Third Person PoV
Sayaka dodged the swing of a battle automata and launched her special arrow above the large ship she was on.
The magic circle materialised and the automata stopped functioning.
"No one except the automata, maybe Kojou's girlfriend was wrong?"
Sayaka said to herself. She continued.
"Is this really Possession mask's facility?"
Sayaka then looked at the horizon which was covered in mist, and the huge pillar of ice which reached the sky itself.
"What did you get involved in, Kojou?"
Himeragi undid the knot of her shirt and got rid of her shirt. And her breasts covered in pink bra were revealed to Kojou.
"Is this enough senpai?"
Kojou didn't say anything and moved towards his observer, he lifted her up by her butt and sniffed her nape.
Feeling her smell he licked the place he was going to pierce with his fangs, almost as if marking his place.
And without any delay sunk his fangs into the soft skin of Yukina. The familiar taste of iron touched his tongue and Kojou relished in it.
The sound of his gulping was audible to La Folia ans she only felt herself getting hotter, even though she was only observing.
"Senpai, the princess is looking!"
Yukina protested but they fell on deaf ears. One gulp, two gulp, three gulp and finally the fourth, Kojoh gently lowered Yukina down to the sand and laid her down.
Her body still twitched due to the euphoria she was being induced by Kojou's fangs.
He put his jacket, which was done for, to cover her up and then stood up and glanced at the massive ice pillar.
And gradually the wound on his chest closed. Seeing that La Folia couldn't help but think.
'The angels attack was consumed? I had no idea that the 4th Primogenitor ruled over such a terrifying familiar, to be able to eat something of a higher dimension then itself!'
But Kojou instead of looking happy only clicked his tongue and asked La Folia.
"La Folia, if I drink your blood what are the chances that your family would either force me to make an alliance with Aldegyr or try to make me marry you?"
Confused at first due the word question, La Folia answered after thinking for a bit.
"My father may try for the alliance but my mother would definitely go for the marriage."
"Then can I trust you that it won't come that if I did sunk my fangs into you?"
"Why? Wasn't Yukina enough? And why are you so averse to joining Aldegyr?"
"My familiar didn't awaken completely, it's a bit special you see. How long would the peace treaty between Aldegyr and Warlord's dominion work? If it breaks down and I am allied to Aldegyr, wouldn't I have to fight the 1st Primogenitor? I would rather not fight any Primogenitor until really necessary."
Kojou explained his reasoning. La Folia nodded her head at that and said resolutely.
"I see that the rumours about you being stupid are wrong, worry not Kojou I will stop my family from doing that, I just ask that you save Kanon."
Kojou didn't want to get involved with royalty at all, if possible. But the situation had forced his hand.
Ideally he would like to discuss with Asagi before making a decision but he didn't have the leeway for that, so he thought the best he could and did that.
Currently saving, Kanon, Nagisa's friend took priority, the problems with royalty, well the future Kojou would handle it.
He could always let his familiars run around a little if Aldegyr was being bit annoying.
"There are rumors about me? Isn't my identity a secret?" Kojou muttered to himself while he sat down on the sand.
La Folia took her blazer off and opned the first two buttonss of her white shirt. Her chest, bigger than Asagi but smaller than Kirasaka bounced as she crawled upto him, on all fours.
The sight was enough to make even gay men get a boner. Her skirt which now was ridden up, gave a tantalizing view to her plump, snow white thighs were asking Kojou to get lost in them.
Her eyes similarly still held that previous mischief but now it was mixed with some nervousness.
The princesses came up to Kojou and sat on his lap, and put her arms around his neck, and put her head in the crook of his neck.
"Don't regret this, La Folia!"
Kojou said before his eyes turned red and his fangs once again became visible. His tongue licked lasciviously at the nape of La Folia and then his mouth was filled with the taste of metallic iron.
"Aah!" La Folia gasped at the pain initially but that pain turned into pleasure real quick and soon it turned into euphoria.
"Koj-Kojou, be a bit gentle~ aahn~"
But her request was promptly denied and his hands played with her ass with his hands underneath her skirt.
With a few scandalous moans later, Kojou finally had his fill and knew instinctively that he had awakened the familiar he wanted to.
He gently took La Folia from his lap and laid her beside Yukina and covered her with her own black jacket.
He then waited for them to come out of their pleasure induced coma. Yukina should come out fast as she is used to this, but La Folia may take a while.
"Finally, Kanon would evolve and ascend, becoming a true angel, she will never get hurt" Kensei said, his true thought out aloud.
As his words were uttered the peak of the ice pillar began to radiate a golden gleam, as if Kanon was truly going to ascend.
But when did plans go such smoothly? The bottom of the ice pillar was smashed open by a sheep, covered in diamonds.
And at the entrance created due to it stood three people, two female one male.
"So you were alive, 4th Primogenitor. But this is good, one more fight with you will finally make Kanon ascend!"
"Stop using her as a tool, Kanase-san!" Yukina said as she pointed her spear at the mage.
"Tool? I have never thought of Kanon as that. She is my sister's daughter, she is equivalent to my own daughter! I did this in order to prevent her getting hurt, this way she can become closer to God!"
"Did you ask her?" Kojou said calmly
"What? A parent only wanted the best for their child!" Kensei retorted.
"Yes, but forcing something on someone without their consent is what it means to use someone as a tool. Also she isn't going anywhere, especially near God's, I have on sight beef with them."
Kojou said, declaring his intentions.
Just then multiple purple tentacles attacked Kojou and Yukina, but were easily dodged by them.
But it seems even Kensei was a target and was thrown down on the ground. The sadistic voice of Beatrice rang out.
"If you guys are done with your child rearing policies can you guys die now?"
She pressed the button of a remote and two more angels came flying.
"How could this be, I only made seven of them? You cloned them?" Kensei said with disbelief.
"Yes, after all seven is too less to be sold. Although they are weaker, we will be getting stronger models after we get the Ojou-sama"
La Folia understood their motive long ago, but getting confirmation was helpful, she could now legally screw over Magus Craft.
"People would pay any price to get a clone of yours, you bitch!" Beatrice said.
Hearing Beatrice call La Folia a bitch his instincts as a vampire asked him to kill this insolent hag.
Even if La Folia was not a blood servant, she was still someone who had given her blood to Kojou, as a vampire this was essentially marking her as his, now that another vampire, whose standing was nothing compared to a Primogenitor called La Folia a bitch, his instincts would naturally be to kill her.
"Oye, old hag, what did you say just now?"
And with thunderclap, her stomach was pierced by lightning. Kojou was about to erase her very existence from the world but Kanon broke through the ice and was about to create havoc again.
"Seven minutes, seven minutes is all I can spare for her. So handle stuff within that time or wait patiently till then."
Acting all cool, Kojou jumped as high as he could and continued to jump on diamond platforms till he reached the height of Kanon.
Beatrice used her familiar to launch attacks at Yukina. The sword shaman tried to use her spear to deflect her attacks but found unable to do it.
The blonde vampire was still injured but was able to fight due to her vampirirc regeneration.
In the middle Yukina abandoned her weapon and ran barehanded towards the blonde vampire, dodging the attacks of the intelligent weapon with ease.
Beatrice in her shock was not able to respond quickly to the incoming 'young lightning' and it left her dazed, and she fell on the ground.
Beatrice looked towards Lowe to find himself dead with a bullet hole in his chest, where his heart is supposed to be.
"Damn it, she got me." Were the last words of Lowe Kirishima.
"You have really gone and done it, you little bitches!"
Beatrice screamed and her familiar unleashed its true form, a large net shaped contruct of energy.
The net encroached upon La Folia, who didn't look the least concerned about this. She bent a little, and began a chant of her own.
"Daughter of the gods that is within me... Protector of armies, age of the sword, bringer of victory and deliverer of death!"
With that a large amount of holy energy covered her curse gun and made it a large sword.
"What? The fake holy sword? How but the mother ship isn't here?"
Beatrice said not believing what was happening infornt of her eyes. With a single swing of the holy sword, the familiar was vanquished.
And Beatrice was thrown back, and the remote to control the two angels was in the air, which was caught by Yukina.
"At this moment I am the spirit." La Folia said to answer the question of Beatrice.
"Beatrice Basler, in the name of La Folia Rihavein, I condemn you. I shall avenge my servants!"
The holy sword extended in length and with a single swing, bisected Beatrice in half, with the holy power, even the strong regeneration of a vampire will not be able to save Beatrice.
La Folia looked towards Yukina and saw that she was able to subdue the two angels using the remote.
The Island management can handle on how to cure them. She nodded her head towards the observer, who smiled in return.
Kojou raised his right hand near his face and started the chant. His hand became black with red lines on it and red colored aura came out of it
"I, Akatsuki Kojou, successor to the blood of "Kaleid Blood", now release your constraints. Come, Third Familiar Al-Meissa Mercury!"
With a dragon's roar the very fabric of space shook and a purple, two headed dragon appeared behind Kojou.
A purple aura, surpassing even the sky reaching ice pillar created by Kanon appeared on the shore.
The previously huge ice pillar now looked like a small tower compared to the obscenely huge pillar of purple that surrounded Kojou.
"A two headed dragon?" Yukina said looking at the new familiar of Kojou.
"So that is why he needed two spirt mediums to awaken it."La Folia said.
The two headed serpentine dragon opened its mouth and bit on the wings of Kanon, and tore them off.
"How? An angel faux's extra dimensional barrier is indestructible!.... That familiar, it must be the dimension eater!"
Kanase Kensei uttered seeing the miracle happening infront of him. The dragon which dwarfed Kanon looked at her fall after her wings were devoured.
But before she hit the ground, Kanon screamed and a big blast of holy energy happened.
She arose from the dust, a malicious red aura covering her body.
"Just stay down, Kanase or it will hurt a lot more."
Kojou warned the albino angel, but it didn't seem that Kanon was able to hear it. But Kensei did explain why she isn't down yet.
"She just fell down, the influx of energy form the higher dimension is still there!"
Hearing that Kojou used his mist to teleport near Kanon before Yukina could use her Sekkarou to destroy the spiritual evolution magic and revert Kanon to a normal girl.
And kicked her into the forest away from the shore. He couldn't let Kanon go back to being normal.
Afterall he was going to make her a blood companion right now, so that after she was beaten down she will regain her ego and still retain her angel faux powers.
And with Kojou acting as an anchor for her, she wouldn't need to fear ascending. This was the plan Kojou had made.
Naturally he wouldn't let Yukina revert Kanon back to a normal girl.