"So Wolf, what do you choose?"
Wolf literally didn't know how to answer. The man in front of him could be worse than Lynx, all that Wolf thought he knew about Snake is put into question.
The woman beside him uses the techniques of the infamous assassin cult. Even for a member of the lone sword mercenaries, and someone who somehow got betrothed to a crazy assassin this was all a bit much.
The assassin cult is an organization that goes back centuries. They were there fighting against the monsters in the human monster war, they were there in the north china war, as well as many other major conflicts.
There martial artists have developed secret teaching only for their cult, these teachings allow the user to fade into the shadows, run without making a sound, and assassinate Titan rank monsters. Their name has spread so far that the mere mention that one of their members might enter the battlefield could send both sides running.
Rumor has it that the moment a cult assassin is sent after you no matter your rank and skill as a martial artist you might as well already be dead.
Their leader killed the former number 1 in the world. It was said to be such a gruesome sight that they stopped naming numbers to martial artists.
Even Wolf, a man who many assassins have tried to kill, couldn't help but be afraid of the silver haired girl.
Wolf wondered if he should talk. Spell break only works on lesser spells, like the limited spell speech that Jewy used.
It turned into a stalemate with both sides refusing to talk. Until Snake finally spoke up.
"It's all right, I'll let you think over it, and about that response you gave me earlier. Yeah, you can't see me." Snake vanished completely. "If you wish to join me, come meet me in the inn at Last honor, I have some things I need to pick up."
The silver haired girl vanished to the shadows. Wolf stood there in almost disbelievement, 'all that and he was just willing to go?' Something felt off but Wolf couldn't put his finger on it. It felt almost like he was being watched, by some uncaring being. Much similar to the goddess in the other room.
Wolf couldn't look into Snake's eyes but if he did he would have seen the eyes of a devil staring back at him.
The walk back was oddly calming, all the stress just melted away. That feeling flipped on its head when he re-entered the auditorium. Half of the paladins are knocked out, one of them was still standing with his head ripped straight off spilling blood like a fountain, and Will was running up the stairs to Wolf.
The dragonkin is standing there taking hits giving the others time to recover, although he was in bad shape himself. James is in the fray. And lastly Jorge is healing Alex who's arm had been torn off.