Chapter 42 - [8]

An hour later Tara and I are on the highway driving towards L.A. we returned her parents car to her house, my bike secured in the back of the van with ratchet straps.

"Should have just had the U-haul guy fill her up…but paying nine dollars per gallon of gas on top of the four-hundred dollar rental fees and fifty for insurance, I didn't want to give them anymore money…" I mutter more to myself then to Tara, my left hand in the wheel while the right messes with the radio trying to find a good Rock music station as I pull off of the highway into a rest stop/gas station in Oakland to fill the tank.. against my better judgement, Tara reaches over and takes my right hand in both of her hands and gives my hand a little squeeze.

"Well it works out…we really didn't have much to eat…so we can get something from one of the fast food places inside." Tara murmurs to me in a way of teasing/comforting, making me laugh softly.

"You always seem to know how to make me feel better Tara." I tease back, making Tara smirk at me confidently, parking the van in front of a free gas pump I lean over and kiss Tara.

"Why don't you go in and get us something to eat, I'll join you once I'm done filling up the tank." I suggest to Tara and start to pull back but she keeps chasing my lips and giving me quick feather light kisses against my lips.

Tara sighs cutely, finally giving up on her barrage of kisses as I put my hand between our faces which results in her kissing my palm.

"Fine!" Tara huffs and looks kinda adorable as she crosses her arms over chest and starts to get out of the van but forgets to unhook her seat belt.

A cute little shouted "Fucking Seatbelt!" Leaves her lips making me chuckle and with barley an inkling of thought I use Telekinesis to depress the seat belt release button freeing Tara from it's restraining grasp.

Tara looks to the seat belt presses the red button down a frown on her face, her nose wrinkling cutely, before she shrugs it off and hops out of the normal Uhaul panel van and heads into the rest stop a sway to her hips that keeps my eyes on her ass until she disappears inside of the building.

Hopping out of the van I begin filling up the tank with fuel enjoying the fact that standard octane fuel is only a dollar 1.37 a gallon.

The pump clicks off signaling a full tank just in time for some Mayans to pull into the Rest Stop/Gas station and they surround the van and me with their bikes.

'Luckily…there's only three of them, hey that's Alvarez…and his nephew or son that is played by Detective Douche in Lucifer…the other guy…is some nameless Mayan I saw killed on the series at some point.' I mutter inside of my mind as Alvarez looks me up and down, while his two cronies take up positions on his right and left sides.

"Hey there Esa…pretty brave rolling through my territory, when your Puto friends are hurting my bottom line." Alvarez greets me while crossing his arms over his chest, tucking his right hand into his kutte where a pistol sling is.

'Is this wetback…serious right now? Sure I'm wearing my cut…but a public rest stop with cameras and plenty of witnesses.'

"Pretty brave rolling up on me with only two of your butt fuckin buddies, Alvarez." I shoot right back at him as I remove the fuel pump nozzle from the filler neck and putting it back on the fuel pump, putting the gas cap back on and closing the little door all while tensing my muscle in anticipation of an attack, while Alvarez's two cronies start reaching for their pistols.

"Watch it Esa, it would be too bad if something were to happen to you so far away from home." Alvarez threatens me acting cocky as fuck while signaling his two cronies to stand down.

I let out a derisionful sound,

"Bigger, badder… better men and women than you and your ass monkey's have tried to bring me down wetback, and all have failed,.. but come on then take your shot…so I can claim self-defense!" I jeer and mock him and his boy's, this time Alvarez gives them a nod of go ahead before turning back to look at me with a smirk on his face while his boys charge me, detective douche pulls a knife while the other guy slides on a set of brass knuckles.

Catching the guy with the set of brass knuckles fist, with my hand clamping down my fingers hearing bones get crushed by my enhanced strength, easily lifting and tossing the guy who's hand I just crushed into the guy related to Alvarez knocking him to the ground, the guy I just threw cries out in agony either from his crushed fist or taking a knife to his side.

Taking advantage of my downed opponents I curb stomp Detective Douche guy's knee and get rewarded with the sound of bones breaking and screams of pain…just as I'm about to capitalize on my advantage more…to the end of continuing to break more bones, I hear the sound of a 1911's hammer being pulled back, turning in the direction of the sound I see Alvarez pointing his gun at my face.

"Come on Puto, make, my, mother…fucking, day!" I jeer while smirking at Alvarez who makes an expression somewhere between exasperation and rage and he slowly disengages the hammer of his 1911, and holsters it.

"You're fucking Loco!" Alvarez spits out venomously though his voice is tainted with fear as he walks over pulling his family member and crew member away from my immediate range.

I scoff, "Just fuck off and take you're little El cancha's with you...maybd to get some churros to stuff up each other's ass's you limp dicked spicks, before I decide to finish the three of you off in self defense." I say to Alvarez in a very calm placid tone, Alvarez looks like he wants to do something but our confrontation is beginning to attract a bit of a crowd.

Alvarez's face goes through a range of expressions but I pay him little mind as I start to get into the van so I can pull it over to a parking spot and go join Tara.

But I stop at the last second and turn back to face him.

"Oh, and spick incase you're blind…I'm a nomad now so if you think about retaliating against SAMCRO because of your own stupidity today, I'll dismantle the Mayans, then I'll move on to your family…that sweet little Mexican pussy of your old lady will get nice and stretched out by my big fat gringo cock, while you're kids will be shipped down to Mexico to be little drug mules for the cartel." I tell him while feeling ice flow through my veins, as I continue to climb into the van.

"Sam Crow, doesn't go after women and kids." Alvarez calls out to me as I start the van looking into the mirror Alvarez and I staring each other down through it.

I shrug slightly, 'I won't hold back against my enemies…yes everybody's got family…but nine out of ten times the mother fuckers that will root out enemies root stem and all are the mother fuckers that get left alone.'

"I'm no longer Sam Crow." I frigidly reply back to Alvarez, my eyes glowing with energy in the reflection of the mirror.

"Future reference Wetback, don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you I had a good relationship with your churo loving homies in Lompoc, let's have an amicable relationship out here Alvarez." I sigh and calmly say to him as I put the van into drive, waiting half a second for Alvarez to decide whether or not he was gonna go for his gun again before I take my foot off of the brake pedal and the van starts to roll forward but I quickly step on the brake pedal stopping the van.

"Yo Alvarez…my pops rollin with you and your crew now?" I raise my voice to ask him while he tends to his relative…a threatening tone in my voice as I ask him.

"No, he couldn't cut it with us, Ese?" Alvarez replies back to me while shaking his head from side to side…and if I'm not mistaken there is some respect in his eye while looking at me in the side mirror.

Alvarez pauses for a second while working something over in his mind, his mouth moving slightly.

"He's running with the White Nation now, out of L.A." Alvarez finally says to me giving me a lead to help me hunt down the backstabbing cunt.

"Thanks." I say and drive over to the parking lot, get out of the van and head inside to the rest stop, I see Tara rushing over to me worry painting her face food and large soft drinks, clutched to her chest, right hand in her big purse, no doubt holding her revolver

Taking the bags of fast food from Tara's arms and gently hugging her, with one arm, "Come on let's get out of Oakland…before we start a Club war." I murmur to Tara and she nods enthusiastically.

Back in the van getting on the highway leaving Oakland in the rearview, 'What the fuck was that, earlier? I mean I've always had a dark side…but threatening his family…like that.' I internally express while feeling like shit inside but then the image of Alvarez pulling up on and trying to intimidate me, and how he was willing to kill me…and then I thought of Tara seeing me getting gunned down, and suddenly I feel justified in my response…and feel that I should have gone further.

'Not that I would have actually died…but trying to explain how I'm still alive and unharmed to Tara would be a pain…as for showing more of a dark side…I just have to accept that this is the new me…though it may take some time to get used to the changes.' I finally let go of my thoughts and let the road take my thoughts away from me and enjoy the changing scenery…and Tara signing the songs that she likes as they play on the radio and our little play fight over my fires.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Coming into L.A…I know I have a decision to make.

"Do you want to go see your friends now or go to where we'll be living?" Tara asks me putting all the weight of decision making on me.

"Probably ought to go get settled into our new home…first…maybe I'll take a ride over there tomorrow on my own…" I hum idly while brainstorming…aloud.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Alone, alone…he wants to go see this Mia, I know what I said but…I can't help but feel jealous…of her…when he said her name he said it the same way…he used to say Mikaela's.

"Tara…I only say alone because Dom…keeps things tight nipped only those he considers family really get allowed into the circle…I want to integrate you in slowly…I know once you meet Letty and Mia…you three will be like sisters and not one hundred percent cunty, and at each other's throats all the time sisters, but ride or die be there for one another sisters…"

My heart flutters…at the earnestness in his voice, I knew from experience when Vinny was lying or trying to get away with something and when he was one hundred percent honest with me.

Just like the night he came to the hospital to sit with me and I mentioned that the cops said the breaks on my father's car gave out and he got fidgety…it was pretty near right after my father…step father got drunk and molested me…and my mother watched it happen and did nothing.

A smile tugs at my face remembering the way Vince smashed his way through the house door when he heard my scream, he had been coming over to get help with his algebra homework…the flashes of my step father on floor getting his face smashed in by Vince's angry punches as he kneeled on the piece of shits stomach.

"Vincent…I love you." I say to him while looking at him the way the sunlight shines on his face makes him look so dreamy and hot, he makes a cute confused expression before smiling at me.

"I love you more." He teases me and smirks that smirk…that always makes me ache between my thighs, a laugh bubbles up from within me and I roll my eyes…and look out my window…knowing that if I keep staring at him I might jump him while he's driving.

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I know Ese is typically used by guys for guys but I know quite a few people who pronounce it Esa as an calling someone a pussy or a bitch without calling them a pussy or a bitch.