Doomed Villain

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Arcane powers are categorized into two sections: physical abilities and spell-based abilities.


Physical abilities encompass traits such as super speed, super strength, shape-shifting, and transformation.


Spell-based abilities include manipulation of elements such as water, fire, control over density, light, darkness, and more.


An individual's arcane power can evolve and become more refined over time, growing alongside the wielder. This evolution is closely linked to the spell circuit within their body, which carries their unique spell, serving as the wellspring of their power.


Spell circuites can be broken down into different stages:

Grade F: Novice

- Spell Circuits: Normal

Grade E: Beginner

- Spell Circuits: Enhanced

Grade D: Apprentice

- Spell Circuits: Rare

Grade C: raider

- Spell Circuits: Epic

Grade B: Expert

- Spell Circuits: Master

Grade A: Master

- Spell Circuits: Military

Grade S: Virtuoso

- Spell Circuits: Legendary

Grade SS: Grandmaster

- Spell Circuits: Mythical


‡Monsters are graded like pieces on a chessboard, with their classification determined by their overall combat power, that includes agility, strength, intiligence and so on.‡


Monster grades:

- Pawn (F): Weakest monsters, posing little threat individually.

- Knight (D): Slightly stronger than pawns, usually encountered in small groups.

- Bishop (C): Intermediate-level monsters, capable of posing a moderate challenge.

- Rook (B): Strong monsters, often found leading groups of lesser creatures or encountered alone.

- Queen (A): Formidable monsters, possessing significant power and posing a serious threat even to experienced adventurers.

- King (S): Extremely powerful monsters, rare and legendary in nature, capable of single-handedly decimating entire regions if left unchecked.

- Deity (SS): Mythical creatures of immense power, revered or feared as gods among monsters, capable of reshaping the world with their mere presence.


In the world, there are also demons, creatures born from intense negative human emotions. They emit miasma, a foul energy capable of corrupting or decaying the bodies of ordinary individuals or espers lacking N-aspect energy production within their bodies.

- Grade F: Low-grade spawns, minor demonic entities with limited power and influence.

- Grade E: Weak demonic entities, slightly more powerful than Grade F, but still considered minor threats.

- Grade D: Mid-tier demons, possessing moderate power and influence. They may command small groups of lesser demons.

- Grade C: Stronger demons, capable of significant destruction and manipulation. They often serve higher-ranking demons or demon lords.

- Grade B: Powerful demons, considered elite among their kind. They possess formidable abilities and may rule over entire regions of the demonic realm.

- Grade A: Demon lords, rulers of large portions of the demonic realm. They wield immense power and influence, commanding legions of lesser demons.

- Grade SS: Peak-grade demon lords, the most powerful and feared demons. They are almost godlike in their abilities and are capable of threatening entire worlds.

It's important to note that demons of any grade can only be killed by espers wielding N-aspect energy.
