Jia had her arms folded by the time Huojin was done explaining the entire part of how he was working together with Beiye.
"I cannot believe this! Beiye…is a part of She?"
Huojin promptly wheeled his chair away from Jia but she wheeled it back towards her with glaring eyes.
"W-Well I thought that instead of taking her into custody, it was better that she acted as a double agent!"
"You…How could you not tell me about her? The cult members are all evading us and here we had one right in front of our eyes."
"S-Sorry, but I swear it's all for the sake of our investigation!"
"How do you know that we could even trust her?" Jia was flabbergasted. "And did you forget about those mysterious chips in the tattoos through which the leader somehow tracks their members?"
"I do remember that and I had asked Beiye about it too. Obviously, I wrote it and asked in case our conversation was being listened to. But she assured me that we were safe."