Chapter 305 - Chapter 305

[Hihihi~. That's the last time she'll try it.]

She was tempted to laugh at her friend, but it would be uncouth. What Asia needed the most was a phoenix tear to recover her reserves. In fact, she could also use a phoenix tear herself.

"Come on, Asia. Let's go see mama."




The Sun was shining brightly in the town of Kuoh. It was mid-afternoon and many students were finally released from school. Some went home and some went to spend their time at the park. The weather wasn't particularly hot and it guaranteed for a nice afternoon.

However, in a house tucked inside the forest, two lovers engaged in sensual loving, completely engrossed in each other's bodies. They hugged each other in the shared enjoyment of their intimacy.

She was under him, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around his body, trapping him in her hold. Their eyes never left each other, for they were connected intimately. Nothing needed to be said. Their eyes spoke words deeper than what could ever be conveyed verbally.

'I love you.'

These were three words so callously over-used throughout the centuries they've already lost their meaning. These words so casually treated as a joke and said to whomever whenever with a manner of whatever held a different meaning to these two.

Both were hurt in their own rights. Their unique experiences shaped them into individuals who knew what they wanted, conveyed what they meant, and acted on their intent.

'I trust you.'

In their shared union, their bond was reinforced. Love and trust were renewed like a covenant, to never be broken and to always be upheld. Their connection was stronger than any matrimonial bond, their vows stronger than any ring.

'I will nurture you.'

No grandiose ceremony was required. No guests were needed. It was just them, engaged in intimate actions. For them, what others treated casually meant much more.

Her hands moved from his shoulders to his cheeks and gently grabbed them. He complied with her non-verbal request and let her pull him towards her for a deep kiss.


Sensual, deep, full of life and passion. He was hard. She was soft. Together they complimented each other in a pleasant symphony.

'I will protect you.'

His strong arms snuck beneath her and gently picked her up. He was on his knees while she sat atop his thighs. Her legs remained firmly wrapped around him, trapping his warmth within her. His arms roamed her back, pulling her closer to him so he could feel her heat.

'I will cherish you.'

Their hearts synchronised with each other. Their lips parted and their eyes locked once more. Slow and gentle, that is how they connected with each other. The only audible sound in this room was one of applause.

'I will never abandon you.'

His gentle thrusts, her hitched breaths---her hold grew ever tighter and his arms held her up. Her head lay over his shoulders, her eyes closed in pleasure. Her hot breaths passed over his ear, igniting a fiery passion in his body.

His member penetrated deeper, and her pants turned to soft mewls of passion.


It was toe-curling pleasure. Her body felt numb, but it was a pleasant numbness. The pleasure she derived from his member was almost maddening. All sense of time was lost. All she could feel was the heat of his body, the warmth of his hold, and the tingly sensation stemming from his member entering her cavern.


Her body quivered. She didn't know how much time had passed, but she erupted in a deluge of pleasure, a pleasant orgasm that had her tightening his hold over him.

He didn't stop. She didn't want him to stop. His thrusts were steady and sent shockwaves careening through her body. She spasmed multiple times before losing all feeling in her limbs.


Her head fell limply on his shoulder. A silent moan escaped her lips when she felt his essence flood her. The feeling of it rushing deep into her womb triggered another wave of pleasure throughout her body. Her legs straightened like rods before falling limply on the bed once more.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

When she raised her head, she saw the bite mark she left on his shoulder. But more importantly…



…she saw his crimson gaze laden with carnal desire. Her breath hitched. There was something she couldn't explain, the feeling of knowing she was responsible for those eyes. She took pride in bringing out his baser desires.


She cupped his face and met his gaze with half-lidded eyes.





Dizzy, tired, and in desperate need of a bath---that was Asia's current status. Apart from the first, Akeno was also tired and wanted a bath.

The two girls finally landed on the grass with hunched backs. Their battle attire was damaged far beyond reusability. The amount of patchwork required made it easier to have new ones.

The girls tread lightly. Akeno supported Asia, slowly pulling her sister towards the door.

"Come on Asia. We're almost there."


Asia only groaned in response. The steak she had was threatening to come back the way it came in. All she wanted was a phoenix tear and a long nap.


Akeno pushed open the door and stepped into the house. The television was on and playing the European dramas she and her mother loved to watch. Nonetheless, she made her way down the passage towards the stairs at the end.

The house was eerily quiet, but it was quite normal. She sensed Aurelia, Igor, and her mother upstairs so she'd go to them.

"Can you make it up the stairs, Sia?"



It was a weak confirmation, but a confirmation nonetheless. For safety, Akeno kept her muscles ready. She was dirty enough as it is. She didn't want Asia's vomit all over her too.

"Okay. Let's go up."

She supported her up, one stair at a time. It was a bit…anti-climatic. Here they were, two individuals who could travel beyond the speed of sound, now taking ten seconds to move up a step.

It couldn't be helped. Every movement caused Asia's stomach to jiggle and gurgle. That'd teach her sister not to use such an advanced technique so soon.


As they made their way up the stairs, they'd reached the halfway point when Akeno started to smell a particular scent.

*Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff*

Her weird actions drew Asia's attention.

"What are you…doing?"

Akeno frowned in confusion and surprise.

"You don't smell that?"


Asia took a few curious sniffs herself but in the end, she shook her head.

"No. I don't smell anything weird, Akeno."


Akeno took a few more sniffs. This scent wasn't so faint Asia wouldn't be able to smell it.


She ignored it and continued trudging up the stairs. Perhaps it was due to her Fallen heritage that she was able to smell it.

[I'll ask papa when he comes to visit.]

A few minutes later, she finally made it up the stairs and trudged towards her mother's room.

[It's at its strongest here.]

She'd just passed Igor's room and knew the scent came from here. When she faced Asia, she found her friend didn't show any reactions. This sealed the deal that maybe she was the only one who could smell it.


Akeno was curious, but dared not let her senses stretch into the room. Her brother would give her a thorough beating if she did. Maybe her mother knew something?




Stirring a pot full of ingredients was a delicate process. At low temperatures, one must let the ingredients simmer, only occasionally utilising the spoon to stir the ingredients.

At moderate temperatures, the pot must be stirred routinely, yet gently. The ingredients have yet to harden so care must be taken not to break them apart and destroy the whole meal.

At higher temperatures, this was when a pot must be stirred vigorously. The spoon must constantly stir around the edges and scrape the bottom so the ingredients don't stick to the bottom. Everything must be quick and made with precise movements.

Mistakes could not be made at this stage for it was the most important. A single delay and the chances of a cooked meal coming to fruition decrease.

The higher the temperature, the more the pot would bubble. The oil would occasionally pop and splatter outside. It was important for whoever was cooking to not be phased by this. The food wasn't ready yet, but it was close!

If they let go of the spoon in fear of being burnt, all their previous efforts would've been for naught. Now was the critical stage and it was important they didn't stop.

The food was close to being cooked! The food was close to being cooked!! The food was close to being cooked!!!



Shuri collapsed on her bed with a satisfied sigh. Her chest heaved up and down as she took deep breaths. Her hand laid on her forehead. She wiped off the sweat covering her, enjoying the sweet sensation brought by her release.

She couldn't be bothered to move or think of the consequences of her actions. Her duvet would need a quick wash, but she'd clean it using magic…along with her garments.


She could fall asleep right here--

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Mama? Can we get some phoenix tears please?"





Don't mind me. I'm taking notes.