In the aftermath of the battle, Jake is hailed as the hero of Tokyo. The city is filled with stories of his bravery and the epic battle against the Shadow Faction. But Jake, ever humble, insists that the victory belongs to everyone who stood against the Shadow Faction.
Life in Tokyo slowly returns to normal. The city is rebuilt, stronger and more united than before. Jake continues his work as a mechanic, his heroics known to all but never changing his humble nature.
However, Jake knows that his journey isn't over. He decides to dedicate his life to protecting Tokyo, using his powers to keep the city safe. He trains a new generation of warriors, preparing them for any future threats. He knows that new challenges may arise, but with his experience and the unity of the people, he's confident they can face anything.
As our story ends, Jake stands on a rooftop overlooking Tokyo. The city is peaceful, its lights shining brightly in the night. Jake smiles, knowing he's done his part in protecting his city. But he's ready for whatever comes next, ready to face a new day as the reborn hero of Tokyo.