Chapter 8 - Chapter-8

Sam is now sitting inside a bus that is full of passengers, and it's headed directly towards the Neighbouring city.

Sam is sitting inside this bus for one purpose only and that is to get off at the next bus stop, that comes in between the two cities.

'Daurock Village is where I have to get off, there is a big forest behind that village and if I can get there, then I will be able to steal life force from bigger trees.

That's the safest place to recover my body from these burn marks. If people saw me sucking the life force out of something, even if it's a tree... They will immediately tag me as a dark mage and issue a warrent against me in the 'Magi Association'.

I will become a bounty for every single magi in this city and that won't be good for my life.' Sam thought as he looked out the window and noticed that there was still some time before reaching his destination.

'Open the Skill unlock Tab...' Sam ordered in his mind and suddenly a screen popped up right in front of him.


Skill Unlock Tab 3/4

Greed's Skill: 5000 DP

Lust's Skill: 500 DP

Gluttony's Skill: 500 DP

Sloth's Skill: 500 DP

Envy's Skill: 500 DP

Pride's Skill: 500 DP

Wrath's Skill: 500 DP


'Huh...? Five thousand Desire Points ? That's ten times more then the previous purchase points.' Sam thought with a surprised expression.

'Wait, I opened this tab to buy the Lust's skill... Let's do that first and think about the rest later.' Sam thought as he clicked over the Lust's skill and this time, he was very careful with his click.


[You have successfully Purchased {Lust's Skill} For 500DP.]

'Open the progression Tab...' Sam ordered.


Progression Tab. 2/4

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/5000]

[DPs(Desire Points): 0]

[Main Element: Lust]

[Current Quest: None]

[Debuffs: (Burned) (Sleep Lack) (Overworked) (Mental stress) +10]

[Skills: {Vital Exaction (N)} {Sinful Incantation (N)}]

[Info: Say 'Next' To change Tabs]


'Singul Incantation huh...? Let's see, What can you do.' Sam thought, as he clicked on the skill.

[Skill: Sinful Incantation{N}]

[Skill Rank: Novice 0/10]

[Sinful Incantation embodies User's ability to subtly influence the desires of others through the artful weaving of enchanting words.

When activated, User whispers the spell incantation, casting an ethereal veil over the minds of those within earshot. The spell induces a gradual yet potent effect, incrementally increasing the lust of the target by 2% with each repetition.

The effect of this skill appears over time as you corrupt the target slowly. If not whispered in the right conditions the skill will fail.

Can't use more than five times on the same target in 24 hours.]

[Info: This skill is related to your main Element, Using it often will provide you with some Desire Points.]

'Okay, This one seems like a really perverted skill. I can increase someone's lust by using this skill ? I mean, I can use this to fuck beautiful girls... Hehehe.' Sam thought as an evil smile appeared on his face.

[Quest issued]

Suddenly another window popped up in front of him.

[Quest Name: Skill learner 2(Basic)]

[Quest Reward: 500 DP]

[Punishment: None]

[Time: none.]


1. Click twice on the Lust's skill.

2. Reveal it's spell.

3. Learn the spell and make use of it Twice.]

'Same quest again ? I mean... It's now telling me to learn the lust skill's spell but the reward is same as before and the description too.

Is it going to happen with every skill that I purchase ?' Sam questioned but before he could've thought of anything else, his bus stop came.

"Daurock Village..." The driver shouted.

"Y-Yes..." Sam immediately ran forward and stepped down from the bus.

"Have a safe trip, Sir." The bus driver spoke as he left after that.

Sam was the only one standing on the village's bus stop, no one can be seen even at the farthest distance.

Sam immediately turned around and started walking towards the forest. His motives were clear from the start, keep yourself hidden and become strong.

After walking for about 30 minutes, Sam finally reached near the forest.

Sam looked at the big trees and immediately a smile appeared over his face.

Sam then touched the tree that was at the start of the forest and started chanting....



"Enigma diryx."


Suddenly the tree started to look more and more dry. But, on the other hand, Sam's body started healing.

The threes that were connected to that tree with branches or root, also started to loose their life force.

In just 43 seconds... Sam sucked out the life force of 37 trees. His burning marks were all starting to fade away.

All 37 of them turned into hollow brown trees, that fell down immediately as soon as their life force got sucked out of them.


After exactly 1 minute, Sam realised that something was wrong with his body.

His body got fully healed but the Life force suction wasn't stopping even after the healing was completed.

His body was devouring the life force of all the tree's endlessly and Sam felt so tired only one minute later.

He tried to remove his hand from the first tree, but it felt like someone has glued Sam's hand to the tree with a super glue.

"Fuckkkk... Come on." Sam shouted as he placed his legs against the tree and started pushing the tree with his legs and pulling his hand away at the same time.


After pulling so hard, Sam was finally able to seperate his hand from the tree.

"Now I understand, why this is Greed's skill." Sam spoke as he looked at the forest and noticed that he has already eaten out half of the forest's life force, with his skill.

"I destroyed half of the forest ? Fuck man... But on the bright side, I got my body and face back." Sam thought as he looked at his shirt's sleeves and noticed that they were a little big for him in size. But, Sam has never compromised with his cloth size.

"What the hell...?"