Chapter 37 - Purpose

Third Person PoV

Astarte and Kanon were on their way to the keystone gate, passing by the shrubs the two of them found a red orb lying on the ground.

"Astarte-san, what is this?"

"Similarity found between the black cores inside the wiseman's blood, It is advised that we keep it for further research."


Kanon kept the orb in her pocket and began moving towards the Keystone gate.

"It will take too much time this way!"

"Affirmative. You can fly."

Astarte gave them an answer to their dilemma.

"Ah, thank you, Astarte-san, I forgot about that."

Saying so, Kanon closed her eyes and focused on the budding feeling in her chest.

She could feel a knot in her chest, whose one end was pointing towards Kojou while the other was going upward.

The albino girl focused the the upward going strand and soon she began emitting holy power and three pairs of wings unfurled from her back.

Kanon opened her eyes and motioned Astarte to come closer. And with a slight blush on her face, she lifted the blue haired homunculus in a bridal carry.

"Please bear with it for a while, Astarte-san!"


Getting the green light, Kanon flapped her wings, as flying came to her naturally and the two quickly made their way to the top of the Keystone gate.

"So you are Kojou, now?"

"Yes, haven't I already told you?"

"Yes, but seeing is a different thing."

Kojou and La Folia were talking as they were meeting up for a date.



"Alright, time to get serious."

Just then Yuuma poured even more magic power into the Grimoire 539, making it release a beam of light visible from all over the island.

It was a blessing in disguise that today was Halloween Festa or else this would be a cause of concern for the normal populace.

"Shit, what is that?" Kojou said, in mock surprise.

Just then the other three girls looked over to the northern part of the island, where a large dark castle had appeared.

It was very vague, like teetering at the edge of reality.

Somewhere, someone, standing at the top of a building said with a grave expression on his face.

"Damn it, They got us!"

The hyper adapter couldn't stand much as a certain troublesome alchemist was causing trouble for the island guard along with his large black goop.

"Sorry, I will be going on ahead."

Yuuma said and before teleporteing away, she had burned the Grimoire 539, shocking the witches and the other observers.

"So, how do we get to the prison barrier?" Kojou said, looking at the far away castle.

"We don't have anything that fast, only your speed or familiar is that fast, aside from spatial magic."

"Is that so? Well we are getting aerial support, so it is fine."

"Aerial support?" Sayaka said, before she sensed a massive amount of holy power coming near them at a high speed.

And soon the entire roof was bathed in holy power, the tentacles getting destroyed by its purity.

"Onii-san, we did it!"

"Confirmation of the statement giving by Kanase Kanon."

"Don't underestimate us!"

The Meyer sisters snarled before more of their tentacles appeared and rushed at the group, but were instantaneously eviscerated by the beams of holy energy by Kanon.

Seeing that Kanon was keeping the two witches at bay, Kojou calmly took out his phone and dialled Asagi.

"Hello, Kojou?"

"Yes, Can you send a helicopter here?"

"Well, yes but I won't be able to control it after you board it."

"That should be enough."

"You deliberately let Yuuma get away, didn't you? I saw that from the camera."

"Yes, I have a feeling that I can help Natsuki-chan this time around, I think she is very deeply involved with the prison barrier."

"Is that so? Then fine, I will stop my hunt for her and rest a little."

"Fine, good night."

"Also, tell Kanon-chan that the alchemist is not quite dead, he is causing trouble somewhere near the eastern side of the island, near the docks."

"Will tell her."

Finally Kojou glanced at the situation and found out that the witches were knocked out cold by the combination of a sword shaman, a war dancer, an angel, a homunculus and a princess with a gun.

"Well that makes things easier."

"Kojou, are you done with your call?" La Folia asked.

"Yes, also Kanon, Amatsuka Kou isn't dead, he is still alive and is causing trouble somewhere on the eastern dock."

"But we killed him?"

"Maybe that was a decoy, remember, alchemists are really tough to kill."

Just then the a silvery goop climbed up to roof of Keystone gate from the sides and then gradually took the form of a young man.

"Now, Kanase Kanon, i will fulfill what is atrted,I shall end you-?"

His voice getting lower and lower until he found himself getting pinned by six sides by the glares of six beautiful girls.

"Your timing is very bad, my man."

That was all this spare body of the alchemist was able to hear, before he was evaporated by the holy beams of the resident angel.

Kojou looked towards Kanon and found her, angry?

'Man, he must be some real diabolical bastard to make Kanon glare at him like that.'

A whirring of a helicopter graced his ears and he told the party.

"Kanon, fly with us. Astarte control the helicopter, we are going to the prison realm. La Folia, Sayaka, well what can I say, enjoy the festival, I guess?"

"What do you mean, enjoy the festival?"

Sayaka said angrily, the tone Kojou used made her feel as if she wasn't good enough to fight beside him.

"I mean, the spatial distortion would be dealt with soon, and the rogue alchemist will be caught too, the only remaining threat is Tokoyogi Aya, who isn't yet out, so you can stay and help Kanon, if you want but it isn't necessary. You aren't obligated to help, me neither is La Folia, infact La Folia shouldn't even be here, if she is harmed, it will become a matter of international dispute."

"Then what if I wanted to enjoy the festival?"

Kojou only smiled at the princess and said while moving towards the helicopter.

"Then please do so."

Yukina boarded the helicopter and with Astarte as the pilot they quickly moved near to their destination.

"Senpai, will this be fine?"

"Why wouldn't it be? We have an angel flying with us!"

Kojou said as Kanon moved at the same speed as a helicopter.

"So, Sayaka? What are you going to do?"

"I am your guard, Princess, I will escort you."

Sayaka said, with a forced smile on her face.

"Then, let's go to the eastern giga float, I heard the cuisine there is quite nice."

Sayaka could only smile hearing that as the two went on their way.

"So, Astarte, after dropping the two of us near the prison barrier, you will go with Kanon and handle the alchemist. Remember, your and Kanon's well-being is more important."


All this talk was happening while Yukina was clutching Kojou's hand hard enough to break it.

"Himeragi, it's Yuuma's body, not mine, hold it gently."

"Sorry, senpai."

"It's fine, so can you jump from her to the ground safely?"

"No, but if we get a little lower than that it should be fine."

"Okay, Astarte takes the ride a little lower. Jump, Himeragi."

At his command the maid dress wearing Sword shaman jumped, while Kojou jumped towards Kanon.

The angel caught Kojou just fine and took him down.

The two of them landed near the bridge joining the vague prison realm and Itogami island.

"See you later, Kanon!"

"I won't fail this time, Onii-san!"

With a promise the false angel flew away, with her helper coming along with her in a helicopter.

"Shall we get going, maid-san?"

"It's just cosplay!"

The two of then walked for a bit and came face to face with Yuuma, who was in Kojou's body.

"Already here? But it doesn't matter, but I will say you have great friends."

"Yeah, I do, well if the situation was a but different I am sure you would also be the same."

"I am still your friend?"

"Depends on what happens next, I guess?"

"Even if I am a tool whose sole purpose to exist is the destruction of the prison barrier?"

"Wait, are you one of those test-tube babies? Like the in-vitro ones? I am completely fine with them, I do not have prejudices against artificial reproductive technology."

"No, I mean yes, but becoming a witch and breaking the prison barrier was programmed into me by my mother!"

"And so? A program can be defective. Just because she programmed you doesn't mean you are obliged to do so, meeting me, enjoying your life, was that also programmed?"

Yuuma was silent at that single line by Kojou.

"No, that was alone my choice, that's why said that you are the only one for me. The original plan was to sacrifice 100,000 people of Itogami island to break the seal, but now thanks to you no one has to die."

'I would prefer if you went that route honestly.'

But he didn't say that out loud. And then she uttered the name of her guardian.

"Le Bleu!"

A silver knight, with a blue horn at its head appeared and raised his hands. And golden lightning began to collapse into its hands, and a lion roared.

Regulus-Aurum was summoned.

"Senpai, that your familiar, Regulus-Aurum!"


"It isn't the original one, i used your immense magical power and distorted space-time to summoun a familiar you used in the past."

But even with the 4th Primogenitor's body and a witches guardian failed to control the beast.

The knight was electrocuted and vanished, making Yuuma groan in pain, the Lion of Gold rampaged finding no one to control it.

One lightning bolt fell over the prison barrier breaking the seal, finally Kojou had enough and raised his hand.

"Calm down, Regulus-Aurum!"

And with a single command the Lion calmed its rage and vanished into the annals of time.

"Seriously, don't use it if you can't control it."

Yumma stood up and looked at shock to Kojou.

"How did you-?"

" I am still the 4th Primogenitor, just because I have a different body doesn't mean anything."

"I need to hurry up."

Abusing the regeneration, Yuuma ran at full speed toward the prison barrier. Leaving Yukina and Kojou behind.

"Let's go, senpai."

Kojou didn't offer a response but followed Yukina as they ran to catch Yuuma, there was a different though going in Kojou's mind.

'Is there some kind of relation between Tokoyogi Aya and Natsuki-chan?'

Soon the two found themselves entering the large dark castle. The two of them came to stop in a large throne room, with a single large gold gilded red throne at the centre of it.

Yuuma was looking at the one sitting on the throne with a smile on it, Yukina was shocked seeing who it was.

While Kojou looked like he had expected this kind of thing.

'But why?' His doubts were resolved by the words said by Yuuma.

"It's an honour to meet you, key of the prison barrier, Witch of the Void."

'She is the key? Like a jailer?'

Before Kojou could make more assumptions, Yuuma started to speak on the topic like a orator.

"Minamiya Natsuki, is the key, the door and the jailer to the prison barrier. The prison barrier itself is not a place but a technique used to capture and seal criminals. She is currently the only one in the world who can use it, or is the only one known to use it atleast. She has been sleeping here alone for ten years, neither aging nor waking."

"So the one at school is a physical illusion?" Yukina said.

"Yes, a sad little dream."

"So now what? You kill her and the inmates break free, then what? You will kill yourself just because your mission is over, or be used until your mother discards you like a tool?"

Kojou said with sarcasm dripping in his voice, Yuuma faltered at that but she didn't stop.

"My entire existence will be meaningless If I don't do this!"

"That is the purpose of life, finding a purpose to live, if you already have a purpose, then you are not alive, people die trying to find their purpose and you already have it?"

"You really haven't changed at all, Kojou."

Yuuma didn't say anything more as a single tear fell down her face.

The blue knight manifested behind her inetbt on smashing the English teacher, but a spear intercepted it's fist.