Mingshen peeked outside from Mrs. Zhang's flat and found that Jia's flat was still locked. He frowned.
Spicy is not back yet?
Is she pulling an all-nighter in the Bureau?
He looked back at Mrs. Zhang, who was playing a board game with Bobo. "Can you call Spicy to ask where she is?"
She smiled. "Why don't you call?"
"She will highly cut my call and then block my contact from her list."
Bobo sneered. "She should have done this a long time ago."
"You should worry more about your stomach than me getting blocked, brat. Who knows if you are looking for a night of a painful stomach ache?" Mingshen sneered back.
Bobo touched his belly and suddenly felt an uncomfortable sensation bubbling.
"Ignore him, Bobo," Mrs. Zhang said.
Mingshen cursed the duo and eventually dialled her number himself. It went on a for ring a couple of times.
Like I had expected. She is not gonna pick up.