A solitary traveler amidst the vastness of sea and sky, a wanderer grizzled by the dust of time. A singular boat casts its line into the azure abyss, the solitary figure seeking a vessel of fortune...
Atop the East Immortal Sea, upon a lonely boat adrift at sea, lay Chen Dengming, donning a broad-brimmed hat and lounging on the deck of the Spirit Boat. In one hand, he studied a map while his consciousness reached out, sensing the status of his separate embodiments investigating the distant paradises.
The Black Cloud Leopard approached to join him, its gigantic figure instantly blocking out the sun. As it stepped aboard, the Spirit Boat swayed dangerously, tilting slightly forward.
"Stay on the sideline for now. Don't bother me; I'm quite busy at the moment."
Visibly irritated, Chen Dengming swept the Black Cloud Leopard aside that was obstructing his view with a casual wave of his hand.
About half a month had passed since his departure from the Shuiyun Island.