Mingshen waved his hand in dismissal and snorted. "What kind of a question is that? Aren't there too many things?"
Yang Bingqing tried her best not to give a judgmental look, but she failed.
"Pray tell me and count the things B has done for A's trust. I think my memory is failing me," she smiled sarcastically.
Her sarcasm didn't reach Mingshen.
"Well it's not too far-fetched to say that B is quite charming. He works with A and has helped her with his expertise on numerous occasions."
"That's work."
"That doesn't count?" He frowned.
"What has he done for her on a personal level?"
Mingshen looked away for a few seconds and jogged his memory. It suddenly proved to be a difficult mission.
Hm? Why can't I think of anything?
Then his mind lit up with something. "You see, A was really injured for sometime so B was very gracious and generous in arranging a five-star dinner at her apartment to cheer her up."