Chapter 279 - Chapter 279

With a touch of a finger, the tentacles covering Igor instantly spread across his whole body, dying his skin black in its entirety. His aura fizzled out like a candle flame under a bucket of water. No resistance could be mustered, no curses could be uttered.

In one swell swoop, Triny successfully restrained him. He may have failed today, but failure was only the prelude to success.




Nature energy is a neutral power that can be found wherever there is life. To whoever decides to wield it, nature energy will affect their mentality to a certain extent depending not only on its purity, but also on the wielder.

Tainted nature energy inspires anger and malevolence. The desire to destroy is seared into the user's blood as long as the energy in its tainted form exists in the wielder's body.

The same could also be said for pure nature energy. However in its case, it inspires feelings of peace and neutrality. Under the baptism of pure nature energy, the wielder's indifference to all life is increased. The opposite could also happen depending on the user's initial mentality.

What was true about both aspects of nature energy however, was the effects would only last as long as nature energy continues to course through the body. Without it, whether it be rage or indifference, all of it would vanish.

This aspect is what Igor failed to account for. As one who had been under the baptism of pure nature energy for months, he made the crucial error of associating his state of mind as something of his own conjuration and will, not a side-effect of nature energy.

When he let the nature energy in his body disperse, his ability to calmly suppress his instincts dispersed along with it.

Normally, he should've been able to feel the changes to his state of mind, but he was blinded by confidence, so much so he failed to pay attention until the last step.

The only fortunate outcome from all of this was Triny's interference. Unfortunate lessons from the past taught him to place fail-safes for 'just in case' scenarios.

In her true form, Triny would be able to suppress him should his plan go awry, and it did go awry. Were it not for her strength, he might've descended into madness and fallen to consequences unknown.

Now, a few hours had passed since his failure. Igor was currently awake. The blonde sat outside on the steps with a somewhat dazed expression on his face. His hands cupped his cheeks, his eyes staring listlessly into the depths of the time chamber.

[What am I doing wrong?]

It was a question he's been asking himself repeatedly. Everything was going to plan right up until that moment.

[I lost my sense of reason and became a mad dog.]

He frowned in thought. Right now, there was no nature energy flowing in his body nor did he have his Kaioken activated. He bore no weights nor had any fatigue. He suffered no hunger nor ailment of any kind.

In his complete base state, he was at his absolute peak. His mental clarity was as clear as glass. As far as he could feel, there was nothing wrong nor was there any lingering aggression.

[I didn't keep my Kaioken active for an entire month. I did not engage in fights and I did not train. So why did I fall so easily?]

He had no resentment that could sprout like a seed and cause him to become mad. His parents' death? His brother's death? Shuri's death? He no longer had resentment or any negative emotions. The people he hated were all dead by his hands.

He had a new family that loved him. He had a best friend who he'd bonded with over the holy book of Dragon Ball. He had a wonderful woman by his side and a world-destroying entity as his partner to boot. He was living the life goddamnit!

So where did this anger come from? It didn't make sense!

[No. Maybe I'm going about all of this the wrong way.]

Igor stood up with his arms folded against his chest. His expression was locked in a contemplative frown as he aimlessly walked around.

[What if what I'm feeling isn't repressed anger?]

Igor silently recalled the memories of himself wielding his full power.

[When I'm in that state, my biggest desire is to fight.]

He walked around in further ponderment for dozens of minutes. His eyes were closed, his fingers scratching his nonexistent beard in further thought. He tried to think of why he becomes a murder junkie upon assuming that state, but he came up empty at every turn.

[Could it be that's all it is? Is fighting just my baser desire?]

For Igor, he slowly felt as if a curtain was being pulled from his eyes. It was a budding realisation caused by a random thought, but the possibility made it all the more feasible.

[Maybe that's the answer!]

He stopped walking and looked up with a brief flash of enlightenment.

[That has to be the answer!]

Previously, Igor thought his desire to fight was his desire to lash out against the world in rage. To put it in embarrassing terms, he saw it as his way of venting and throwing a tantrum…by using blood as water to rinse his face and corpses as tissues to wipe his eyes.

But now, what if it was his baser instinct? Everyone has baser instincts or actions they perform when their mental acuity degrades beyond a certain level.

Some act like beasts, some rape, some eat like gluttons or become mischievous, and so on. What if his baser desire just so happened to be a natural instinct was to fight?

[It makes sense!]

In fact, now that Igor truly took the time to think about it, it would make perfect sense. The notion alone opened up a box of clarity that enlightened him further.

[When I'm using my full power, my brain can't manage all that amount of energy without sacrificing something. So I lose not only my sight, but my mental acuity.]

For normal transformations, this type of thing wouldn't matter. But his Demigod State was much like the Kaioken in terms that it also heightened his emotions. Without his brain having enough resources, time, and power to manage them, he'd become unrestrained like a child who grew up without whoopings.

[Well…atleast it's not rape. That'd be embarrassing.]

He chuckled lightly at the thought, but Igor was now very sure of his idea. It was weird that his inner inhibition manifested itself as a desire to fight and kill, but atleast he didn't become a sex-crazed freak.

"Alright! I know what to do. I'll have to ask the old hag again for help."




A few moments prior…


Triny watched Igor silently ponder to himself. He was so out of it he didn't even sense her nor hear the door opening. She held a glass of water in her hand, yet she didn't go and deliver it to him.

[He's been sitting there for over two hours now.]

She was worried about him. His emotions of anxiousness and confusion were transferred to her in great clarity. The first thing he did upon waking up was thank her before decisively coming to sit on the front steps.

She couldn't read his mind, atleast not without him knowing, but she didn't need to to know he was searching for a solution. Unfortunately for this matter, she couldn't help him. This situation was unique to him as far as she knew. Not a single one of her previous hosts came across this issue.

[I hope he'll find a solution.]

She knew of his efforts to become stronger for his family. His motivations were pure and undisguised. She believed in his ability to pull through and what do you know? He did.

Like clockwork, it seemed he did find a solution. The confusion she felt from him slowly decreased in intensity when he stood up.

He walked around with no sense of direction, but his budding excitement told her he saw a new path.

[I guess he won't need this anymore.]

She turned around and went back into the kitchen. Knowing how he was, she was sure he'd come up with some new outrageous method. But she'd still help him without hesitation for it was the least she could do for her savior-

"Alright! I know what to do. I'll have to ask the old hag again for help."


All her good feelings were washed away like concentration under the smell of a fart.


"Huh?! Wait!"

She stormed away into the kitchen. To think she actually thought he was good.
