"What makes you so sure I won't just di--"
"You won't!"
When Shuri raised her head with a fierce shout, her eyes were prickled with a trace of tears. Her grip on his hand was strong and she absolutely hated how casually he treated this matter.
"You won't die. You can't!"
Once more, Igor smiled. This time however, it was gentle. He could feel her concern through her tightened grip. Her sincerity was enough to move his heart.
"Thank you, Shuri. I'll do my best…for all of us."
2000/05/09- May 17th, 2000(Wednesday), Kuoh Town, Japan
Time passed once more. It's been a week since Asia's and Akeno's first battle. The two girls became more motivated in their training, even going so far as to forsake playing around with Issei and Irina.
Igor felt like it was Christmas come early. The enthusiasm his two little sisters had made him wish to crack open a hundred bottles of beer. If it wasn't for his Aurelia asking him not to, he would've cleared out the nearest bottle store.
Since he couldn't celebrate through drinking, he did it through killing. He'd been silent for a few months so the spies became a little more daring. Perhaps a thousand murders would shrink their heads.
With the help of Cleria and Azazel, they tracked down every single spy with their sights on Kuoh. Human, Devil, Fallen, or any other race, he killed them all with no discrimination. His knowledge of geography was so good as long as he had the exact coordinates, he could teleport to a person's house and finish them off.
In one night, news of multiple deaths numbering in the hundreds made its way through the works. None were left a full corpse---all were beheaded through what seemed to be a clean sword strike. Whoever was responsible, their movements were so fast no camera caught them and no magical barriers could stop their entry.
As for the one responsible, several days had passed since the massacre and he was watching his two little treasures fighting in the skies above the forest.
Asia and Akeno remained faithful to their training and began seeing improvement in this week alone. He was not stingy with the herbs from the time chamber. Every night, he'd fill their bath water with them.
Right now, his little sisters were like blurs in the skies. Their speed made it impossible for the normal human eye to see nothing but blurred shadow figures and the outlines of shockwaves from their speed constantly breaking the sound barrier.
Igor sat on a beach chair observing their fight like a happy old man. Their fists were his fireworks and the thundering sound of their clash was music to his ears. If he had Sun Wukong's monkey wine, then it'd truly be a perfect day.
Aurelia and Shuri were in the house preparing afternoon lunch. From the smell of it, it was going to be some nice juicy steaks. Now he really wanted that wine to wash it down.
It wasn't sake, so…
Boom! …Boom! Boom! …Boom! Boom!
Amidst the distant sounds of Akeno and Asia's fight, Igor pondered whether what he was about to do was worth it.
[The monkey sage won't mind...right?]
He had to think things through carefully. He wasn't sure whether he could take on the Old Monkey in a fight yet. Maybe treading on the side of caution and perhaps visiting a normal bottle st--
*Cork Pops*
*Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug*
"Aaaaaaah~. Good wine."
Igor held a leather bottle in his hand. A coat of foam layered above his lips like a mustache. He licked it off, corked the bottle once more and gave a hearty laugh.
"Hahaha! Worth it!"
He slung the strap hooked to the bottle over his shoulder and sat on the chair once more. With a good swig in his belly, perhaps it was time to rest a bi--
*Cork Pops*
*Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug*
This wine was really good!
*Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug*
He loved how strong it was. This wine was especially made for those in the Supreme-Class so he didn't need to cancel his Kaioken or dissipate the nature energy in his body.
*Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glug* *Glu--*
"Huh? Empty already?"
Well that was disappointing. He didn't expect he'd finish it that quickly.
There was no need to hesitate.
He returned once more with three bottles of monkey wine. One of them was already uncorked with half of its contents gulped down. Igor swayed lightly, but he still managed to keep himself straight.
[Right. I forgot this thing is strong. How are you managing, old hag?]
[Heh~. Low tolerance weakling…]
Igor took a swig of the bottle once more and now, he was really starting to feel the effects. The old sage's monkey wine not only targeted the body, but also the soul. Triny was linked to him through their soul so it was no surprise she was knocked unconscious from the wine.
[Barely three litres and you're all tuckered out.]
He downed the last remnants of the bottle and stored it in his time chamber. He corked open the second bottle and took a swig of it. The Monkey Sage would probably kill him if he found out he dipped into his storage, but he didn't care.
His sisters were fighting in the skies, displaying combat competency befitting of their level. The smell of meat promised a scrumptuous lunch and now, he had very good wine to pass the time.
All in all, today was a good day.
Amidst the sounds of combat, Aurelia and Shuri stood over Igor…who was drunkenly sleeping on the deck chair like the mess he was.
Three empty wineskin bottles lay empty around him, not even a sip of wine remaining in them. He drank himself into a complete stupor. They could only be happy he didn't have any drunken episodes. Atleast the house was still intact.
"Fufufu~. I never thought Dimori-kun liked to drink."
Aurelia didn't comment on Shuri's statement. Igor wasn't an alcoholic. He was too busy to spend his days drinking. It's just…on the times he did drink, things tended to happen and anything made of concrete got free demolition. When he developed the taste? She didn't know, but she assumed it started in the Heavenly Realm.
"Let's not disturb him, Shuri-sama. It was only a false alarm."
Earlier, they'd felt Igor's presence come into being. He's usually hidden by his nature energy, but there were times when he expelled it. What made them flash towards him however was when he not also lost his Kaioken, but his breath and energy fluctuations labelled him as 'unconscious'.
When they flashed to him, they thought it was a soul-invasion or some other attack. Never did they imagine…this.
"Ara ara~. He looks so cute like this. I could just gobble him up~."
"Shuri-sama. Please carry yourself with a bit more restraint."
"Ah? Compared to you, I still have much to learn, Aurelia-chan~."
For her own sanity and dignity, Aurelia chose to remain silent. She was almost thirty years older than Shuri, yet she couldn't compete with her in the game of teasing. She had to keep her eye out for any slip-ups Shuri might commit in the future. That should level the playing fie--
All of a sudden, Aurelia felt her lips were sealed by another pair. Her eyes went wide open, her body frozen in complete shock and surprise. The movement was so fast she barel--no, didn't have the time to react.
However, upon seeing that speck of blonde hair and feeling that familiar sensation, her body automatically relaxed. Her eyes narrowed before eventually closing. She surrendered herself to his embrace, enjoying the feeling of his rough, calloused hands on the back of her head.
His tongue roamed her insides. She could taste the remnants of alcohol from him. It…wasn't bad--
He pulled away before she could fully submerge herself into this feeling. It left her unwilling and unfulfilled. If it wasn't for Shuri who was close by, she'd have taken matters into her own hands.
"Sister! You smell really nice today."
In the midst of smelling his hands, his eyes were inadvertently drawn to Shuri's chest.
"Shuri! Your! …what's that line called again? Uh…uh…--ah, fuck it! That line between your chest---cover it up, goddamnit!"
Unrestrained---that was Igor whenever he was drunk. Any and all thoughts he has, be they intrusive or not, will directly parse to his mouth. To those who knew him, when he was drunk, he reverted back to the Igor of '94 with extra steps.
"Ara ara~."
Compared to Aurelia who was turning red in the face, Shuri took the initiative to close the distance between them.
"Such a daring proclamation, Dimori-kun."
"Bah! If I said it, I meant it. Here. Take my coat. I don't want those bastard gods looking at you."
Igor took off his coat, revealing his vigorously trained upper body. For a moment, Shuri was dazed and subconsciously swallowed her saliva. His muscled chest, his chiselled abdomen, his broad shoulders, his veiny arms…it was too exciting!
Igor's constant reliance on scent is ringing some warning bells for me. Does he have a smell fetish or is his sense of smell just that good? Perhaps it's the latter because the guy can identify and verify your identity through scent alone. Perhaps he can smell the pheromones Aurelia releases whenever she's…ready.
It's kinda odd she just thought back to that 'easy access' memory and a few moments after, Igor's on her. Maybe it's…you know what? I won't think upon it further. These two are perverts. He has a smell fetish. She has a 'public' fetish. That's my prognosis until otherwise.
End of story and until the next chapter.