It was a sunny day in the Clover Kingdom, with people living their lives and children running around, birds singing a song and dogs barking aloud, the seemingly endless hustle and bustle of the city creating a contrast to the quiet and serene forest, with all of these sounds coming together to form a symphony that speaks of peace.
There in a forest beside a small village In the name of hage, lays a young man on the cusp of beginnings, for this is his story as the symbol of peace.
Deep in the woods a groan could be heard as a young man awakens from his unconscious state.
"Man what the hell did I drink?" says the young man tiredly as he blocks the sun out of his eyes.
"I knew that twenty bucks were not worth it" comment's the young man while rubbing his eyes with his hands.
The young man goes into a sitting position and sighs loudly.
"Well, at least I got that twenty bucks" says the young man enthusiastically while placing one hand In his pocket.
"Weird, I usually place my stuff in my right pocket...
Whatever probably in my left pocket, I mean I 'was' tired" says the young man while placing his other hand in his left pocket.
He then stops suddenly, stands up and starts searching with panic evident in his movements.
"No,no no no no,NO!" Says the young man with disbelief.
The young man's eyes shoot open, unaware of his current predicament, he search's everywhere on his body, even taking of his pants to check inside them.
"IT CAN'T BE!?" Shouts the young man in despair.
Falling to his knees and looking up to the heavens he shouts.
"MY TWENTY BUCKS!" On the verge of tears the young man shouts with pain at the loss of his dear twenty bucks.
Then he abruptly halts his act of desperation in favour of a more pressing issue.
"Wait...where the hell am i?" Say the young man while looking around his surroundings.
"Well whatever, let's see something I can drink around here." Says the young man as he scouts the area for a water source while putting back the pants he took off.
Noticing something weird he hadn't before because he was acting appropriately to the situation(he was over reacting).
"Is that a book?"says the young man before taking it out of its holster thinga majing.
"Weird, it doesn't have a colour, or a title, or whatevers supposed to be in a book, like what the hell is this thing?" Says the young man confused as he attempts to inspect the thing.
"Wait, there 'is' something on the front cover, looks like a drawing of a leaf, I think it's called a clover or some shit, let me count how many their are, One, two, thre-"
The young man stops as he hears a roar of a wild beast incoming.
"WHAT IN posiden's balls WAS THAT‽" shouts out the young man after that horrific roar of some sort of beast.
"AND WHY IS IT GETTING LOUDER!" Says the young man in panic as he hears the encroaching beast.
A crashing sound is produced after something's hit the trees making them shake violently as leaves fall to the ground in a shower. One of the trees fall to the ground making a dust cloud obscuren the visage of the suspect.
The now identified Hog shake's it's head in attempt to clear the dust in the air that's obscuren it's vision. Blowing steam from its oinkers the Hog places it's target on the young man Infront of it.
"Oh... Good piggy?"
Insulted OINK
The Hog starts charging at the young man.
"BAD PIGGY!" Shouts the young man
'shit, this is bad, it looks like it weighs four hundred kilogrammes, has long tusks approximately eighty centimetres in length each, a nasty pair of horns that are longer then the tusks at a hundred centimetres each, which is weird since I don't remember them growing on hogs, but whatever basterds probably confused thinking his a bull charging at me like that, and has a shit ton of scars making it very dangerous to boot. potential weaknesses, sharp objects as the scars on its body show that it has been damaged with fangs, claws, ect. the neck, it's offensive abilities are focused on it's head with it's tusks and horns,
To facilitate it abilities it's neck has to be flexible and packed with blood vessels to carry more oxygen to it's muscles making it especially vulnerable to piercing attacks to it. and finally it's turning while charging, since it's so heavy when it reaches it full speed it can't make sharp turns since it's momentum will be to strong, making light and fast attacks extremely well suited for fighting it. In conclusion the strategy to win is to find a sharp object, let it charge at you then use it's momentum against itself by making a sharp turn and attacking it's neck.' analysed the young man in two seconds.
The Hog started chasing after the young man, the young man in return got the hell away from it.
"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU VILE BEAST!" says the young man as he barely dodged an attack on his behind by jumping.
The young man spots a split tree branch on the floor not far from his direction, deciding that it is the perfect Hog penetrator.
The young man slides and grabs the split tree branch of the floor, then turns to the left to get a better angle.
The Hog then turns to the young man and starts charging towards him.
"No, enough of this, I'm not a coward, nor shall I run away from my fears, because if I want to reach my dreams I must first go towards my fears WITH A SMILE, NOW COME TO ME YOU BAG OF UNCOOKED BACON!" Shouted the young man in determination while holding his makeshift spear towards the Hog in retaliation.
With a roar from both sides the young man and the Hog charge at eachother, the young man smiling and the Hog snarling.
And when their in attacking distance of eachother the young man initiates his plan.
'step one sharp thing, check' 'step two, let the bag of bacon charge at you, check' 'step three, break the Hogs ankles like I'm LeBron and penetrate it's neck'.
Right before they could colide, the young man spins on his right foot and grabs onto the Hog's horns with his left arm.
Then he aims the split tree branch with his right arm directly at the neck of the Hog, and thrusts deeply into the neck of the Hog.
"How do you like that you bi- woah woah, WOAH
AHHHhhhHHH I SPOKE TOO SOON!" Shouts the young man scared for his life, as the boar starts running in attempt to throw off the young man as he holds on like a piece of cloth on a hanger in the middle of a hurricane.
As he's flung around, he takes ahold of the makeshift spear for dear life, before regaining his balance on the Hog and taking out the makeshift spear from the neck of the panicking beast.
"DIE ALREADY YOU BASTERD, DIE, DiE, DIE!!!!!" Shouts the young man as he continuesly stabs the beast over and over again with the now broken tree branch, desperately trying to stop the thing in its path.
With a last heave the young man stabs the Hog with the now splintered remains of a makeshift spear, stopping the movements of the Hog as it's finally put to rest forever. Unfortunately for the young man, it's momentum is still alive and kicking.
Sending them straight to a tree, as the body of the Hog hits the tree with it's passenger, it takes down the tree as one last testament to it's impressive might that it once had before it's demise.
Getting thrown to the ground because of the sudden change of velocity, getting a groan in exchange