The carriage passed by him, carrying with it Su Luo's conversation on the wind.
"I won, and as agreed, you can't touch me for five days. Finally, I can take a rest! This feels so great, I felt like my entire body was about to fall apart from your torment recently!"
"Let me see where you fell apart then."
Su Luo's nervous voice echoed, "Wait, a bet is a bet. Stay away from me. I understand your tactics. I won't be tricked!"
"My lady, you misunderstood me. I am simply concerned about your well-being."
"Don't play this kind of game, ahh, from this moment on, we must keep a distance of at least a foot, otherwise I won't have a sense of security!"
"Madam, did you forget something?"
"Ah, what is it?"
"Isn't it about time for your period?"
Several seconds of silence hung in the air.