-The underworld : Dragon's rest-
-Floor 15-
"A graveyard, unlike Enthal the others might have a theme of their own. What more could we ask for we have quiet a deadly matter on our hands eh."
Says Belial talking to the creatures slumbering in his pouch
"A fallen army? , Necrosis isn't making my time here easy." Belial says sighing
Zombified warriors or the undead rose to meet this invader, armed with swords , spears, daggers and bows. The fallen warriors of old lunge at belial aggressively to which Belial responds with..
Belial dodges the arrow coming his way, readies a dagger and stabs an undead swordsman in the head. The spearmans reach proved to be difficult alas not as difficult for his caliber, as he swiftly moves back and prepares a spell.
The dagger wielder takes initiative and lunges straight at belial with remarkable speed, Belial parries a strike with a dagger of his own , the two locked themselves in heated combat neither giving the other an opening. Belial smirked and chanted a spell freezing the whole ground.
"Zero field!."
The room grew colder, as ice formed on all corners ceiling , floor and walls. The Zombie dagger wielder slips as he attempts to move giving Belial a chance to snuft what remained of her pittiful existence.
Of the initial four only two remained, the bowman and the spearman both have the perfect balance of reach. Belial chose not to engage rather he commands another spell to end this ordeal.
"Fire bolts!." Magic circles queued before his palm as he issued a spell command , fire blazed forth scorching the spearman along with the bowman.
Belial looks ahead paying no attention to the foes he'd vanquished proving it to be a fatal miscalculation as a hand grabbed onto his right foot ,Belial was too slow to realize It was the dagger woman just as she gaped her mouth wide open and bit into his right thigh.
"Get away from me!." Belial lashed at the undead stomping frantically on her head until he made sure she was down for good.
*rumble* *rumble*
More bodies rise to meet the intruder
"Oh no!."
Eeery wind blows , inhuman cries are heard bellowing in agony and loud explosions followed.
"Huff, huff."
Belial treads through the fifteenth floor limping favoring his injured right leg blood streamed down as he walks, right on his tail were a group of undead.
"Spent too much time in the abyss for death to come looking for me, how poetic" he says breathing heavily speaking to no one.
The undead grew restless for they tasted flesh vengeful and hungry they swarm around Belial.
Alert to the danger he summons lightning magic circles shooting the undead erratically
More emerge to replace the fallen undead, irritated by the increase in enemies he clicked his annoyance and starts to think there had to be a lich somewhere he thought, alas he senses nothing.
Backed in a corner he alone stands against a swarm of the undead surrounding him from all directions.
In a desperate attempt of self preservation, Belial hastily put a barrier separating himself from the swarm.
"Is this where I'll fall?."
Belial laughs at the absurdity of everything, his life flashed before his eyes as the monstrosities reeking of death decay approach. Backed against the wall he stares fixated on the swarm banging loudly on his weak barrier, thoughts of his gruesome death and the aftermath of the undead curse prompts him to cackle from fear or perhaps madness.
"I thought you would last longer."
"This human is terribly weak."
"Ignis! Mind your manners."
He wasnt given the chance to ponder as his pouch glowed a blinding ethereal red glow the bright light took a few seconds to subside as 3 miniature dragons appeared each one shaded a different variant of red.
The first turns around to speak.
"How do you fare human?."
"Y-you could talk?."
Even with the pain still lingering and the enemies surrounding him , the 3 hatchlings his silent travelling companions or so he'd thought took precedence
"Ofcourse stupid mortal."
"If we aren't talking , then what are we doing human?."
"Enough with you two!, can't you see this boy is suffering."
"Boy?, young ms. I'm over 200 yearsold."
The 3 dragon each doned an expression of their own
The first got into a haughty and fierry laughter
"Ahahan, would you look at him."
The second sighed looking more aloof and disconnected
"*sigh*, this is why I dislike mortals."
The third procured a more feminine tone explained their seniority
"Umm, we're over a 1000 years that makes you a boy to me."
"I see , and do you have names?."
"My name's Ifrit." Said the haughty crimson hatchling
"Ignis." Said the aloof dull light hatchling
"My name's Flamma,nice to meet you Belial!." Said the feminine pink red hatchling beaming a smile.
"H- *cough cough*-ow, do you know my name."
"You didn't sense us, mortal?." Says ifrit
"We were with you for a long time, alas you were too much of an oaf to realize." Said Ignis spitting vitriol
"What did i say about manners!?." An angry Flamma addresses Ignis bonking him in the head
"Were you three always like this?." Belial astonished at the bantering of those 3 the pinnacle of races dragons bickering like a children.
"*ahem*" Ifrit adjusts his voice before long he speaks his expression turned serious
"You are in deep trouble, Belial." He said calling his name
"Its unfortunate to say that you are our only way out and to lose you here means..." adds Ignis
"We lose our means of exit, therefore we offer you a temporary contract. Father forbid us from engaging with mortals however..."
"For our sake as much as ours , you will have to become our contractor Belial. Besides I want to stand against the hero and our father Gahaha!." Ifrit explains cackling
"*sigh* I accept. "
Belial reached out his hand glowing as his and their mana flowed through him, a dragon's regenerative abilities stayed true to its reputation as he saw his wound close up and heal.
"I suppose this makes us comrades for now, with that said stay behind me." Belial looks at his 3 companions smiling in triumph
He lets out his shield and proceeds to cast plethora of elemental spells.
Fire spewed from one his summoned circles, another spews water, and a couple spew thunger.
More and more undead drop dead from the impact, replaced by a slew of freshly revived corpses.
A dozen of arrows flew from the undead bowmen, miss their target as Belial escapes unscathed.
"Huff, huff where are you going Mortal?." Asks Ifrit the Crimson hatchling wheezing from exhaustion
"Can't you tell, the coward is escaping." The dull red hatchling harsh words is commonplace for him(Ignis)
"W-wait for me you three don't leave me behind!." Said the adorable pink-red dragon Flamma frantically chases after her siblings and Belial.
"We're moving on from this place, Necrosis is on the 20th floor. We're rushing to the boss, Necrosis." Belial addresses is his 3 companions nudging them to get in the pouch.
"We're not going in that pouch of yours mortal." Ifrit rejects shaking his head.
"Do not insult us human." Ignis seconds in rejection
"Never!." the usually understanding Flamma thirds a rejection
"*sigh* fine, hinder me once I'll abandon you without a second thought." Belial sighed in exasperation to their response
Belial rushes the undead warriors opting for minimized combat as to not exhaust his mana supply. It took a long while before Belial & company reached the 19th floor battered and exhausged Belial took to a safe area between the 19th and 20th stairway.
Belial seated himself on top of his cloak, he procured food all while lighting a bonfire . Ignis and Ifrit chose to scout the area ahead leaving him and Flamma behind.
"Belial?" Flamma took initiative starting a conversation
"What's the matter?." Belial answered
"When you've contracted our spirits joined up with yours and we saw fragments of memories."
"Young Ms. this is an invasion of privacy , I hope you realize this." He says half jesting , half angered.
"I-it was a coincidence, leaving this issue aside. I seen how good of a person you are and we want to join you on your quest."
"Even if we have to face your father?."
"It has always been my dream to defeat him, good or evil matters not to me mortal" A voice cuts in
From its direction ifrit flies over to us.
" we all have our own agenda as for me I want to see how far are you willing to go , and how deep your fall will be." Ignis adds
"Ifrit your hubris the size of this tower, Ignis your words cut deeper than a sword, and Flamma you see too much good in people. You three mismatched chose the wrong path and I as a villain intend to use you for all your worth. "
Belial looks back at the 3 he addressed before wondering to himself saying.
"You've 3 grown taller or have I finally gone mad from being here too long?."
"We leveled up." The 3 say in unison
To be continued