Emmi wheels the cart filled with dishes into the room followed by the other two teams and their carts. The place settings were prepared earlier so all that is left is arranging the food on the table.
Sung Susan walks over to the table with small placards. "Put these in front of the dishes you prepared. The celebrities will pick which dishes they want to sample."
Jiang Lisa carefully places the dishes she and Emmi prepared in front of Bo Anzhi. She sweetly smiles "I hope you enjoy your meal."
He stares at the cute girl whose face can't hide her anticipation and responds, "You worked hard. I'm sure it is delicious."
Zhen Sihao is sitting next to the Director and stands up. Without any explanation he walks to the other end of the table and sits next to Bo Anzhi.
Emmi notices and under her breath says, "That seat is for Fan Mi."
He smiles, "Fan Mi is on a diet she can't eat this food."