Chereads / Lord of the Slum / Chapter 14 - Meetings And Marketplace

Chapter 14 - Meetings And Marketplace

"Today I called this meeting to discuss a upcoming event and answer any questions anyone had about it. But before I talk about it, does anyone have anything they feel everyone should know?" Yern said, starting his gang's first official meeting. Everyone looked around to see if anyone would step up to speak and someone did. The woman employee that wasn't actually part of their gang stepped up.

"I already told Allen this but I have heard about another gang around our size that is being heavily supported by Marrow. A man I was stitching up complained about them being robbers who are extremely violent." the woman explained. Yern took note of her using the words "our gang" like she was a part of it. Maybe Allen had recruited her but he hadn't heard anything about it.

"Do you know where they hang around or who the leader is?" Tack asked the woman. 

"Sorry. I don't know where they operate but the man mentioned the name Dex." 

"Dex is out!? Why did they let his crazy ass out of his cell?" Lilith yelled. The loud outburst from the usually quiet woman shocked a few people.

Dex was the most infamous person from their district besides Marrow. He'd been a known robber and violence man before the PEs threw him into jail four or five years ago. He was a few years older than Yern from what he'd heard but he was an adult for sure now. Yern was sure that if Dex was the leader of this gang, the members would be as violent as their leader. He hadn't had any run-ins with Dex himself but he'd heard about him. Supposedly he was a tall kid with brown skin and a shaved head, but that was before he went to jail.

But if Marrow was supporting them then why didn't Dex's gang also declare a blood war against his gang. Surely Dex was smart enough to know that the support would end if Marrow lost the war. He wouldn't know until he met Dex, so he stopped worrying about it and got back to the meeting.

"Thank you, we'll be sure to look into that. In the future if anyone feels like a meeting should be held come to me or Allen and we will decide. Besides urgent meetings there will be one held every two weeks." Yern explained, making half of the thing he said up as he went.

Yern explained, making half of the thing he said up as he went. After waiting to see if anyone had anything to say he thought it was time to make his plan for the attack on Marrow.

"Now for the main reason I called this meeting, in a week from now we will be attacking Marrow's Headquarters, everyone will come besides the clinic employees because we need as much manpower as possible." 

This threw the meeting into a few different emotions. Some were happy we were finally making a move to end the blood war. Others, like the runners, weren't too happy that they would be included in the fight. Yern had a plan for them since he knew they likely didn't have much experience in close range fights. Then there was Allen, Tack, and Sar who looked at Yern with confusion, which was understandable since he hadn't told them why they were all of a sudden ready to attack. 

After calming everyone down and assuring those who weren't sure about the plan he dismissed everyone except Allen, Tack,Sar, and Lilith. Now they were even more confused by having a second meeting right after the first. Before starting the meeting Yern made it clear this information was not to be shared unless they were certain it wouldn't be leaked. He didn't want news of his alliance with the PEs to be spread.

"As you all know, I went to the Peace Enforcer Headquarters this morning to deal with the small problem that came from the fight in the Marketplace. Me and the Chief came to the agreement that I will pay a fine of 3000 pieces." Yern summarized his negotiations with Chief Hark. The others were shocked by the amount he would have to pay and Yern felt his heart skip a beat just by hearing the number again. He continued the story to get his mind off the loss of pieces. "But to my surprise, Chief Hark knew about our war and has a deep hatred for Marrow. So, on the night we attack the PE will throw some of his men into jail to reduce their numbers in exchange for Marrow."

"What do you mean in exchange for him? He wants to kill him?" Allen asked, seeming surprised that the chief of the Peace Enforcers was corrupt. Yern only nodded his head in response. Everyone understood that it was seriously a deep hatred if the chief wanted to end the man himself. Yern had forgotten to mention that his gang would also not have their illegal business messed with because of the deal, so he did and everyone was delighted beside Allen.

"It's a good deal, but I still think it was stupid for you to go to their Headquarters." Allen said.

"It might've been stupid but it was worth it. That brings me to the next topic. I can't have anyone questioning what I say in front of everyone, it makes me look weak and that invites problems. We have enough right now so if you feel the need to question something I say do it in private." Yern said as sternly as possible with his sixteen year old voice. Lilith seemed to approve as she gave Yern a firm nod. " I'm going to take a quick nap, Tack while I do that I need you to get an understanding about our weapon situation. When I get up, the runners and I will go to the Marketplace to get whatever we need." Seeing that Tack understood his assignment, Yern dismissed everyone and headed to his small house above the clinic.

Making it to the steps up to his house and into the door he saw the place he called his home. It was a sorry place and Yern had to find a better place soon. Whenever he started making enough money to do so. He saw the bag full of money that would soon be empty after he paid the fine and bought whatever weapons his member needed. He then laid down on his bed which he also needed to improve and quickly fell asleep. 

He dreamed about what could have happened if he wasn't able to pay the fine to the PEs. A life behind bars and watching his back at all times. Away from his news friends and surrounded by possible enemies. The horrible dream ended just before he was stabbed in the back while eating lunch. He nearly jumped out of his bed when he woke up. After he calmed himself down he got up, grabbed the bag of money and headed out the door.

Luckily everyone was already at the clinic waiting on him so he didn't need to go search for them. He asked the runners where Lilith and Tack were and they told him inside. He went inside to get them and get an understanding of how many weapons he needed to get. Inside the clinic were the usual employees with Tack and Lilith. Allen was in the back office but he was still angry about Yern going to the PE's headquarters so he didn't bother him. After talking with Tack about the weapons he left with the runners, Lilith and Titan. 

Leaving the clinic they picked up Sar from the house across the street. Sar didn't really have a reason to come but since Yern was carrying so much money he felt better having more capable fighters with him. A quick walk later they were at the Marketplace, Yern would give enough money to the runners to get weapons for everyone while he went up to the Upper Level with Lilith to get what the runners would use in the fight at Marrow's HQ.

He had only been to the Upper Level of the Marketplace once before with his parents and that was the only time he saw what weapon he would be giving to his runners. After handing over his knife to a guard who was stationed at the lift to the Upper Lever he was on the lift and heading up. The smell of trash and hopelessness left his nose as he slowly rose to the Upper Level. Lilith looked around in amazement when they made it to the top, there was no trash on the ground or people passed out in the street. 

They wandered around for a while trying to find the store Yern had seen the weapon at. He could barely remember it since it had been years since his first visit here. They got the occasional stare as they walked around in their dirty clothes, but they paid the people no mind. Then they finally found the store. The place was made of wood like the rest of the stores and painted a dark blue that Yern had never seen anywhere else. Above the door hung a sign that read "Hunting Supplies''. Yern wasn't sure why this was here since no one in the slums was doing any hunting.