Chapter 49 - [12]

Walking into the store with Mia, I feel myself becoming alert…on edge…I start to scan our surroundings looking for threats.

As we walk through the aisles in the store, I keep expecting to be boxed in by some colored gang trying to send a message…or a hungry big cat on the prowl for its meal.

"Relax, you don't have to worry about getting jumped around every corner." Mia murmurs to me while taking my hand in her own, this causes me to tense up in preparation for a fight, though my rational mind tells me to calm down, I squeeze Mia's hand back gently.

"Thanks." I reply to Mia, my voice coming out very softly…almost fragile.

'This is strange…I haven't felt like this before…maybe it's because I'm remembering more of my life as Vincent Keller?' I express internally while feeling a bit embarrassed about my own paranoia, trying to distract myself, I take over pushing the cart for Mia who keeps a firm grip on my hand even as she reaches out and grabs the things she needs either setting them in the cart herself or handing them off to me.

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'This feels nice.' I say to myself as I and Vincent walk around the store together, 'It almost feels like we're a couple…and it feels so natural and right…I knew I made the right choice to wait until he got out, today just confirms it, for me…Haa, how do I tell my brother's blood brother and best friend…that I'm in love with him and have been since that day I met him at the hospital?!'

'I wonder what the surprise is that he has for me?'

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Turning a corner in the store, I spot a homeless woman, 'That's the homeless woman from the show, who's currently staring at me like I don't belong here…of shit oh shit, shit shit!'

The woman's lips move and I can hear her speaking as if she was standing beside me.

"The father will pay for his sins, as the son already has…but whom wears the mask…of the son?" The homeless woman murmurs mysteriously, the same woman the show's creator hinted was a being of higher power.

'Oh shit, she knows, she fucking knows what I am!'

"Vincent, do you know her? She's staring at us." Mia asks me with a bit of accusing curiosity and concern in her voice.

"You know I don't think I know her but…she looks familiar…Mia go ahead and grab some stuff, I'm going to go talk to her for a minute." I murmur to Mia and she reluctantly releases my hand.

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Who is that, and why is she staring at my Vinny?!

Feeling on edge I call Vinny by Vincent, my voice coming out angry and jealous making me flush with embarrassment.

Vinny's response of not knowing her but telling me she looks familiar sets off alarm bells in my head, that maybe this woman is here to get some sort of payback, back against Vinny's crew back home, and plans to use him to do so.

"I'm going to go talk to her for a minute." Vinny's words shake me and a sick feeling of worry starts to form in my stomach.

I can't control him, I better just tell him to be careful, at that thought mine and this homeless woman's eyes connect and it feels like I'm looking at Death itself…I feel a deep fear settle into my bones.

"I will, but I don't think that she's inherently dangerous Mia…" Vinny murmurs to me, I want to yell at him that he doesn't know a damn thing about her but suddenly I feel a cold chill on the back of my neck, making me duck around the next aisle as quickly as possible, the sensations from before lessening considerably.

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"Okay…just be careful, something about her feels…off, I don't know how to explain it." Mia replies to me with what almost sounds like a mix of terror and jealousy in her voice.

"I will…but I don't think she's inherently dangerous." I murmur to Mia, tilting my head and placing a quick kiss on Mia's cheek as I walk away from her towards the Homeless woman.

"Hey…I don't know if you're the manifestation of Anarchy, Death or just a guardian angel…but I think you've been looking out for Jax and I for a long time. I want to thank you for that." I walk up in front of her stopping at a respectable distance and am a little thrown off by the fact that she smiles at me.

As she smiles at me, behind her wings of shadow and darkness spreads outwards and I see an image of a reaper holding a scythe…in her place, but it quickly fades away revealing the same woman as before.

"I am all three of those things, and I look out for all of my sons and daughters, even you, my little Transmigrator." The woman says, as she brings her hands up to my face and cups my cheeks never once losing her smile, while leaning in to kiss my cheek, I feel her soft lips against my cheek and unlike a typical unwashed, and dirty homeless person, she smells pleasant like wild flowers and formaldehyde.

Suddenly I hear the sounds of wings flapping, the woman's pleasant yet strange smell vanishes along with the soft touch of her lips against my face, there is a sound of something heavy and made out of paper hitting the floor.

'Holy Fucking Shit!!!' I internally shout, my mouth stupidly hanging open in shock as I look around for the woman and her cart only to find that they have completely disappeared without a trace.

'Damn you, Sutter.' I curse in my mind only feeling a minor amount of relief thanks to the powers granted to me by the Talismans and the Tarakudo mask.

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Suddenly the feelings that have been weighing on me vanish, making me stumble, 'I better go check on Vinny.'

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"Where did she go?" Mia asks me as she sideles up beside me.

"She has people to guide on their paths." I reply to Mia in a cryptic and mysterious way while wearing a smile on my face.

"What do you mean?" Mia asks me curiously, with a cute frown on her face.

"You'll understand someday." I continue to tease Mia, with a cheesy expression on my face as I lean in and title my head down placing a quick peck on her pouting lips.

"Stop trying to act mysterious." Mia murmurs jokingly as she shyly takes my hand, a pink flush to her cheeks while pulling me along with her to the meat section.

"So…what do you want for the Barbecue, burgers, ribs, sausage or chicken?" Mia asks me, and I smirk at her while resting my hands on her hips as while standing behind her leaving very little space between our body's.

Tilting my head down lips centimeters from Mia's ear,

"How about everything?" I reply back to her, my voice coming out husky, while I wiggle my eyebrows in suggestive manner.

Mia, let's out a suggestive giggle moan as she pushes her ass back against my groin…before sighing softly.

"I don't know…if I brought enough cash with me to buy…everything." Mia murmurs lightly with a smile in her voice.

"I'll cover it." I reply to Mia as I start to stroke her hips and abdomen and Mia starts to grind her ass against my groin.

"Oh yeah and who says you can cover it?" Mia asks while trying to put a bit of attitude in her voice but the trembling breaths ruin the effort, making me arch an eyebrow while a little smirk plays on my lips.

"I do." I reply confidently as my right hand that is currently stroking her naked abdomen slides up underneath Mia's crop top where I cup her left breast, and I slide my left hand down underneath the waistband of her daisy dukes.

Mia's moans are explosive and full of longing and deep seated need.

"You, you can cover the cost of the food this time, but I'll be the one to decide when or if you get to have me." Mia gasps while melting against me, her hand coming up and down to grab my corresponding wrists pulling my hands out from underneath her clothes.

Humming softly… "I'd love to strip you down here and now." I breath out my lips brushing against Mia's ear, her hands unconsciously moving so that my hands stroke her abdomen.

'I think I rather like this game we're playing.' I can feel Mia blushing, enjoying the moment for a little bit longer, my cock rock hard in my jeans.

"Letty was right, you and Dom are definitely cut from the same cloth." Mia mutters before taking my hands off of her body, turning around to face me Mia plants a kiss against my lips.

Mia and I break apart and start loading up the cart with various types of meat and I can't help but feel sick about meat prices in 2025 in my world compared to this one.

"So…you've been talking about me…with Letty?" I ask Mia with a real and curious smile, while arching an eyebrow at me to show off an exaggerated amount of intrigue.

Mia sighs and rolls her eyes in playful exasperation, "So… I don't know if I should tell you this but one of Letty's cousins is a Mayan…and since you've always stayed pretty tight lipped about certain things that I've wanted to know, Like what that life is like, I asked Letty to find out needless to say I learned some things." Mia replies to me calmly, though through her eyes and body language, I can tell that she is truly experiencing something much different than calmness but I decide not to pry, figuring it's best to let her open up to me slowly.

"Well, I think we have enough meat now, and…is there anything you want to ask of me, that won't incriminate me or make you an accessory?" I express to Mia before turning it into a question, even though I'd just told myself to let Mia come to me when she is ready.

"YEAH, I think we have enough meat here for a week or a block party…so I don't know everything…I don't need to know everything, but I do know how you guys treat women…and your relationships with women…Vinny, I'm not some crow eater, club bitch or some old lady…I'm not going to let the Club have fun with me to be with you. I don't expect us to suddenly become exclusive or anything just because we like each other…but…I'd like you to be honest with me…is there someone or someones in your life…besides me?" Mia releases a loud yeah, before admitting some deep seated unsettledness towards my whoring ways and ties to the Son's that have been programmed into me and the lack of respect for women that a male dominated/exclusive Gang or criminal organization typically has, though even with that I can tell that she is definitely into me enough that even if I tell her about Tara she'd still try to pursue me.

Sighing explosively, "Mia I'm not… won't lie to you…I've slept with a lot of women, and I'm currently sleeping with one regularly, where it's going I don't know what I do know is that…so far... you're the only person in my life that just wants to be there for me as a person…and you put me at ease when I need to be put at ease." I reply to Mia tears start to build up in Mia's eyes…turning into a full blown cry as she walks around the cart and hugs me tightly.

"So do you still want me, and all my baggage?" I murmur my question to Mia, as I hug her around the middle feeling no small amount of worry.

"Yes." Mia's response is confident even though her voice is muffled by being pressed against my neck and sternum.

"Good, I don't think I would have been able to take you saying no all that well…" I try to joke but it just comes out sounding honest, which makes Mia giggle and kiss my cheek.

"I want to meet her, this woman you care about enough to sleep and live with…"

"I already planned on that…she's the surprise…" I grin and Mia playful toes my shin.

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'I need to make sure that she isn't taking advantage of my big hearted bad boy.'

"You need to work on giving surprises…you know make them things someone might actually like or want." I mutter and feel the pouting frown on my face while my heart flutters at Vinny's handsome smile.

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Arriving at Casa Del Toretto, to a party in full swing I internally sigh, "Looks like Dom wants to give a hey you're out of jail now, party too…" I let out a tired sigh, which of course makes Mia giggle and say, "Awe…poor wittle Vinny people love you and want to celebrate you being or returning to their lives…you're so deprived…and neglected." Mia teases in a good natured and playful way even while resting her hand on my thigh just above my knee, to reassure me.

"Oh, I'm so going to spank your right little ass for that one Mia Toretto…" I snicker whilst Mia makes a squeak of a noise.

Dom and the others kept their distance from Mia and I during the party though I always feel Letty's hungry gaze on me.

As things start to settle down and people start going home, I can't help but smile as Mia keeps marking her territory, i.e. me when any of the hussies from around the block show even the smallest amount of interest in me.

"Hey, why don't we go back to my place…" I offer as I cup Mia's right breast over her shirt with my left hand and start planting kisses along her shoulder, while my right hand presses against her right thigh keeping Mia pinned against my body, her ass grinding against my agonizingly hard cock and blue balls.

"What about the other woman?" Mia murmurs in a gasp.

"You'll get along…I'm sure of it…" I murmur back to her, a few minutes later finds Mia and I back in her car though this time I'm driving and Mia is taking some liberties with my body as she rides shotgun.

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