Chapter 297 - Chapter 297

In order to combat that, he should arrange a scenario where they'd face immense danger. Perhaps that would ignite their desire. Still, maybe that was too mu--

"Let's put laxatives in nii-chan's food."


On second that, maybe he should let the danger come to them. They'd be too occupied with training to think of stupid things like this.




Asia and Akeno were celebrities in the supernatural world…for the wrong reasons. The last he heard from Azazel, their information was requested by the dozens each week.

It wasn't just Igor who knew they were valuable targets, but several other forces. No matter how many he killed, there were still eyes stationed several dozen, or even hundreds of kilometres around Kuoh.

They'd learnt not to attempt infiltrating the town, but passively keep their eyes on any movement through traditional non-magical methods.

Hackers were paid to hack the security cameras of Kuoh. Network service providers were paid to monitor phone calls. Animals like crows were trained to recognise their pictures and report on their location. People were doing all they could to monitor the most valuable duo without incurring their protector's wrath.

Asia and Akeno were under the protection of the Shinto Pantheon and the Strongest Aryan who has ties with the Hindu Pantheon. Such powerful backers would undoubtedly deter many, but not all.

Igor was not sure how, but near the end of their first session, he sensed some energy signatures observe them from hundreds of kilometres away. These 'eyes' were the main reason he called an end to the training session.

His initial instinct was to come out and kill them, but he decided to use these random scrubs as life lessons.

After his intentionally misleading words, his sudden disappearance caused these forces to swoop in. His golden gaze was aware of every single one of them. In his Origin State, not only was Igor's perception dramatically enhanced, the nature energy coursing through his body literally blended him in with nature, making him nigh-imperceivable to many sensory techniques.

These assassins, kidnappers, or whatever else they may be were only Mid-Class in power, the perfect training dummies. There were six of them: three humans and three devils.

Perhaps they feared he would sense any Ultimate-Class sent to abduct the children and they didn't want to take risks even with a High-Class.

They were wearing the exact same equipment Eunice Gremory wore when she listened in on their meeting a long time ago. They must've figured Eunice's strength as an Ultimate-Class was what gave her away.

It was unfortunate their information was severely outdated. Even without his Origin Mode, he'd be able to sense their lifeforce from dozens upon dozens of kilometres away.

Since he'd use them to test his sisters, he might as well find whoever is behind this whole thing.




{Reporting: Targets are in sight. Threat has left the scene. Preparing to move in for capture.}

{Report received. Move in for target capture and exfiltration. Targets are Himejima Akeno and Argento Asia.}

{Instructions received. Requesting permission to utilise Mach 50 for swift target retrieval.}

{Permission denied. Mach 50 releases energy output above accepted stealth levels. Clearance for this operation is limited to Mach 29.}

{Knowledge received. Requesting permission to utilise Mach 29 for swift target retrieval.}

{Permission Granted. Request for Mach 29 usage has been logged. Communication systems will be cut off upon no further requests in ten seconds.}

Underneath the waters, a highly skilled team of six individuals were swiftly moving towards the duo. Faint runes glowed on their black skin-tight body suits, preventing shockwaves and other factors associated with moving at such speeds.

Their faces were covered by the suit, making them appear like black mannequins without distinct facial features. They shot through the waters at breakneck speeds, covering dozens upon dozens of kilometres in seconds.

This was an elite team designed to capture the siblings of the Underworld's biggest threat. Igor von Dimori was too powerful to be controlled or eliminated. Aurelia von Drachenburg could not be eliminated in a short span of time. Shuri Himejima was also a target that could not be eliminated or captured before the arrival of reinforcements.

The only viable solutions were Asia Argentio and Akeno Himejima. The only problem was Igor constantly hovering over them…until today.

This was a momentous chance, a chance to possibly gain control over an entity that could potentially claim the third spot as the strongest behind Great Red and Ophis.

Their bodies 'glided' in the waters, the seconds passing as they reduced the distance. They had to be quick. Asia and Akeno were kids, but they dared not underestimate those two.

There was less than a hundred kilometres, a distance they would close in just a few seconds. There was complete silence between them. Everyone had an understanding of what to do.

Capture, paralyse, and escape. No one had any qualms breaking a child's spine. That could be healed with a phoenix tear.




[Hmmm. They won't be able to react to this.]

Time had slowed down to an almost complete stop around Igor. His calm gaze was currently thinking of ways to indirectly warn Akeno and Asia of the impending threat.

[If I send a voice transmission to Akeno, she won't fight desperately since she knows I'm there. I also can't spook the assassins into retreating. If I show my face, they'll try to escape or commit suicide trying to.]

This was the perfect opportunity to train his little sisters. They knew he would never hurt them…too much, and that diminished their sense of danger. He needed to bring it to sky-high levels so when he's gone, they wouldn't even deign try to escape Kuoh.

[Those are runes on their suits. They're quite complex. Let's see…should I cause a malfunction?]

Runes were a series of words chained together to create a magical effect. If he just so happened to temporarily cut off a part of the chain, a temporary surge of uncontrolled energy would result in a minor explosion.

It would injure the person and conversely, alert Asia and Akeno of unexpected arrivals.

[If they can't figure this out, I'll give them a beating for being naive.]


He appeared behind one of the six figures and grabbed their leg. To him, the world was still and all of them were like statues. He channelled a bit of his energy into the person's and let the fireworks play out.


As the world returned to normal, a small explosion of energy happened.



The man's screams were cut short as his body quite literally, ruptured from the inside out. The sudden deceleration from travelling almost 35,000km/h to a measly 300km/h unleashed a blinding pain that knocked him unconscious and dangerously close to death.

The suit's high tensile strength meant no blood leaked through it. Igor only disrupted the rune chains related to speed and stability, but did not interfere with other rune chains, namely the one related to absorbing the energy created from moving at such high speeds.

The man's sudden state stunned the other operatives, but four quickly rushed onwards while one turned around. The rupture of a rune chain would release a small explosion of magical energy and there was no doubt the girls would notice it.

At this point, they could only blame the suit for being faulty and quickly apprehend the girls. Failure was not an option!




Akeno and Asia were flying towards the shoreline. To be accurate, Akeno was the one flying. Asia had taken to running on the water's surface.


The waves behind her were over twice her height and spread from her in a 'V' formation. The impact of her little feet constantly hitting the ocean's surface sent high splashes that sprayed Akeno across the face, but the little blonde didn't care.

Her arms were spread wide. Her bare feet treated the water's surface like land and the waves like dunes. It took immense mana control and a strong physique to freely run on the water's surface like Asia was doing.

"Come on, Akeno~. Run with me!"

Compared to the exuberant Asia, Akeno felt a bit insecure. Since Igor wasn't here, she didn't feel safe without his presence nearby. Something about being alone like this unnerved her greatly.

"Come on, Asia. Stop playing around already and fly."

They were already travelling at speeds comparable to supercars, but flying was faster…much faster.

"Hihihi~. Stop complaining and run with me, Ake--"


Akeno silenced Asia and looked around vigilantly. Just now, she felt a spike of energy from seventy-kilometres away by her estimate. She didn't know what it was, but all she knew was she felt this tingling sensation in the back of her neck.

'Remember, you two. Learn to trust your instincts. Rather err on the side of caution than casually dismiss something. Many people have died because they chose to ignore their instincts.'

Akeno remembered Igor's words clearly. The tingling feeling in the back of her neck was getting stronger. Rather than pointlessly ponder, she'd rather mistakenly kill thousands of ocean life than risk being sneak-attacked.

"Asia! JUMP!"

A massive magic circle appeared beneath her feet and a second smaller one on her hands.

'If you ever feel you're in danger, don't hesitate to release your strongest attack, even if you're in a public area. I'd rather attend a hundred funerals than attend yours.'






'I'd rather attend a hundred funerals than attend yours.'. I think this quote is cold as hell, until I remember I'd also be collateral damage.

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