Chapter 15 - Qi

David the last couple of days studding the sects teachings and he had fully reached a conclusion. Either the sects arts are complete and utter trash or they gave him fake garbage while hiding the true teachings elsewhere. David had made major progress in remastering his body. His control was not as good as it was before he received the Ultimate Overpowered Sex System however he was close to where he once was. "Looks like I grew too quickly without minding my foundations, If I had continued doing this I might have started crushing everything I'd touch due me being unable to control the amount of force I use." "So at least you already gained something from being here." "I'm still not even a single step closer to building my imaginary engine." "QI REFINING REALM!" "Shut it old hag you already said its basically the same thing." "IM NOT OLD IM SUPER YOUNG FOR A SYSTEM." "How old are you then?" "I never counted." "You never counted or you lost count?" "Listen to my voice dose it sound like the voice of an old system?" "How would I know what a old system sounds like?" 

David waited till midnight before he suck out of his dorm. He noticed that original turtle passed near the dorm yesterday, and she walked towards he direction of the library. "So why are you hiding in the corridor at night time again?" David whispered back "Clearly I'm spying Original turtle." soon enough Original turtle stopped in front of the library. After inputting the password, she entered the library. David hid behind a crate and waited to see if Original turtle would come out again. After one hour Original turtle came out of the library with an old looing book in her arms. It had a red Crystal sticking out the front and a green one in the back while the pages were aged and stained.

She walked out the Sects front door and continued walking another 100 meters outside. She sat on the sands of the desert with her legs crossed in a Lotus position. Soon she began to slowly float. The Books crystals began to glow as the book floated in front of her too. The book seemingly created an orange and blue barrier around itself as the pages began to get flipped by themselves. Suddenly Original Turtle made a sudden hand movement and a blue turtle shell barrier made of water Suddenly appeared around her. She than made a second movement barrier disappeared. She waved and a fireball appeared the than punched the fireball and it flew hundreds of meters away before it exploded in a small burst of flames.

"Is she a wizard?". No you fool that's a Qi she's a cultivator! Alright I've found my goal now I better return to the dorm and plan ahead.