Ray and Melissa are currently climbing the stairs towards the Exit from the underground prison.
As they walked together, Melissa was haunted by a sense of guilt. But on the other hand, she felt that Ray was quite intimidating to her. She felt that Ray had done something to her, but she didn't know what it was. Melissa was unaware that Ray had actually done nothing to her; Ray had only triggered what was already inside her. It wasn't Ray who made her feel strange, but it was her own unawareness of her own condition.
But behind it all, Melissa felt that Ray was trying to save her. Ray told her that he would show her a freedom. Although she didn't know what he meant, she felt that it was something valuable to her.
Freedom has different meanings in the minds of different people. So what form of freedom does Melissa believe in right now?
Despite feeling scared, she thought that at least she should apologize to Ray. She started to call out to Ray, "uh..."