The nightmarish, bloodied corpses breach the wooden barriers set up just beyond the walls without any apparent trouble.
Roland leans over the parapet to peer down at the assaulting re-living as they close in on the outer walls of the city.
"Well shit, there's more than I thought." The man grumbles to himself as he adjusts the grip on the axe in his hands. "Stay alive, girl, because I'm not putting up with that fool boy alone if you kick the bucket."
I nod briefly in acknowledgement.
The sea of bodies crash against the walls of the palace, heedless of their own survival or comfort. They climb atop one another, slowly but surely crawling up the walls of the city.
The bowmen continue to rain arrows down on the figures, but, apparently...this city is running out of arrows.
"Dammit," Roland hisses, "What kind of sloppy, messy city is this?! You think you'll just never be attacked?!"