask and rejected it since it really is too—eh?

Surprised by the figure's immediate response, which seemed to require no contemplation, I looked up, intrigued.

"Oh… Oh! I'm glad! Yes, finally!"

"But you also have to do something for me too. Though, it would be not too much for you."

Aware that there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world and realizing I had already asked too much from him, I nodded once, prepared to offer anything in return.

"Just tell me anything at all! Do you want to me make you your soup each time!? Back massage!? Clean your table!? Or fix your hut!?"

"Soup… is that how you see it…" The cloaked figure contemplated as he held his chin even though his hand was just touching the darkness.

If not, then what is it?

"Listen, I'll teach you everything I know. Every fighting skill I learned myself, every knowledge I acquired throughout the years, and learnings from my ancestors. I'll pass it all to you!"

The figure revealed a glimpse of his face, accompanied by a faint smile, as he pointed at himself.

"In return for my benevolence, I want you to do something for me." The figure paused, "After everything is done, you will kill me."