Chapter 180 - Neraw

As we reach Neraw, I can't help but feel...



Even the clouds that linger overhead seem to be a manifestation of the gloom that hangs in the air.

People bustle around in a hurry, trying to sort out rubble and corpses of animals and people alike.

...There is a big pile of bodies being burned, and the stench makes me nearly retch.

All around us is destruction.

Celeste stares in wide-eyed horror at the mass destruction around us.

I shake my head. 

This many days after the event, and it looks like the recovery efforts only barely began. Valentine must have under-emphasized how bad the quake was.

I touch Celeste's arm. "You need to be careful. Pick and choose who you heal."

Celeste glances over at me in alarm, and opens her mouth as if to say something, before promptly snapping it closed and nodding instead.

We slowly make our way through the ruined streets, before we catch sight of Roland and Lucas, the former waving at us impatiently to hurry up and the latter calling out a greeting and coming up to us to greet us.

Lucas runs up to me, pulling me into a tight hug. He kisses me gently.

"Diane...thank God you're safe."

I smile and kiss him back, hugging him just as tightly as he is. "Of course I am."

Lucas sighs, relief written clearly on his face. His brows are furrowed with concern, his lips pressed into a tight line, but after a moment his expression shifts to something more relaxed, his shoulders sagging slightly.

"Good. Good..." His voice is softer now, quieter than it had been before, as if he were speaking more to himself than to me or anyone else.

I pull back to look up into his face, tilting my head questioningly. "What about you? Everything alright...?"

"Of course." Lucas murmurs reassuringly.

Celeste blushes and looks away while Roland just scoffs.

"I see you've regained your vigor, girl." The old man muses dryly, directing his attention to Celeste. "You gave us quite a fright."

Celeste turns away and her cheeks redden further.

"Er...yes. Sorry." She replies meekly. "I didn't mean to, that..."

She clears her throat, casting a shy glance over at Roland.

"I guess I...was more tired than I thought...but! I feel fine now." She quickly adds, offering an awkward, if rather embarrassed-looking, smile in our direction. "Um...thanks for worrying."

Lucas frowns. "You sure?"

I'm more worried about how fast she recovered than her actual exhaustion.

Something is strange...

Celeste nods vigorously in response to Lucas' query, giving another tentative smile.

"Absolutely positive! I feel completely refreshed, honestly, so it's all right."

She seems earnest and energetic.

"...Then we should start working. The people are restless. We'll stick close in case people try to mob you." I say to Celeste, glancing at the rest of the group.

Celeste hesitates momentarily, before finally agreeing, nodding her assent. "O...okay." Her eyes flick towards me for a split second, filled with uncertainty and a hint of fear. "I'll do my best not to pass out this time."

I nudge her forward gently. "Just pace yourself."

She nods and follows obediently behind me.

A crowd forms as people see Celeste, and her glowing eyes, but she holds her hand up. "Whoever is seriously injured, bring them forward." She orders with a firmness to her voice that I hadn't heard before.

People come forth slowly, unsure if they dare approach this new figure of hope.

Celeste pulls them forward, beginning her work with trembling hands, still unsteady.

By the afternoon, she can no longer stand.

Valentine arrives and chases off the crowd before they can start demanding she work through her exhaustion.

He turns toward me and smiles brightly once thy disperse. "It's good to see your pretty face, Diane."

"Glad you arrived in one piece. Come on, follow me. We're setting up base nearby. This girlie's done for today." He helps Celeste up.

Celeste reluctantly relinquishes her place in the main square, leaning on Valentine for support while I follow closely behind.

Roland and Lucas, in turn, trail after the two of us.

Celeste puts up some fuss about being able to do more, but in the end, she's shunted into a seat at the tavern.

I place a bowl of food in front of her. "Eat. No collapsing again."

Celeste blinks up at me with wide eyes. She blushes and accepts the food without arguing further.

It seems she knows she needs it, too.

I reach out and pat her on the shoulder once. "Keep eating, then sleep. There's plenty of time to recover."

I gesture to Valentine, and we move off to talk in another corner, leaving Celeste to eat.

I keep one eye on Celeste though, so I can spot if she passes out again.

"Has it been like this the entire time?" I ask Valentine.

He crosses his arms and purses his lips.

"We've slowly been rebuilding. I called on King Henri for help as well, but you arrived before him."

"....How quick Henri responds depends on where this quake hit hardest." Roland rumbles. "If there's a place hit harder than Neraw he'll be likely to focus there first."

"Kelros is the nearest town to here." Valentine purses his lips."That or Celend. But I've been too busy with the recovery efforts here to go exploring if anywhere else got hit harder."

Celeste sets her empty plate down. She tries to stand but stumbles dizzily, bumping into a table.

Lucas catches her immediately, carrying her easily in his arms as if he had expected that result.

"Come on. We should get you to rest. We'll figure this all out tomorrow." He coaxes softly.

Celeste shakes her head in protest, looking mortified by her current state. "Wait - I-I can't-"

She starts, attempting to sit upright but failing miserably and instead sagging limply into Lucas' embrace. She sucks in a sharp gasp of pain and scrunches up her nose. "...ugh..."

I smile softly at her. "Rest, Celeste. You can't help anyone if you put yourself into a coma."

Celeste sighs resignedly and leans into Lucas' arms, relaxing and closing her eyes as Lucas carries her off to their bed.

Lucas returns almost immediately afterward, and glues himself to my side.

Roland yawns. "...Right then. Tomorrow we'll focus on getting this city stable. Maybe after that we can go start checking in on Kelros and Celend."

He stands from the table he sat at and stretches his back.

He ruffles my hair roughly. "We're off to bed. Keep your guard up."

Roland shuffles off to bed and I tug Lucas back to our shared bed.

He chuckles but follows me willingly.

"Tomorrow then." He whispers.

He closes his eyes as he nestles himself comfortably in my arms, sighing contentedly. "Goodnight Diane."

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