Chereads / Soul Nite Syndicates / Chapter 34 - Chapter 24

Chapter 34 - Chapter 24

Incheon international Airport, Seoul, South Korea at 11am…

Jerry; *guess I'm finally here, the camera that picked up dad is about an hour from here, getting a taxi should be easy, however I got one huge problem…

I can't speak Korean. This sucks, it's a good thing I brought Choki and Kongou with me, at least they can speak it*

Choki, I need you to get a cab for us alright?

Jerry; anything you say sir.


Inside the cab…

Driver; you three are foreigners right? If you are then, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

Choki; Is this about the war 6 months ago.

Driver; It is, in case you haven't heard, the EAST AISIAN ALIANCE/E.A.A. and us went to war, ever since they were formed 10 years ago, they caused a lot of problems for us and finally when we had enough, we decided to appeal with them, however they ignored us as we weren't part of them. And so, out of desperation our government ordered an attack which started the war 6 moths back. It only lasted a single month, but we were decimated, and in the end we came to a truce however, the damage is already done, and as you can see on the streets of Seoul, children are begging on the streets for scraps to eat.

Choki; couldn't all this have been avoided if Korea had just joined the EAA in the first place?

Driver; That's just the thing! If only our government wasn't as stupid as they were, and had just opened their eyes we wouldn't be in this state. Sorry if this has upset you.

Jerry; It hasn't. *To be honest, I was already aware of how bad the situation in Seoul was, though I have to say, the effects of war truly are more disgusting in person, the streets are littered with garbage and the look of despair on everyone's face makes that apparently clear*

Driver, upon arriving at the spot; alright, anyway, we're here.

Enjoy your stay.


The driver dropped them and drove off.

Jerry; alright, I need you two to scan every square centimetre of this place, look for anything that may be valuable.

Choki and Kongou; YES SIR!


A few minutes of searching later…

Jerry; *that's the camera that picked up dad however, something feels off about it, I'm gona check it out*.


Jerry then took a closer look at the camera.

Jerry; *there seems to be a note attached to it, I should get it*


Jerry then stacked a pile of wood to reach the camera.

Choki; what do you have there, young master?

Jerry; I don't know myself.

*wait, this is… no way! *


Jerry then looked in the direction the camera was facing

Jerry; *run*



Choki; but from where!?

Kongou; I don't know, there's black smoke everywhere.

Jerry; wait, what was that?

Choki; what is it leader?

Jerry; I just saw something pass by really fast!

And I just saw it again!

Choki; I don't see anything.

Kongou; neither do I.


Suddenly Kongou collapsed.

Jerry; Kongou!


Then suddenly Jerry collapsed too.

Jerry; oh no.


Then suddenly the smoke cleared and Jerry was surrounded by three men.

Jerry; *These guys, they aren't any ordinary thugs, they might be the terrorist I've heard about, the speedsters I think they called them. * Look, I don't know what you want, or whether you understand me, but you just made a big mistake attacking my…


Suddenly Jerry was hit by a punch so fast he couldn't see it, and then another then another, he tried fighting back but they were so quick he could barely even react then they jumped him 3 to 1. Till he began to lose consciousness, however, before he did, he saw something, it looked like someone with long white glowing hair, floating in the air. And then finally he passed out.


A few hours later…

Jerry; where am I?

Oh, yeah, I'm still in Seoul. Wait where's Choki? Kongou, wake up, common wake up! *oh no, she isn't waking up, this isn't good I need to find somewhere safe. This isn't good.*

Ever since I had this power, nothing has gone my way, but when it came to beating those who threatened me or my friends, I always faced it head on without a second thought. However, today was the first time I truly felt powerless.

*Wait, there's one last thing I can try, I hope this works. *


Then placed his hand on her chest and began to perform CPR (mouth to mouth included) then gathered a large amount of nite in his hand and then sent it straight through her chest into her body causing her to wake up.

Kongou; *pant, pant* thank you, leader.

Jerry; I'm just glad you're safe. That technique could have killed you.

Kongou; you used nite to overstimulate my body.

Jerry; yep. Luckily you survived, now let's get out of here before something else happens.

Kongou; yes, young master.


A few minutes later, in a parking building…

Kongou; So young master, what should we do about Choki?

Jerry; Unfortunately, I can't sense his nite anywhere, which means he's either long dead or at least 30km away from here so we have to hold off him for a while. But I trust him, he can't die that easily first, there's something I need to check out.

Kongou; what are you holding?

Jerry; It's seems to be letter, I found it on the back of the security camera. However, it only has one sentence,

"Come find me"


Kongou; Could it be an invitation from your father?

Jerry; no, only one person I know has this handwriting also just after I woke up, I felt something coming from a building just up ahead. Let's go.


A few minutes later in front of the building…

Jerry; alright, we're here.

Kongou; I'll go ahead and make sure it's safe.

Jerry; no, stay back.

Kongou; but I'm supposed to protect you.

Jerry; I've already lost Choki, I can't let another one of my subordinates, my friends get hurt. After all what kind of leader isn't willing fight alongside his underlings?

Kongou; you are a true leader Wilson-san.

Jerry; please, call me Jerry. Now let's go in.