Chereads / Soul Nite Syndicates / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Soul Nite Syndicates

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

April 4th

Hamura Shoto had just come home that night, he had pulled up a chair and sat down to eat his dinner. 

Hamura; if you have something to say then come out and stop hiding.

Then a man in a black robe came forward and sat down next to him saying, "I believe you know the reason why I'm here Mr Shoto". Spare me the formalities Greg, you and I both know this was never going to last, Hamura said.

Greg; you were a good friend, we had several good times together, and now because of what we did, I was forced into this situation.

Hamura; Sihai put you up to this didn't she? It's about time anyway. We were both tired of the bullshit, and we both knew what was coming didn't we?

Greg; yes, you're right. Still you understand how Sihai can be, she's a devil in female flesh. However, it changes nothing, we both knew what was coming, we were young and foolish back then. But now our time has come to face the consequences of our actions. Do you have any regrets?

Hamura; if I did, I would have never done it in the 1st place, however, I just wished I didn't have a son or wife before my time came.

Greg; My sister shouldn't have had anything to do with this you know.

Hamura; you and I know that all too well, but I'm glad, soon I'll be with her again.

Greg; I'll make this quick and painless, when you see her, tell her, I'm sorry.

Hamura; I will my friend.

Then Greg with extreme speed and precision, stabbed Hamura straight in the heart killing him.

Greg as he watched the corpse of his friend with tears in his eyes; one day, the black rose shall burn in hell.

A few hours earlier, At the Wilson residence in Japan…

Tom; Boom! And now for another hit combo.

Jerry; keep dreaming, pow and for the finishing move, a double kick to the head dramatic finish!

And like that I win again!

Tom; I can't win in this game!

Jake; it's your fault for challenging him in the 1st place.

Tom; I know but… never mind I'm going to the roof.

Jerry; alright. I'm gona go get a snack.

Jake; fine, I'll get some two.

A few minutes later…

Jerry; wana bet I can climb to the roof the fastest?

Jake; you're on.

Then Jerry and Jake began slowly climbing the house, it was a slow ascend but they finally made it to the top where Tom was.

Jerry; looks like I win again, need some help?

Then Jerry grabbed Jake's arm and pulled him up.

Tom; it took you guys some time, you almost missed this sunset.

Jerry as he looked in the distance; It sure is nice isn't it?

Jake; yeah.

Jake; it sure is a good life we lead guys.

Tom; the best, may it never change.

Jerry; and may it never change us!

Briz presents…




Franciscan chapel center, (Roppongi Catholic Church)


No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me

From life's first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from His hand

'Till He returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

As this song went on, there sat Jerry with an expressionless look on his face till the sermon concluded, after which he then went to speak with the reveren about his troubles.

Reveren; ah, my son, what brings you here.

Jerry; father, for the past 3 years now, my dad has been bed ridden, and unfortunately we still haven't heard any good news about his condition, only that it's been stable all these years.

Reveren; I'm sorry to hear that my son.

Jerry; also, remember what I told you a while back?

Reveren; oh, you're talking about those 4 people you accidentally killed?

Jerry; yeah, I went back to each one, and tracked their loved ones and relatives begging for their forgiveness, 3 out of four of them forgave me after I compensated for their loss, but there is still one left, that person wont forgive me no matter how much money I gave them, how could she? I just killed the only father she had ever known, what's worse, she's an orphan now. But the worst part, is that that the person who forgives me the least is myself, it's like I don't want to be forgiven for what I did, this guilt has been eating away at me for the past 3 years, I mean, what would I do if my dad didn't survive that car accident? I don't even want to imagine how I'd feel about that driver, much less what I'd do to him, and I…

Reveren; and so, you feel like if everyone forgave you it would feel like the people you killed where left out of the conversation? That's how you feel right?

Jerry; yes. You're right.

Reveren; listen my son, in this life everyone has that one sin they carry with themselves that they cannot reveal to anyone, but to carry it with us is only our own choice, remember our father in heaven forgives all but one, you know that don't you?

Jerry; how can I not?

Reveren; so, if you wish to bear this guilt, it's your choice if to drop it, it's yours as well.

Jerry; thank you father.

Reveren; and please, feel call me Toji from now on, I believe we've seen each other enough times to be considered friends haven't we?

Jerry; I guess you're right.

Toji; Now let me pray for you before you leave…

3 years ago, I, Jeremiah Joske Wilson, defeated Con and Saved then Da-Gen clan, from total destruction, however much damage had already been done. After the attack, Da-Gen had seized almost all commercial activities in order to repair the estate and thus our stocks plummeted and rival clans and cooperation's began to rise up, we were almost crushed under the power of these organizations but thanks to the wise decisions of Yuzawa and Kurotsuchi, we were spared from such a fate, and thus after 2 years, the estate was reconstructed however, at that point, we we're barely half of the power we previously had on the world, though we we're back and running, at the state we're right now, it would take decades before we become the commercial giant we ounce were. In the meantime, I, was in high school… 

but I dropped out, so I could learn management and leadership skills from Sammy (cuz I'm basically gona be leading an entire clan soon), which made Jake really angry, but he decided stay in school in hopes of being a prosecutor one day, while Tom hasn't quite decided yet, but I'm sure he will at some point. Oh and one more thing…

Breaking news; Throughout New Heiwa, reports are coming in of random people reportedly having seizures, as well as several reports of odd supernatural phenomena happening to them, reports are saying they've seen people floating in the air, teleport right in front of them, seen people glowing with omniums purple aura as well as several reports of strange physical mutations and a huge boost in strength, speed, vitality and recovery, and it just multiplies by the second… This just in, hundreds of scientists as well as researchers from the infamous Human Advancement Project (HAP) have been dispatched to Heiwa, with the assistance of the Japanese government. We'll have more as the story develops.

[this was 2 years ago btw]

Tom at a movie theatre; *this movie is soooo boring! *

Hay, Itona, can you pass me one of those snacks you snuck in?

Itona; sure!

Rose; Darling, why did you pick this movie?

Tom; I didn't, Itona did, and I thought you wanted to watch it anyway.

Rose; oh I do, it's just that I don't enjoy it as much if you're not enjoying it.

Tom; *I regret ever coming here*

[Rose, Tom's friend since middle school, was a dark-skinned, 15-year-old girl, who had Red hair, wore a red dress and as you can tell by now, has been obsessed with Tom, and due to some certain circumstances, she is now dating him]

2 hours' later…

Itona; alright guys I'm heading out.

Tom; yeah sure, good luck.

Rose to Tom; darling, I've been thinking.

Tom; yeah, what is it?

Rose; we've been dating for 2 weeks now, and yet you haven't tried getting naughty with me even ounce.

Tom; I told you it's too soon and I'm just not ready for that yet.

Rose; common just a little bit is that too much to ask for? Just one kiss?

Tom; Uh, fine.

Then Tom gave Rose an open mouth kiss for a few seconds and then said, are you happy now? 

[he blushed a bit by the way]

Rose; …

Tom; um, are you ok?

Rose; I didn't think you would actually do it, I've been trying to get your affection for years and you just kissed me because I asked.

Tom; of course I did, we're dating after all. 

Rose; then, would you mind if I asked you to…

Tom; please don't push it or it will never happen again!

Rose; what! That's not fair!

Tom; either take it or leave it, anyway it's getting late, I'll walk you home.

Rose; fine then.

1-hour later…

Tom, who just got home; hey.

Jerry who was playing games on the console; how was your date?

Tom; don't make me start a whole dialogue.

Jerry; fine. Also, I need you meet me in my room in an hour.

Tom; what's it about?

Jerry; the reason we're here.

After hearing that, Tom said nothing else, then went, prepared something to eat, and went up to Jerry's room.

About one year ago in Heiwa…

Dave, who just came in; Boys,

Jerry and Tom; yes, Dave,

Dave; Listen, there's something I need to tell the two of you, we're moving to Japan.

Jerry; Sweet! But why? From the look on your face, it doesn't sound too good.

Dave; Listen, you two, your father's accident, wasn't an accident, someone planed for Wane to die.

Tom; What! But who?

Dave; that's what we've been trying to figure out, it seems that for now, the killers think their plan succeeded since, we haven't seen an attack since, for now Wane will be placed somewhere secure for now, we can't be too careful now can we?

Jerry; so we're hiding him for now till we find out who the killers are.

Dave; on the mark as usual Jerry. For now, we suspect that it isn't just a single person but an entire organization, the ones under suspicion are; Speedsters, the HAP, Hasashi and Black rose, you know the last one better as the Tsukuyomi clan.

Jerry; *the Tsukuyomi clan, currently it's a clan clashing with Hojo for strongest clan in the world, with might, money and assets, they're almost neck and neck, I'll try to look into them later. *

Back in the present…

Tom, in Jerry's room; Did you find out anything?

Jerry; you know the recent murder cases that have been going around lately?

Tom; Yeah, are you saying they might be connected?

Jerry; not Just connected, I think they were all done by a single organization.

Tom; you suspect it might be Black Rose?

Jerry; yep, it's comes from some of the rumours and info I've been able to pick up recently, so take it with a grain of salt.

Tom; alright then.

Jerry; also, I thought you we're still hung up over Tsubaki, what made you want to start dating?

3 years ago, Tsubaki went missing and after a thorough search, not a single trace of her was found, her house was completely burnt down, however no body was found, for more than two years Tom had been depressed and tried not to imagine the worst, however after all this time, he just gave in to his grief, he cried for a few days, but overtime got better and better, he may not be the same as before but it was still a huge improvement from before. He thought that he had accepted it…

One month earlier (before the present day) …

Tom, on a walkway outside a store; I didn't know you were here, Rose.

Rose; I just moved in yesterday.

Tom; oh well good luck then.

Rose; wait! Tom listen, it's been three years, you haven't called, texted or even replied to any of my messages.

Tom; sorry I was going through some stuff.


But still, I've missed you Tom, 

Then Rose ran and wrapped her arms around him.

Rose; listen I know you're still going through some things right now, but please! Let me help you.

Tom; how?

Rose; just give me three weeks, just three weeks with me ok.

Tom; wait, listen it's not you but I'm not interested in dating right now.

Rose; I know, you don't have to think of it that way, but please, just one chance alright.

Tom; ok, but why are you so interested in dating me though?

Rose; It's to show my parents that I can get a man by myself so they won't marry me of to some stranger I don't know.

[Lie btw]

Tom; and you picked me because I'm the only person who catches your eye? Alright then…

Rose; you mean it!

Tom; *I'm gona regret this* yes. But only as a favour ok, I'm still against this.

Then Rose looked at him, smiled and said, we'll have a date tomorrow then.

EOC [end of chapter]

This arc will mostly follow Tom's perspective for a change, however, everyone will get their chance to shine overall, so I welcome you, to the 1st volume of this novel.

Welcome to the Black rose arc