He picked up a blueish gleaming arrowhead examining a straight pointy arrowhead Matthew Grid with both hands torn up aside snatched an M16 from the dead cadaver of marine with four arrows on his chest and poured a torrent of 5.56mm it to have jounce of recoil of metal plate of Elysian cavalry baron Lohelaude rushing with his loyal mount Aquaxius baron since raise as pup galloping toward spate of bullet.
Private Hector Tubberville's shock by the impregnable pelt of the beasts.
Private Tubberville seizes an AK-Alfa from the dead body of a marine firing 7.62mm many bullets gush out the barrel only its fruitless hide of Worg.
Hector throws aside his rifle pick M203 grenade launcher firing a torrent 40mm frontal column that detonates with a loud explosive.
Mage lord Aerelis the enlightened casting spells in eldritch language summing an enclosed magical shield to protect them from 40mm shell round.
Tanks fire.50mm caliber is ineffective in tearing the protection shield discharge fulminate of 105mm shells futile in tearing the shells of the shield.
Onslaught of 105mm and 40mm inept in breaking wall M3 and M2 Bradly tank round of 25mm shells unable to break frontal walls.
M240 machine gun firing a shell of 7.62mm Matthew knew he could let them get close to the front line if the mission ceased to function.
M270 multiple rocket launchers system pepper them with 227mm proven to be futile in breaking the barrier M6 linebacker fire an M230 cannon round of 30mm ineffectiveness frustrated both Hector and Matthew.
M1126 Stryker M2 browning matching gun firing torrent of 12mm second armament firing 40mm of the Mk19 grenade launcher the 120mm mortar round aim at frontal line shatter upon impacting while fruitless relentlessly onslaught of explosive round and cannon of bullets.
FGM 148 Javeline shot the first round of 127mm shatter leaving a small tear in the shield.
A group of marines brings out the M114 Howitzer Matthew rushes to grab a 155mm shell to upload to the barrel to aim at weakening the shield from an aggressive onslaught their fire shatters permanently destroying the encircled shield.
Blitzing attack with howitzer and tank 105mm destroying frontal column Matthew one marine aim at frontal line firing a 127mm killing a group of Worg rider.